
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Are You a Blogger Who Needs More Facebook Fans? See Inside!

Join in on the FREE Blogger Event sponsored by The Ultimate Baby Shower! You can have your Facebook link added for FREE, and the prize $100 PayPal Cash!

The Ultimate Baby Shower is Sponsoring the Event and Paying for the Prize! Click HERE to Sign Up!!!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Frugal Friday Link Up--3 Uses for Spam

Welcome to Friday. I really slept in today. I'm sure it's because my body really needed the rest...maybe my mind too!

I've had lots of thoughts on saving money this past week. Basic things such as not having excess lights on in the house, getting my coupons in order, using up leftovers for meals. Paying the bills today is top priority and then forcing my husband to take a realistic view of a budget and making him understand that just because there is some money in the bank, doesn't mean that he can spend it. Does anyone else have this problem with their hubby?

Today's share from the 99 cent solutions book is 3 uses for Spam---yes, Spam!

1. Polish wood furniture. Cut off a chunk of Spam, wipe it across your wood tabletop, and polish it off with a soft cloth. Spam has no harmful chemicals and no silicone that will build up like many furniture polishes have.

2. De-mist mirrors. Wipe a chunk of Spam across a mirror and wipe it off with a soft cloth. The light coatung of oil it will leave behind is invisible, and your mirror won't steam up for weeks!

3. Catch fish. A chunk of Spam is what catfish or carp fishermen will tell you to use. Take 2 cans on your next fishing trip--one for the fish, and one for you.

The book also shares 2 pages on the history of Spam.

Who would have thought of some of the things I see in this book. I need opinions please. Would you like me to continue through the book as I am, or would it be better if I read through the book and just note things that I really think are good? At the rate I am going, it will be 2 years from now before I share everything in the book the way I am doing it. That's ok, as I do plan to still be here 2 years from now ;)

Would you like to buy your own copy?

Now it's your turn to link up!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Squidoo Hopping! --VAllain's Lens Updating Challenge

Lensmaster vallain (Virginia Allain) has issued a challenge. The challenge is to pick up to 3 of our lenses that rank between 200,000 and 250,000 and update them 3 times over a period of days. No advertising, or linking up that you have updated them until the end of the challenge. Hey, that is a challenge within itself. The experiment is to see how lensrank does with updating alone.

Hop on over to her lens or full details.  I am sure happy that I did!  She links in others lenses that will really help you with updating and making your lenses stand out as well.  Thank you Virginia!

Squidoo Updates/Lensrank Challenge

As you know, I've just not had the motivation needed to do much work on lenses the past few weeks.  I hope this challenge will give me what I need and that I can keep it up!

No....I can't share which 3 lenses I chose to update, but they will be revealed in the end.  I will say that these lenses really needed to be updated!  Ugh!  They were boring, lacked much in fact that I wonder how they were even in the 200,000 ranking to begin with!  I'm also glad that there are 3 updatings with the challenge because then I can take my time at getting in the updates that should have been done on these a long time ago.

For this week in the linky I am going to randomly pick a couple of my other lenses to share.  I do hope to see lots of link ups.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

WIP Wednesday 3/21/12--My Camera is in England but......

......I made sure to get pics for this week before sending it off with my daughter.  Yes, I sent my camera to England with my daughter, in the hopes that she doesn't lose it while she is there!  Of course that she also gets tons of pictures taken.  She doesn't return until the evening next Wednesday so pictures will be about none next week...unless I try to figure out how to save my cell phone pics to the computer.

I've gotten more work done on the cross magnets while out and about but didn't take a picture.  I think I made 7 or 8 more and have magnets for 12 more.  They are sometimes good sellers at our garage sales, which will be starting soon.

I worked more on the flower quilt I am working on:
 I am happy with my progress on the scrappy quilt for sewing club at church....just 2 more rows to sew together, and they are pinned ready to be sewn.  This one has been putting together a puzzle and I love the way it looks.  I thought of making one to put up for sale, then thought no, but now I am thinking why not?  It takes forever, but hopefully eventually I would get it done.
 We are on Day 81 of the Granny a Day 2012 challenge.  I am worked through next week with a picture so I will at least have that to share next Wednesday.  You might notice that I have started putting the edging on as well as far as I could.  That's Molly posing pretty on the bed with it.
 The remainder of this week must be working on the other 2 walker bags for quilt guild.  They need to be turned in on Monday.  No sewing today----I stayed up until 4 am watching my daughters flight to London online---and it's a cloudy rainy day too, so I have no energy---plus hubby and I are cooking today for supper at church tonight too.

I am linking up with the following blogs:
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced