
Friday, August 17, 2012

Frugal Friday Link Up 8/17/12

Whoa! It has yet again been a busting busy week for me away from home. Doesn't end until at least after Sunday. Next week is hubby's vacation and we do have an overnight trip planned at least. We've been saving change for well as he has been saving the money he makes mowing the neighbors lawn too.

My mind is flying!

I had another great shopping trip yesterday saving 82% after coupons and sales. I used $34.22 in coupons including the additional $10 off for buying the 20 items. I paid $10.44 out of pocket for what you see in the picture:

This week I am sharing 4 uses for chest rub from the 99 Cent Solutions book:
1. Kick the cough. Rubbing a chest rub containing camphor or menthol over your chest and throw will relieve the pain in your chest as well as stop the cough itself.

2. Steam away your stuffiness. Add a teaspoon of vaporizing chest rub to a pot of water and bring it to a boil. Remove the pot from the stove and lean over it, keeping your face about 18 inches away. Place a towel over your head and shoulders to make a dome over the water. Breathe in the steam and your sinuses should be better shortly.

3. Chest rub for your feet. Pamper your sore feet with chest rub at night. Cover them with the goo, put on a pair of socks to protect your sheets, and go to bed as usual. You will have happy feet in the morning.

4. Tick off ticks and other pesky bugs. Don't give gnats, mosquitoes and ticks a chance to bother you next time you venture out in to the great outdoors. Slather on a good dose of check rub on your legs and pants to repel the bugs. Just like us, they want to stay far away from that smell.

Your turn! Encourage us all by sharing your frugal related posts. Remember that the linky remains active for a week.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Squidoo Hopping--This Week's Theme is School

Yesterday was the first day of public school here in our city.  Today is the first day for high school.  Usually we start slow into our schoolwork on August 1, since that is the first day of the fiscal school year.  This year is different only because my daughter now has a boyfriend and today is his first day.  Therefore it's also our first day and time to get serious!

This is why I choose school to be this week's theme.  Please share a lens or two below in the linky that have anything to do with school. (I will be building a new lens later today to get us started for this school year.)
Don't worry...if you don't build lenses related to school, feel free to share 1 or 2 of your other lenses.

Also, share any blog posts you have done that have anything to do with squidoo!


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

WIP Wednesday--8/15/12

I couldn't think of a title today.  It's been a busy week!

I was able to complete 4 Halloween fabric bags at sit n' sew at the quilt shop.  I have 4 more cut and even some sewing done on a couple of them.  Here is just one of the prints that I made:

Here is the picture I took late last night of the prayer shawl.  I did get in to a movie afterwards and did get the rest of the fringe put on.  They have posted a need for more prayer shawls, so despite not wanting to start anything new until completing a lot of what I have started, I will be getting yarn and starting another prayer shawl.  I haven't decided if I will crochet it or knit it.

 Yesterday was sewing club at church.  I don't feel like I moved much on the quilt I am working on.  I put together some more of my larger half triangles, and started on all the half triangles for around those larger ones.  I am in hopes of laying the materials out on my craft table here at home and putting in some time each day on working on it.  Seriously this is going to take me over a year just to get the top done!
 Finally for today, here is my granny square a day 2012 blanket---day 228, August 15.   I did get more colors after finishing up the prayer shawl above, but I'm still nervous about having enough yarn to finish this project out.  I'm anxious to get all the squares made that I can to see if I do have enough yarn.  That's Ellie sitting in the middle of it---it's usually Molly in the middle of my pictures  LOL

I really need to get a list put together this week of projects that I have started and place it on the bulletin board in my craft room.  I didn't make any further progress on my craft room other than picking up some of the grandkids' toys.  I plan on just putting those in the garage.  They have plenty in the cabinet and drawers in the hallway to keep them busy while they are over here.  Their books will remain on the shelf in my craft room for now.

I am linking up with the following blogs:
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced