
Friday, March 16, 2012

TGIFF--Two Walker Bags

It's been a few weeks since I've posted a finish on Friday.  I had meant to post one of my pink walker bags, but now I have a second one complete.  I still have a blue one and a green one to complete.

We are making these in our Quilt Guild as a community service project.  They are being donated for auction and all proceeds go to help families of cancer patients with medical expenses.  Current count from the guild turned in is 40 bags....who knows how many more there will be when we meet again on the 26th, but I will have 4 of them done.

I'm also thinking of making up a few to list in my etsy shop--what do you think?

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Frugal Friday Link-Up--6 Uses for Soda and Cola

Pin ItWhew! Another whirlwind week around our house!

This week I want to share 6 used for soda and cola from the 99 Cent Solutions book:

1. Take rust off of chrome. Crush a piece of aluminum foil and dip it in cola, then scrub off those little dots of rust with ease.

2. Speed up a drain. Slowly pouring a whole 2 ltr. bottle of cola down the drain every once in awhile will help to prevent any clogs that may be forming. It's the potent carbonic acid in the cola that will keep your pipes free and clear.

3. Clean battery corrosion. Dip a rag in cola and wrap it around the battery terminals. Let it sit for several minutes and then scrub off any rust deposits and any cola residue with a damp sponge. The same trick works to loosen rusted-on nuts and bolts.

4. Restore stained porcelain. Pour in 1 1/2 cups of soda and let it sit for an hour. Scrub and flush. Your toilet will be good as new.

5. Get oil off of concrete. Sprinkle the oil spot liberally with sawdust or cat litter, working it in with a broom. Leave for half an hour to soak p the grease. Sweep this up and throw away. Pour enough cola to cover the area and work it in with a rag. Let this sit for half an hour. Mop it up with 2 tbsp. each of laundry detergent and bleach mixed with 2 quarts of warm water. (I've heard of using kitty litter, but sure didn't know about all the other steps that will completely clean the oil off the drive or garage floor.)

6. Keep flowers fresh longer. When putting flowers in a vase, add 1/2 cup of a clear soda, such as Sprite or 7-Up, to the water. The flowers will live for days longer than they would have with just plain water.

Have you post some good frugal tips, shopping trips, recipes, etc this past week? If so, please link them up. Inspriration to save is great for everyone.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Squidoo Hopping 3/15/12--Payday!

I'm working hard on getting myself back in to routines. It's not easy with everything that has gone on in our life lately, but if I don't get back to a good routine, I will go insane! No need for details because if you follow my blog and follow me on gather, you pretty much know what all is going on.

It was payday yesterday. Mine was $5.85 with .21 going to charity. Charity will continue to go up as I gt back in to updating lenses and choosing charities for those lenses I've not gotten to yet. I'm showing $5.88 in commissions from sales yet on my stats, so that is good.

Tell me about your earnings--in other words, inspire me to get to business with squidoo!

Since I did no updating or building last week, I'm going to list a couple of my lenses towards the bottom of my list that need a boost in this week's linky. I hope to see many link up this week. Thanks to those of you who are coming aboard to link up each week and thanks to new ones who join us.


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

WIP Wednesday 3/14/12--Whew!

Wow! is about all I have to say about this last week.  Well, busy is another word, but honestly not anything new for me. 
I attended the Sit n' Sew Friday evening from 6-9 at the local quilt shop.  They have it once a month on the 2nd Friday evening.  I took the walker bags to work on.  I forgot the pattern, however, so only could work as far as I knew.  I have since finished one that I started.  I have 2 more to complete.  I didn't take a photo.

My Great Aunt Donna passed away on Saturday so this week has been all about her and family---including today as we went to clean out the rest of the place where she was living.  Can we say major WIP to look through the stuff and find it a home?  Not to mention the putting back together of the house that I already needed to do!

I got a start on the cross magnets, in fact, I finished 4 of them yesterday.  I worked on them while we drove to take my middle daughter back home after the funeral yesterday.  I even finished up 2 of the baby blocks this past week.  I do have a picture of those.

I worked on the scrappy quilt but very little.  I sewed some of what I had pinned, ironed those pieces and put more pieces pinned.  I didn't think it was enough to warrant a picture to share.

I didn't get any more work at all done on the flower print quilt I am making.  I sure intended too and I have my pink thread in the machine ready to work on it.

I guess otherwise, I just need to share my progress on the Granny A Day 2012 challenge.  It's day 74.  It's starting to fill in a bit now.  I am leaving it 19 squares long for now although I intended it to be 21 squares long.  I will decide on that later.  I can't see where 366 squares can come out even at all, so I am planning on a couple of pillows with the extra squares, especially if I leave it 19x17 squares.  

I am really late posting this today so I am going to close for now.  I am linking up with the following blogs:

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced