
Friday, November 21, 2014

Frugal Friday with Marsha-- Craft Gifts for the Children

This week I am writing about some of the different things that I've made for the grandchildren.  I have shared some of what I've given them, as well as all of the pillowcases last week.

This baby set I found in the One-Yard Wonders
book.   I had never made anything like this.  A lady at church helped me when I couldn't quite understand the instructions.  Since then I have made lots of the bibs.  The lighter colored bib is an extra to the set.  The set was made for Zelda when she was born.

One year, the granddaughters, Ariel, Willo, and Araya all received a doll quilt and plarn jewelry from me for their birthdays.   The plarn bracelet and necklace are laying on the doll quilt.

This little Minnie Mouse hat was also crochted for Zelda as a newborn.  It was so small that she only got to wear it like 2 days, literally.   It was might cute through!

This sock family went to Jacob for his first Christmas.  I actually got the idea from the church nursery as there were some in the toy box.      I have well over 200 mismatched socks in bags, plus I have plenty of stuffing.  It's time to start making a LOT more of these.   I do plan on making a family for Killian this year.

 This cute little cat with it's blanket was made from the Crafty Creatures
book and was a gift for Zelda this past Christmas.   She loved it!  It was so so cute.  There are lots of creatures in the book that I yet want to make.

That's it for this week.  Since Thanksgiving is upon us, I want to wish you a
Happy Thanksgiving Postcard
Happy Thanksgiving Postcard by touchministry
Find other Happy Postcards at

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Writer's Unite--11/20/14

Curiously I decided to search Writer's Unite instead of just coming to my blog.  Sadly, my blog wasn't shown even on page 12 of the search.   I do put writers unite as a tag.   Suggestions on other tags so that it will show up?
I should have searched BEFORE choosing a name since there are already tons of Writer's Unite websites and social media groups!

I have 2 open days each week where I don't have a regular weekly post.  That's Tuesday and Saturday.  Why can't I get in to the habit of writing posts on those days?  Tuesday is a busy day for me, but I have no excuse for Saturday.  Saturday is generally the day that I actually don't have somewhere to be away from home.
I need to work on this!

I would like to throw a reminder out that I have linky's to share your work in my Super Sunday Review posts, All Business Monday posts, and my Frugal Friday posts.   Those are specific---share your review posts on Sunday, Business type posts on Monday, and frugal type posts on Friday.
Writer's Unite is anything goes---whatever posts you choose to share.

Just a heads up---since next Thursday is Thanksgiving, there won't be a weekly Writer's Unite post.  I will be busy ALL day with family as I suspect many of you will be.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

WIP Wednesday 11/19/14

So many projects!  So little time!    I don't want to do anything but just sit and sew.  Other things get in the way.

Friday evening was sit n' sew at the quilt shop.  I finished 7 more Christmas bags.  Just 10 more to get made to use in my gift giving.

I squared up a couple hundred (so it seems) smaller 4 patches.

I didn't get in much work on my light blue hexagons for the soscrappy challenge, but did get a little done.

My biggest work in progress right now is inventorying my crafts and getting things listed in my shops online.  I still have an over flowing tote of things that aren't listed yet, but if you are interested, you can find my shops here:

Marsha's Spot on Etsy
Marsha's Spot on Zibbet
Marsha's Spot on Shophandmade

Here is my current list of UFO's:
Rectangle quilt
challenge wall hanging
GoodNight Irene quilt/wall hanging
Yo-Yo Table runner
Emerald Island Fusique table runner
Five and Dime quilt
Fractured Pineapple quilt
Christmas bags (total of at least 25) (15 done)
Charming Stars quilt
Brown half square triangle quilt
? sets of doll blanket, pillows and rug
Hexagon flower table runner
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer quilt

I am linking up with the following blogs:
 WIP Wednesday at Freshly PiecedWIPs on Wednesdays

Monday, November 17, 2014

All Business Monday--Shop Hand Made

This week I am highlighting Shop handmade.
It's like etsy where you can list your hand made items, supplies and vintage items.
One difference is that shop handmade it totally fee free.
Another difference is that your items don't expire.  They stay listed until sold, or you delete them.  I do like this feature.
Another difference though seems to be promotion.  There are the usual social sharing options, but they don't offer any pre-made banners.
 I need to work on making my own banner for various web advertising.

When you go to the main page of shop handmade and look at the bottom, there are nice widgets for recently updated stores.  I wish we had a code to put that widget on our own pages.  

I will be adding a lot more to my store as well as start to do a lot more promoting of it.  I have yet to sell anything there, but I feel it's more lack of promotion than anything else.

Here are a few of the items I do have listed in my store:

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Super Sunday Reviews --Will It Waffle?

I attended a Test Kitchen event last night at our local Bluebird Bookstore. I couldn't help but want to buy this cookbook---Will it Waffle? Yes, it will! by Daniel Shumski

We were served the Toasted Cheese Wavioli. That isn't what sold me on the cookbook. It was looking through it after the taste event and seeing several foods that looked too good not to try.

There are 53 recipes included and I can't wait to try lots of them!
Just some of the ones I want to try are:
Crispy Waffled Bacon and Eggs
Waffled Hash Browns
Truffled Eggs
Waffled Macaroni and Cheese and

I could take up half a page with all of the recipes that I want to try. While reviewing, there are recipes that I won't have anything to do with as well. This doesn't have anything to do with the recipe itself, but foods that I don't, or won't eat. These include the recipes for mushrooms, calamari, crab and such.

Our waffle maker hasn't left the top shelf or it's box since we bought this house 3 1/2 years ago. With Will It Waffle? I have a feeling it won't ever be put back on that high shelf!