
Friday, October 5, 2012

Frugal Friday Link Up--10/5/12

First let me apologize for missing last Friday. Crazy days with 5 grandchildren staying with us! I'm sure glad their mother will be home Monday.

We've been doing great making good with what foods we had in the house---minus Wednesday night when we decided to get pizza from Pizza Hut. The older kids were eating there for youth group, so we decided to use the carry out coupon to get 2 medium 1 topping pizzas for $10. I have to admit that it was darn good! Even better that I had a night of rest from cooking and dishes. Sometimes we just need that. Lately, I think I need that all the time LOL

I stocked us on Dr. Pepper for the week by stopping at Dollar General. They had 12 packs on sale for 3 for $10. I used 3-$1 coupons. I also bought a gallon of milk. I found out that milk is cheaper there than at the grocery store when it's not on sale. I'm going to have to remember that. $11.86 was my total for 3-12 packs and a gallon of milk. (No, buying Dr. Pepper isn't frugal, but it's what we drink so I do try to find it as cheap as possible)
I also was able to re-stock the Cheerios. It's on sale this week 4 for $10. I used 4-.50 coupons which were doubled to $1, and got a free gallon of milk for buying the 4 cereals. $6.64 was my total for 4 boxes of cereal and a gallon of milk.

This week I am sharing uses for Epsom salt from the 99 Cent Solutions book:

1. Salt your bathwater. Add 2 cups of Epsom salt to a tub filled with warm water, soak for a few minutes, then finish by rubbing additional salt on the rough spots. It will get rid of rough patches of skin.

2. Prevent foot odor. Add 2 cups of Epsom salt to a bucket or tub and soak your feet twice a day, 15 minutes each time. Your feet will sweat less and smell less. (Going to have to make hubby give this a try! LOL)

3. Check poison ivy. Soak in a tub of warm water to dry out the rash of poison ivy. Check the label for soaking instructions.

4. Stop splinters. Make a paste with Epsom salt and water and apply it to the area where the splinter is. It will pull the splinter out in about 10 minutes. This also works for insect stingers as well.

5. Healthier roses. Sprinkle half a cut of Epsom salt around the base of your rose bush in spring and fall for healthier roses. After the leaves appear and again after the roses appear, spray them with a mixture of 1 tablespoon Epsom salt per gallon of water. Gardeners swear by it!

6. Get rid of raccoons. Sprinkle a few tablespoons of Epsom salt around your trash cans to drive away raccoons. Remember to do it again after each rain.

Now it's your turn to share!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Squidoo Hopping--This Week is Lowest Ranking

I've really "backslid" over the past month or so with squidoo. There have just been so many things that have taken me away from the house and my computer for so long. This past 2 weeks it's been taking care of 5 grandchildren while my daughter works out of state. Whew!

I did get in some updating of lenses just yesterday and noticed 2 lenses on the verge of going into WIP status. This morning one of those has. The second one up is only 185 away from WIP.

This has prompted me to use the facebook group theme for this week of lowest ranking lens. I would love it if you would share your 1 or 2 lowest ranking lenses in this week's linky.

Please also share any blog posts you have done where squidoo is mentioned. Thanks!