
Friday, September 12, 2014

Frugal Friday with Marsha -- Tuna Casserole

This week's frugal recipe share is tuna casserole.
This is the tuna casserole that my mom always served us when we were growing up. I didn’t know that there even was a different tuna casserole until well into my adulthood.

It’s not what you are used to for sure. Our whole family really likes it, even though we really aren’t that fond of tuna. In fact, I’ve had company over a few times while I was fixing it. They were unsure about my invite to stay for supper when they heard that I was making tuna casserole. Once they tasted it, they were hooked.

A very frugal main dish!

This is a photo that I took the last time I fixed it for supper. Fresh out of the oven with melted butter on top.

Tuna Casserole

Simple and cheap and this is a family favorite for sure!!

1-6 oz. can tuna-drained
16 saltine crackers-crushed
2 eggs
1/2 cup milk

Mix together, pour into a greased baking dish. Bake at 350ยบ for 30 minutes. Serves 3-4. ( mom says 8 minutes in the microwave for single batch and 15 minutes for double batch, but in the microwave the edges get hard)

I like to put margarine over the top to melt right as it comes out of the oven. We usually always serve this with canned carrots and pineapple.

Is that easy or what? And, I am telling you, no one around here can ever get enough and company has always raved about it. When we make this we have to at least double the recipe if not triple it.

This dish is the perfect size for making the tuna casserole:

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Writer's Unite Weekly Link Up 9/11/14

Welcome to another week of Writer's Unite.
I'm seeing a lot of writing going on in the various facebook groups.
Some of you are busily updating your lenses that were transferred to hubpages.  Some of you are creating new blogs and blog posts.  Some of you are writing away on bubblews or other writing platforms.
Let's see what you have been up to both new and old!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

WIP Wednesday 9/10/14

I think I lost last week somewhere along the way.  I've been so super busy with things outside the home.

I did make the decision to make a Halloween table topper/wall hanging with the Halloween fabrics for the orange challenge over on the soscrappy blog.  (See button at the bottom of my post)
I have a crochet order to work on, but I still hope to have this done by this time next week.

Yesterday was sewing club day at church so I worked on my larger 4 patch squares.  I can see this taking a few more months to get them all made and then put together.
This is what I came up with to sew together for a child's quilt.

Here is my UFO list although it doesn't truly include everything such as the hexagons above, or any hexagons since I'm not sure what I am going to end up doing with them.


Rectangle quilt
challenge wall hanging
GoodNight Irene quilt/wall hanging
Yo-Yo Table runner
Emerald Island Fusique table runner
Five and Dime quilt
34 Hot Pads
Christmas bags (total of at least 25)

Terry's Treasures has started a new sew along that I am going to take part in and need to get started on!

I am linking up with the following blogs:
WIP Wednesday at Freshly PiecedWIPs on Wednesdays