
Friday, April 13, 2012

Frugal Friday Link Up--8 Uses for Tea

Happy Friday! Not really anything personally for me to report on frugality this week. I should be working on coupons but I haven't been. I need to start reading coupon savings blogs and get inspired!
It's that time of year that I can start hanging the clothes on the line but I keep forgetting :( I must start doing that to save on the electric bill.
Hubby and I must sit and make out a budget. I had to visit the food bank this week to get us through until next Friday's payday because there was nothing left after bills.....and won't be this week either. (sigh)

But...on to this week's share from the 99 Cent Solutions book. This week it's 8 uses for tea.

1. Keep the fridge fresh. Did you know that tea bags do a better job of keeping odors down better than baking soda? Put 3 or 4 tea bags around the fridge and odors will be readily absorbed. Change them out ever few weeks.

2. Use tea in your smoker. Open a few tea bags and sprinkle the tea leaves over the soaked wood chips. The tea will give your food a distinctive, unique flavor.

3. Help heal pink eye. Make a tea bag compress by wetting the tea bag, squeezing out the excess. Have the child lie still with the tea bag on the eyelid for 10 minutes. The tannin helps the swelling go right down. (One grandchild sent home from school yesterday with pink eye. I'm going to have to tell my daughter to try this.)

4. Brighten dark hair. Pour a quart of warm dark tea through your hair after a mild shampoo and make your hair feel soft again. Summer sun and chlorine makes your hair rough and dry. This will do the trick.

5. Freshen your feet. Each night soak your feet in a basin of strong tea for 20 minutes. After a week or 2 you should notice a real difference in both the sweat and odor output of your feet.

6. Clean delicate oriental rugs. Empty the contents of 6 tea bags in to a bowl and sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon of water over this. Sprinkle the barely damp tea leaves on the rug and ten brush them off vigorously with a clean broom. the tea leaves will draw out dust and dirt without leaving any stain or color on the rug.

7. Feed your roses. Rosebushes love the tannins in the tea leaves, so if you are a regular tea drinker, keep your tea leaves in a compost bowl by your kitchen sink. Dump them around the rose bushes once a week.

8. Speed up compost. If your compost pile is not composting, pour a few cups of strong brewed tea on it. The acid in the tea will jump-start the compost, encouraging the acid-loving bacteria that makes the whole thing work. (oh how I wish I had known about this last year--I would have actually had some compost for a garden this year!)

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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Squidoo Hopping--Updating Away

Welcome to another week of squidoo hopping!
I have been busily updating lenses. I have---youch!---14 lenses in the red. My goal is to get those out of the red. It looks like 2 that I updated have moved out of the red, but 2 more moved into the red.

So, is it smart of me to keep working on those, or is it smarter to concentrate on those that are in tier 3 and above instead? I sure don't want those to drop down, since if I am understanding correctly, we don't make anything on lenses that are below tier 3, or over 86,000 in rank. Is this correct?

I am placing 2 of my in the red lenses (that I have done some updates on) in the linky below this week. Please bear in mind that both can still have a lot of updating done to them. I am just doing 2 or 3 updates at a time.

Some of my updates include checking the tags and the topic. I've been surprised to find out that I had only 3 or 4 tags! Not only that, but the lenses have not even been in the right topic....or they were in the right topic but didn't have any sub topics chosen. I think this goes way back to when they changed to add more sub topics and I never went through my lenses.

I do hope to see many of you link up below :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

WIP Wednesday--Scrappy Quilt is Almost Done

I have still not sat behind my sewing machine to do any work since March 19th---other than yesterday at sewing club at my church.  I spent the day working on finishing up the scrappy quilt.  I just have to finish the tying and put on the binding and it will be done!  I am in hopes of having it done by Friday for the TGIFF post but not making any promises to myself or to you all with everything else I try to cram into my days.
My daughter took this photo of me yesterday getting started on the tying.  The blue in the back is the binding I have ready to sew on.
   If you remember, I am now going to share my granny a square challenge progress every other week.  But, while at church yesterday I got to look through the yarn stash we have there.  The yarn is donated to make the prayer shawls.  The lad in charge let me pay a little bit of money to buy the yarn "scraps" out of the boxes so that I can use them in my granny square blanket.  I'm excited as there were some pretty colors to add to my blanket.  I also brought home 4 skeins to make a shawl with.  I have an idea of making one with granny squares.

In other news, if you remember last week, I shared a picture of loads of netting.  I did get it all cut into strips and worked on making scrubbies.  I ended up getting 19 made (as shown in my jar below)  I sold most of them at my daughter's yard sale, so that worked out to give me a little cash in my pocket.  I've not made anymore yet, but should since they will be having another sale. 
 That's my report for this week.  I am linking up with the following blogs:
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced