
Saturday, February 21, 2015

LEGO Justice League Vs Bizarro League Blu-ray Giveaway

Lego fans wait no more! LEGO: DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League vs. Bizarro League is here along with an awesome Bizarro name-generator app and exclusive Digital Trading Cards!

Batman has joined the newly formed Justice League in order to keep tabs on Superman, a mistrust that is complicated by Superman’s clumsy – but well-meaning – clone, Bizarro. Bizarro’s creation of the Bizarro League has caused confusion amongst the world’s greatest Super Heroes, but an even greater and mysterious threat may force the Justice League and Bizarro League to band together to defeat evil.


Available NOW on Blu-ray+DVD+Digital HD UltraViolet Combo Pack+Batzarro LEGO minifigure

Type in your name to reveal your Bizarro alter-ego - If you don’t like your name, press the refresh button or try again!

One lucky Marsha's Spot reader will win the prizes below! Just enter using the rafflecopter form below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I am working with Warner Home Video and they supplied these materials to me for the purpose of this post and are providing the prizes.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Frugal Friday with Marsha --Week in Review

This week has been about as busy as last week!  I need a slow down.

I wrote a couple of bubblews posts pertaining to being frugal:
Cancelled my Club Pogo Subscription  and  Supper 2/19/15

$5.99 a month may sound like frugal computer entertainment, but it's not frugal if you aren't actually spending time playing the games.
$3.60 for our supper foods last night is very frugal.
I hope you will click over to read more.  Both will open in new windows.
Here is a picture of my supper plate though:

Gasoline is holding steady at $2.19 a gallon.   I still wish it was under $2 a gallon like it was for awhile, but still can't complain after prices we have seen in the past. 

I'm still working on crocheting the pink washcloths and working on the pink hexagons.   I bought the yarn at a yard sale and the hexagons fabrics were given to me.   I love that I rarely buy any materials new and that I have about 10 years worth of projects that can be done right now.
The fact is that the only thing I should have to buy in those 10 years is some needles for my sewing machine and blades for my rotary cutter.   I seriously have collected so much fabric and other things either by buying at yard sales and thrift stores, or that has been given to me, that I can work all day every day for many years. (Now if I would just get in to my sewing/craft room and organize it all!)

Still working here and there are eliminating clutter and organizing.  There is a lot to be said about the saying "less is more".  Even going back to the cleaning and organizing of my sewing room, I have lots of things in there also that I will never use.  I wonder if next Friday I can tell you that I've been working in there?

I Love Being Frugal Postcards
I Love Being Frugal Postcards by giftshirt
Browse I heart frugal Postcards online at

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Writer's Unite --2/19/15

This week I've been trying to figure out how to use instagram.
So far I've found that it's called instagram because you have to share a photo that you are taking at the least as far as I can tell.
I see that hashtags are used.
I guess you can only post to instagram from a smart device.
Here is what I am wondering----is there any way to say, post this blog post there with the link to it?

I am high hopes that some of my readers this week will have tutorial type posts that they have written to share in the linky.  Of course if you don't, feel free to share whatever posts you would like.

If you are on instagram, my profile link is
I only have 2 pictures up so far while I am trying to figure it out.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

WIP Wednesday 2/18/15

Last Friday evening was the monthly sit n' sew at the quilt shop.  My project to work on there until it's done is my fractured pineapple quilt.  I'm pleased with what I got done.  I cut my black sashing.   I quilted 2 of the blocks and put on the sashing as I was anxious to get a look at what that's going to look like.   I then put 2 more pieces of fabric on each of the 15 blocks that I am working all at once.

I'm still working on making pink washcloths with the cone of pink cotton yarn.  My goal is to finish the cone up before this month is over.  I have 9 made from it so far and working on the 10th.
I did put re-binding the blue and peach quilt in my OPAM 2015 list (see sidebar), but I want the washcloths to be my main finished project for this month.

I was able to get in some working time on the pink hexagons that are my pink for the soscrappy challenge in February (see button at the bottom of my post).  I will also be working on these at my needlers group this afternoon.  I'm trying to do a pattern on this one over just random.

I'm happy that I got this much done considering how busy I've been outside of the house.  Outside sewing groups really help me!


Rectangle quilt
challenge wall hanging
GoodNight Irene quilt/wall hanging
Yo-Yo Table runner
Emerald Island Fusique table runner
Five and Dime quilt
Fractured Pineapple quilt
Charming Stars quilt
Brown half square triangle quilt
5 sets of doll blanket, pillows and rug
Hexagon flower table runner
Blue hexagon table topper
Pink hexagon table topper

2015 Finishes:

Locker Hook Rug
re-do binding on blue and peach patchwork

I am linking up with the following blogs:
WIP Wednesday at Freshly PiecedWIPs on Wednesdays
RSC 15

Monday, February 16, 2015

All Business Monday--My Week in Review

This past week has been so crazy.  I feel like I've been away from the house more than I've been here.  This week is full and will be the same way.

I have still been getting in posts on bubblews, most days still managing to write 3 posts.

Past my monthly night out at the quilt shop for sit n' sew, I barely got any crafts worked on.  At sit n' sew I worked on my fractured pineapple quilt, but it has many months to go before it's done as my sit n' sew project.  Last night I got some work done on crocheting the pink cotton washcloths/dishcloths.

I put a new book up for sale in my book store.

The picture in my post represents that I finally got busy and got all of the Box Tops For Education that were laying around on my desk and in the kitchen cut, and some listed up over on listia.
Listia is not a money earner, although you can win gift cards in the auctions.  It's a great way to get rid of things you don't need or want, and earn points to get things that you can use.
I like to list items that will only cost me one stamp to mail.  I've sold several sets of bookmarks that I've made, but my main thing to list is the Box Tops for Education.  I generally earn well over 1000 points for them, but for some reason my first listing for the week (linked above) ends in 2 days and still has no bids.   I put up a second listing yesterday for more of them.
Over the years I have gotten so many things from listia--small toys and things to fill church bag for 4 grandchildren, fabric, thread, yard, CD's, DVD's, and coupons.

I look forward to what I can accomplish this week even though I will be so busy!
How was your week?