
Friday, September 21, 2012

Soft Scrub Total--Review/Sweepstakes/Giveaway!

I was given the opportunity to try the new household cleaners from Soft Scrub: Soft Scrub Total All Purpose cleaner with bleach and Soft Scrub Total Bath and Bowl cleaner.

Let's start with the All Purpose cleaner.  Below are before and after pictures of my stove.  Let's just say, as you can tell by the photo, that we have messy cooks in this house.  Let me also add that we have been away from home so much that cleaning the stove has been neglected.

I was in hopes that the Total All Purpose cleaner would cut right through the gunk and take it right off.  That didn't happen.  I sprayed it again and let it soak.  I did have to use some elbow grease.  

With that, I want to say that I have used it since and it does take new stuff right off.  The other stuff had been baked on and cooked on.   All in all, I really like using it.

  After: (Yes, I had started supper cooking)
Now let's talk about the Soft Scrub Total Bath and Bowl cleaner.  I loved loved loved it!

I probably don't have to mention that the bathtub had also been on the neglected side with us gone so much.  I sprayed around the tub and it wiped right off!  I didn't have to put in any elbow grease at all on the tub.  I also used it to clean the toilet.
(This is a good time to mention that you can choose to spray it or foam it.  Also, it sprays with the bottle upside down!)

Bathtub before:   
Bathtub after:
I will be purchasing these products in the future.

Soft Scrub is hosting a Tough & Gentle Sweepstakes right now.  One lucky winner will receive $1000.  50 lucky winners will each receive $40 in gift cards!  You can click the sweepstakes icon at the top of this post to enter.  Good luck!

Would you like a chance to try one of these great new household cleaners free?   I am giving away a free coupon to 3 of my lucky readers who enter using the rafflecopter form below.

Disclaimer:  Soft Scrub provided me with bottle of their Total All-Purpose and Bath and Bowl cleaners for the purpose of this review.  They also provided the coupons that I am giving away to my readers.  I was not compensated in any other way and all opinions of the products are my own.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Frugal Friday Link Up--9/21/12

The state fair is over and we made it through. My daughter has bought some sensible things with some of her earnings--such as clothing and accessories. Now she just needs to clean out her closet and such of clothes she's not worn in ages.
She also bought some not so sensible items---3 Hermit Crabs and their accessories. She's wanted the for years though, so spending the money she earned is good for her.

I'm working on de-cluttering both in the house and in the garage. I'm currently posting things up for sale on our local facebook group for selling. I'm hoping to make some extra money along with some extra space.

This week I am sharing 4 uses for emery boards from the 99 Cent Solutions book:

1. Erase the eraser. Rub away smudges and scuffs on your pencil eraser with an emery board. Lightly rub it over the eraser until the marks are gone.

2. File seeds before planting. Rub off the hard coating on seeds using an emery board before you put them in to the ground. They will absorb moisture better and get a head start sprouting.

3. Steam away stains on suede. Rub the stain on those suede shoes, or your suede jacket by rubbing it gently with the fine side of an emery board. Hold the suede item over steam from a pan. The stain will disappear. Use the emery board again to freshen the nap.

4. Get to the point. Knives get dull, scissors get dull, even needles get dull. Make your needle sharp again by rubbing it against an emery board.

Now it's your turn to share the great posts you have shared on your own blog over this past week. I really do enjoy reading them and being inspired to keep doing my best to be frugal and lead a simple life.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Squidoo Hopping--This Week's Theme is Animals

As I watch a rabbit munching on grass in our front yard, I've decided to make this week's theme animals.

Very broad so share any lens related to animals--real or fictional---pets----care of animals--the list is pretty endless.

Also, please link up any blog posts you've done over the past week where you mention squidoo, or have a link to at least one lens!


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

WIP Wednesday--9/19/12

Not too bad of a week.
I went to sit n' sew at the quilt shop Friday evening.  I was able to get 5 strawberry pin cushions made as well as finish up a Halloween bag.

I didn't get my post up last week.  I was extra extra busy away from home with the state fair in town.

Here is what I accomplished on the quilt I am working on in sewing club at church:
Basically I just got more triangles cut and some of the half square triangles made.  I also completed 2 more of the squares.  I have a very long ways to go to get this top done for sure.  I'm upset that I am just not finding the time to work on this much.  When will things slow down so that I can actually make it in to my craft room??

Speaking of the craft room, I have not gotten anything else done in there as far as organizing either!

I finished the crocheted prayer shawl this past week.  I worked on it while I was working selling parking spots at the church where my daughter attends youth group.  They sell spaces during the state fair as a fundraiser.  I had to take her time slots since she was working at the fair.  Also in the picture is the progress I have on the knitted prayer shawl so far:
Since I finished the crocheted shawl, I then had more colors to use to make granny squares for my granny a day in 2012 challenge.  I am not caught up to the current date on putting the squares on my blanket.  Here it is done up too day 259, Sept. 15:
I'm still concerned that once again I'm not going to have a lot of colors like I would like.  Now I have very little of other colors of yarn, but a lot of greens and beiges.  It just has to work though!

Oh gosh I hope to get a lot done over the next week--all I can say is to please wish me luck there!

I am linking up with the following blogs this week:
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Homeschool Journal--Work Experience!

Jasmine has had nothing but work experience from September 7-16.  She clocked 104 hours of work at the Kansas State Fair.  She was in a booth selling showerheads.

I have spent this morning looking up high school graduation requirements.  I thought I knew them.  Now I find myself confused.  For Kansas it lists units.  It doesn't say anywhere just what a unit is.  I've done many searches and the best I can find is stating that a high school credit is 120-180 hours based on what the study is.  No help.

At one time I had a chart for graduation and it stated exactly on academic hours and it stated that an academic hour was 50 minutes.  If anyone has any help for me, please let me know!

I was going to give 2 credits of work experience but now it looks like one credit, and it will go under the elective units.

Here is a photo I took of her while she worked one day.  She happened to have just restocked the table and was tearing down the box. 

Looks like I have my work cut out for me calculating hours.

I picked up a whole set of famous Kansans trading cards as well as a book to go with them free at the state fair.  This will be more than enough for the requirement for Kansas history.  Not to mention that we recently took the vacation trip and visited museums too!

I'm also reading that one of the science requirements is a lab course.  We recently bought a microscope so looks like I need to find material to study using it.

I'm linking up with:
 Hip Homeschool Hop Button