
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Week 2 of Progressive's Snapshot Program #TrySnapshot

Content and/or other value provided by our partner, Progressive.

This is week 2 for me using Progressive's Snapshot in my van.

I didn't get a post up after my 1st week, but I have watched my savings over the past 2 weeks. First I had an A+ rating after just a couple of day.
Then...hard braking knocked me down to 28% savings. Ouch!

Currently I have a grade of A and I'm sitting at 20% savings.

When looking at my report today I have 1.2 on hard braking per 100 miles, .3 rapid acceleration per 100 miles, and driving an average of 23 miles per day.

I thought maybe it was excessive driving that was "driving" my percentage down, but according to the Snapshot website, average is 30 miles per day. And here I thought I was out and about ALL the time!

What is Snapshot you might be asking? Snapshot is a device, provided by Progressive. It plugs into your diagnostic port and tracks via computer how you drive. As you can see, it tracks the miles you drive, rapid acceleration and hard braking.

If you are a safe driver, the percentage that you can save by switching to Progressive can get up to 30%!

Snapshot is free to try for 30 days. No strings attached! Simply return the Snapshot device with the pre-paid label once your 30 days are over. In the meantime you can see just how your driving measures up and you will have the chance to save big on your car insurance.

In this day, it's very important to save all the money that you can.
Click the picture below and check it out for yourself. Remember, you are under no obligation with Progressive for giving it a try.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Frugal Friday Link Up--Sept. 7, 2012

It's here...the Kansas State Fair! Although that does mean a not so frugal week. We have to do some real figuring though after paying bills on just how much money we do have to spend.

My daughter has a job at the fair, and we are being frugal in the way of fixing food from home for her lunch and supper. It would be way too much for her to eat her meals at the fair. We even shopped the sales and used coupons for most of what we bought her for the week.

This week I want to share different uses for dental floss from the 99 Cent Solutions Book:
1. It cuts like a knife. Hold dental floss taut to cut butter, brownies, soft cheeses and many other soft foods. Move it from side to side for a clean cut. (I see this at a birthday party when they cut the cake and it worked like a charm!)

2. Make a lifeline for your keys. If you are tired of fishing around the bottom of your purse for your keys, let dental floss help. Just measure the distance from the bottom of your purse to the bottom of the purse handle and add 6 inches. Tie your keys to one end with a tight know, and tie the other end to the bottom of the purse handle. Now you can easily get to your keys by pulling on the line.

3. Get crafty. Use dental floss (2 strands for extra strength) in place of the more expensive string when making beaded bracelets and necklaces. Again, it works like a charm. (This can really save you a lot of money as dental floss is often on sale and has a coupon too!)

4. Button, Button, who has the button? Sew your buttons on with ultra-durable dental floss instead of thread. It gives you a particularly strong bond. They won't fall off and get lost.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Squidoo Hopping--This Week's Theme is Books

This week choose one or 2 of your lenses related to books to share in the linky.  This can be any lens about books--book reviews, reading lists, top 10 books, etc.

Also share any blog posts you have done related to squidoo too.  Even if it's a blog post highlighting even one squidoo link!

I look forward to seeing what is added this week.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

WIP Wednesday 9/5/12

I wish I could report that I have kept up with my goal of making it into my craft room each and every day.
I did make it in there 3 days out of the last 7.
I have an idea in my head on how to make some pillowcases with applique, but it's not gone past my head yet!  I bought the fabric only to find out that what I bought wasn't wide enough.  So, I only ended up being able to cut the size for 3 pillowcases instead of 4.  But now, as I get the instructions out that I printed I see that it does state 42-44 inch fabric.  It was 42 inches!  ggrrr  I've messed it all up.  Just that takes my motivation out of wanting to make them.
Not to mention that I don't know that much about applique.  I'm going to experiment with that on the leftover piece of fabric.
I guess all I have to say is wish me luck.  I don't know how I am so confused....pillowcases should be so simple to make!

If you have a link to a simple pillowcase pattern and tutorial, please give me the link.  Thanks!

We are coming up on a busy week as the state fair starts this Friday.

This past week I did manage to at least sew the half square triangles, cut them and iron them.  The ones that I had lines on last week, if you remember my photo.  This isn't all that I need for the quilt top but it's a good start.  Now if I can just get more of the squares put together.
This is my progress on the knitted prayer shawl for church:
And, you know me, I can't stay on just one project.  I have started crocheting  the prayer shawl as well.  I can't make any more granny squares until I finish the prayer shawls to see how much yarn I have left to use in the squares!
I am a bit further on this as I took it last night and crocheted while we had bingo family fun night at church.
I believe that is it for this week.  I'm working on getting some more items listed to my etsy shop and I sold my very first quilt!  I'm getting that ready for the post office now.

I am linking up with the following blogs:
 WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Homeschool Journal--September 4, 2012

I am finally getting back to posting these weekly.
Generally we start school each year on August 1st since that is the first day of the fiscal school year.  We start slow, introducing a different subject each day, the doing just 2 or 3 until the first day of the public school.
I guess we sort of did that this year too.  Jasmine and I went through her work books and the software.  I explained to her what my expectations are for the year.  We didn't, however, do any "real" schoolwork until the first day of public high school, which was August 16.

I have built a new squidoo lens that will highlight our schooling throughout the year.  It's already pretty full, but will continue to grow.  I do hope you will click over and check it out.  It will open in a new window.

Homeschooling 2012/2013 

I'm going to close this week including the photos of the main things we are using in our schooling this year.  These photos are also included in the lens:

I am happy to once again be linking up with:
Hip Homeschool Hop Button

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Valpak Balthazar the Dragon Sweepstakes Plus Blog Giveaway!

Valpak presents the

"Bring Home Balthazar" Sweepstakes

Balthazar made his debut in Valpak’s national TV commercial. The preface of the adorable Valpak commercial on air now highlights the many ways you can use coupons from dining, toys, haircuts and carpentry. The great story follows one family recreating the daughter’s school play for her mom, all while using coupons from online, the Blue Envelope® and the app to set the scene.  
Have you ever used a coupon to make someone’s day?

Click the picture below to enter for your chance to win a life sized Balthazar the Dragon, or a mini-plus, or even a gift card!   Sweepstakes ends October 31, 2012.  Full details are available on the website.

What is Valpak?

Coupons and Deals in your Neighborhood

Coupons aren't just for the frugal. In today's economy, everyone can benefit from saving money at the grocery store, movie theater or checkout counter.
Valpak helps you maximize your buying power. We deliver valuable free coupons to millions of consumers for a wide range of goods and services - automotive, beauty, entertainment, health, home improvement and professional services.
Valpak also distributes restaurant coupons and food coupons that cut the cost of buying food in your city or town. Need an online coupon? Our printable coupons help you stretch your dollars when buying thousands of brand name products.

Yay!  Five (5) of my lucky blog readers will win their own mini plush Balthazar Dragon.  Enter using the rafflecopter form below.

Please note the giveaway is open to residents of the United States who are 18 yrs. old or older.  Winners will be chosen using rafflecopter.  Winners will need to provide me with their mailing address to receive their prize.

Disclaimer:  Information about the sweepstakes was sent to me by Valpak.  Prizes are also being provided by Valpak. 
a Rafflecopter giveaway