
Friday, August 3, 2012

Frugal Friday Link Up--Uses for Bath Oil and Bubble Bath

Happy Friday!
We have finally been getting a bit of rain here and there. Sunday morning we actually got an inch! By the looks of the sky this morning, we should be getting more rain today. I do hope so! Kansas, as well as most all other states, are suffering from drought. Besides, my water bill will be less too :)

I have stayed motivated using my coupons and show a total savings last month of $416.92. That's more than I had saved January-June combined. I do hope to keep it up! It's nice to be seeing the cabinets fill back up too.
When stocking up using sales and coupons it takes some time to get a good variety in your stock, but if you are patient, you will get there.
I've also been able to share with my family.

Moving on, this week from the 99 Cent Solutions book, I am sharing uses for bath oil and bubble bath.

Bath Oil:
1. Leave shower doors sparkling. Soap scum builds up fast on those glass shower doors. Simply pour a little bath oil straight on to a sponge and swipe it over the glass. The scum will wipe right off. Rinse the sponge and wipe the doors lightly.

2. Tell the insects to buzz off. You don't need any particular brand of bath oil to repel mosquitoes, flies or other biting insects. A strongly scented oil, especially one with citrus, will do the same job. Rub it on exposed skin and the insects will find some place else to feed.

3. Use oil to clean off oil. Rub a little bath oil in to your hand, then wash them in warm water with soap. The grease from working under the hood, or working on the chain on your bicycle, or anything else, will disappear.

4. Protect your patent leather. Moisten a clean soft cloth with a few drops of bath oil. Gently rub the oil into the patent leather and polish the area with another dry cloth or towel. You will see new life in your old accessories as this will get rid of scuff marks.

Bubble bath:
1. Give your car a bath. Stop buying those expensive products to wash your car. Add one or 2 capfuls of bubble bath to a bucket of water and wash away. You vehicle will have a beautiful shine.

2. Shine on! Bubble baths aren't just for kids, or adults. Dilute a little bubble bath in water and wash your plants leaves with clean cloth dipped in the bubble bath solution. The leaves will shine and the plant will look healthier.

3. Replace your hand soap. Pour bubble bath into the hand soap containers that need to be refilled. Bubble bath is an effective inexpensive replacement for your regular soap.

Your turn :) Share away.

Team Flo - Rally Cry Flo

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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Squidoo Hopping--This Week's Theme is 10's

Whether it's top 10, latest 10, or any 10.....share your lenses about 10's in this week's linky.

I am seeing blogs about squidoo around and about the blogosphere.  Please share those in the linky too.  


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

WIP Wednesday-A Granny Square Week

I actually did make it in to my craft room for some sewing 2 days this past week.  I had bought my daughter a small tv with built in dvd player at a yard sale.  I put that in her room and took the tv with built in vcr and put it in my craft room.
I realize that most of you would prefer to not have a tv in your craft room, but here is what I did.  Also while going to yard sales one day I was able to buy 20 VHS movies for just $1 at one sale.  These added to the full shelves we already have, and what we can still check out from the public library will keep me busy in my room.  I found it worked really well for me to turn on a movie and sew until it was over. (I watched Michael and Charlie's Angels).

I was able to finish the flower quilt, which you can see in my TGIFF post (right under this post if you are on my home page) I also finished my first block for the sampler I am doing at the quilt shop.  We are doing Every Barn Tells a Story.  This block is the Ohio Star.  This is my first time doing a sampler, it's a 20 month one, and this is the first block:

I completed a fabric bag that was for an order.  I also worked just a bit on my new quilt for sewing club at church.  I didn't work on it enough, however, to warrant taking a photo.  I have to get all of the materials laid out for it and really get back in to the groove.  I hope to get that much done this evening.

I had gotten behind on my granny square a day challenge.  Well, not really, I had the squares done, just didn't have them on my blanket.  I am now caught up on putting squares on the blanket up to July 31, day 213.

I have a bit of a dilemma now.  I am down to just a few colors of yarn left, and only small balls of those.  I am going to have to start crocheting on a prayer shawl for church so that I can see if I have yarn left from that for my granny squares.  I have 110 more granny's to crochet to complete the blanket, plus the squares needed for a pillow.

Here is what my blanket is looking like so far:

I am linking up with:
 WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced