
Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Natural Dentist Healthy Gums Antigingivitis Rinse Giveaway

Are you seeing red? When you floss or brush your teeth, that is….

If you are experiencing “pink in the sink” when you spit out your toothpaste, or blood on your dental floss, take heed.  People mistakenly think this is a sign that they are brushing hard/well or flossing efficiently, but bleeding gums is actually a symptom of gingivitis, and it is a warning sign that your gums need serious attention. 
You can take dental hygienist training and learn what it takes to maintain oral health.

Dentists estimate that 80% of us develop gum disease in our lifetimes, ranging from mild gingivitis to severe periodontitis. If left untreated, however, gum disease may progress to other oral health issues, including tooth loss (it’s the #1 reason for adult tooth loss!). Other studies and experts, including Dr. Oz, have also linked gum disease to heart disease, stroke, breast cancer and respiratory diseases, such as COPD.

While it can happen to anyone, the following raise the risk for developing gingivitis:
§         Poor dental hygiene
§         Pregnancy/puberty/menopause (hormonal changes increase the sensitivity of the gums)
§         Uncontrolled diabetes
§         Genetics/family history (30% of general population susceptible to gum disease)
§         Smoking
§         Stress
§         Medications
§         General illness
Gingivitis is due to the long-term effects of plaque deposits, and it is often painless, so bleeding gums may be your only symptom until it has progressed further along (other symptoms are swollen/tender gums, receding gums, and/or persistent bad breath).  Luckily, one of the early warning signs of the gum inflammation IS the bleeding you see when you brush or floss, so it is your body’s way of telling you something’s not right. If you have a family history of this issue or notice bleeding when you brush or floss, you should schedule a dental visit to evaluate your condition, as well as take steps at home by adding The Natural Dentist Healthy Gums Anti-Gingivitis Rinse to your oral care regimen.

Healthy Gums Mint lo              

The Natural Dentist Healthy Gums Mouth Rinse is clinically proven to:

  • Reduce and prevent bleeding gums
  • Protects against gingivitis
  • Kill germs
  • Reduces plaque
  • Freshens breath
  • Contains Aloe Vera gel as its active ingredient to help prevent bleeding gums
  • Also contains other natural medicinal components such as Echinacea, goldenseal, calendula, and grapefruit seed extract that help calm gum inflammation

The Natural Dentist line is powered by nature, proven by science.  The Natural Dentist Healthy Gums Anti-Gingivitis Rinse DOES NOT contain alcohol or artificial ingredients, making it natural and healthy for your mouth.  However, unlike other natural products, The Natural Dentist tests its products in controlled studies. Universities, oral care experts, periodontists, and dental hygienists continually evaluate the products, ingredients and effectiveness. The Natural Dentist products are not tested on animals; research is conducted with human volunteers and laboratory tests. View research studies, publications and abstracts at

The Natural Dentist Healthy Gums Rinse is available at all several major retailers nationwide including Walgreens, Rite Aid, Whole Foods and more for an average retail price of $7.49. To see a complete list of stores and the entire line of The Natural Dentist products, visit

Stay connected to The Natural Dentist on Facebook for healthy mouth info, product details and fun giveaways:

My thoughts:
My 15 yr old daughter was the first to try it.  She says that you can taste the aloe in it.  Next to try it was my 26 yr old daughter.  She commented on how the peppermint taste stays with you. (I see this as a good thing as far as keeping your breath fresh).   My daughter's husband tried it.  He thought it didn't taste bad at all.  He hasn't ever tried a mouthwash that didn't have alcohol in it.  He didn't think he would like it, but he did.
I was the last to try it.  I wasn't sure what to expect taste wise.  It's for sure not the usual mouthwash taste.  Actually, I think this is a good thing.  To me, it doesn't have that anti-septic taste that I just do not like in mouthwashes.   
For me it's the ideal product.  All other pertinent information is listed above.

Enter to win your own bottle using the rafflecopter form below!

Disclaimer:  I was sent a bottle of the rinse for the purpose of review.  I was not compensated in any other way.  Product for the winner is being provided by Robin Leedy Associates.  All opinions of the product are my own.  Information provided was sent to me by Robin Leedy Associates.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Frugal Friday Link Up--5 Uses for Shortening

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Here we are to another Friday. It's been a good week for being frugal.
I am excited that recyclebank is now "live" in my town. Not only can I earn points for our recycling, but it's increased our recycling. I was lazy on some things, not rinsing cans and such and just throwing them in the trash. Not any more...if it's recyclable it's going in to the cart. I hadn't thought much about plastic bag recycling since they can't be put in to the cart. I read over on the recyclebank website about recycling plastic bags in a bin at the grocery store. Ever since reading that, all plastic bags are now going to the store.
I'm feeling much better about our recycling efforts.

Today I am sharing 5 uses for shortening from the 99 Cent Solutions book:

1. Make a magic snow shovel. Before heading out to shovel the snow, smear a generous amount of solid vegetable shortening on your snow shovel. The snow will slide right off much more quickly.

2. Restore a pair of galoshes. Bring back the shine to your child's galoshes by polishing them with a dab of shortening on a clean rag.

3. Soften your feet. Save yourself more than a few bucks by softening your feet with shortening instead of the fancy foot creams. Shortening contains pretty much the same active ingredient at the fancy foot creams: fat or grease. Before bed, slather it on your soles and put on socks. In the morning you will have satiny soft tootsies.

4. Remove tar from fabric. Scrape off what you can with the edge of a credit card and then work shortening directly in to the stain. Let it sit overnight, then dab up the excess with a paper towel and treat the whole area with a grease remover. Launder as usual.

5. Tell the squirrels to take a hike. Is your bird feeder being raided by the squirrels? Grease the pole of the feeder liberally with shortening. Squirrels won't be able to climb the pole and will soon go find their food elsewhere, leaving the birds to eat in peace.

I hope you are enjoying these tidbits each week. I am loving this book, and I've learned several great tips along with my sharing here on my blog.

Now it's time for you to link up a blog post, or posts. Share those frugal tips and more with us. Thanks!

National Craft Month--Get Inspired With Cricut

In celebration of National Craft Month, Cricut is here to share creative DIYs to inspire you all month-long. Jazz up an old pillow, decorate your walls with giant flowers, share whats for dinner with a handmade chalkboard menu, or create a beautiful bouquet that will last forever, because with Cricut you can create it.

Another option is to learn these skills with these design degrees.

Check out the photos and instructions for each project below.  Happy Crafting!

If you can’t get enough of National Craft Month, hop on over to Cricut's Facebook page or Pinterest boards for even more inspiration!

Disclaimer:  This information was sent to me as a public service on behalf of Provo Craft, makers of the Cricut, in celebration of National Craft Month.

Thursday, March 8, 2012 Review and Two Winners Too!

Coupons 66 - Your route to savings!

Coupons66 is your route to savings! Coupons66 is a FREE COUPON SITE. All fees associated with the website cover their labor and administration expenses.

I have looked all around the website and there are loads of coupons to choose from. I'm really impressed. She lists the newest coupons each week early too--usually by Saturday evening. You can get a jump start on the good ones!
If coupons are ordered before 3 pm, they are mailed out the same day. Shipping is very reasonable---usually only .50.

There is a minimum order of 5 coupons per coupon and older coupons come in sets of a minimum of 10. There is no limit to the amount of coupons you can order. Just beware that they are sold in sets, so when you put quantity 1 in the cart, you are getting the 5 or 10. In other words, if you want a total of 10 coupons, don't put 10 as the quantity or you will end up with 50 or 100! If you are searching for a certain coupon or for a product you use regularly, use the search at the top of the left side of the page. Credit/debit cards and paypal are accepted for payment.

*****New discount code: save
You may use this code at the checkout to receive instant 10% off ( min purchase $5.00)

*****NEW: Now you can collect points with each purchase. Collect 100 points and earn $10 coupon credits.

I'm thrilled to take part in this giveaway and be able to offer 2 of my readers gift codes worth $5 each. Just enter using the rafflecopter form below. Winners will need to contact me within 48 hours before I send their email address on to the site administrator. If not, another winner, or winners will be chosen.

Disclaimer:  Giveaway and gift codes are being provided by  Information was taken from the website--all thoughts are my own.  I will receive the same $5 gift code for hosting the giveaway.

Squidoo Hopping! 3/8/12

I have no title for today  :(   The best of intentions I am guilty of once again this week.
I seen Ruth's Latest 10 Lenses lens and got as far as making note of my latest 10 lenses built.  
I did this with the intention of building a This Day in History and then building the one about the recent 10.   This is a great idea, and when I get it built, I will be crediting the original person who thought of the idea.

This week, instead of posting my links within this post, I am going to just randomly add 2 lenses to the linky below.  I hope to see lots of others do the same  :)


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Women's History Month: Knitting "Herstory" (giveaway included!)

International Women's History Day is today, Thursday, March 8. Be inspired by this year's theme, which is "Women's Education – Women's Empowerment".

Netgallery is doing their part with this just released, new video interview with STC Craft authors Joelle Hoverson, Melanie Falick, and Andrea Berman Price about crafting and women's empowerment. Please watch it below:

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I've asked myself this question-- "What is the special connection between womanhood and crafts?"
For me the special connection between womanhood and crafts is being a homemaker.  Part of being a homemaker is my ability to craft items for my home.  If you walk into my home, you will see items that I have made in every room in the house.  You will see tablerunners, placemats, coasters, hotpads, blankets and a lot more.
I believe it's important to start children young with crafting and to keep them interested.  Many think it's a dying art, but it is far from it.

Netgallery is graciously offering one of my readers who comment on this post an ebook edition of Michelle Edwards's incredible A Knitter's Home Companion.

To enter, just answer this question in the comment section: "How does knitting and crafting empower you?"

Winner will be chosen March 14th, 2012 at 9 pm CST.  I will use to choose the winner.  Winner will have 48 hours to contact me, or another winner will be chosen.    Please make sure that I have a way to contact you if you win.

Disclaimer:  Video and information was supplied to me by Openroadmedia and netgallery.  I was not compensated for this review but will receive the same ebook as the winner.  Ebook is being provided via netgallery. 

WIP Wednesday 3/7/12--Project List

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I'm pasting here what I posted last night on sidetick about my crafting:

Current projects:
Quilt with flowered materials that will go up for sale in my etsy store.
Scrappy quilt top for sewing club at church.
Walker bags for the community project with quilt guild.
I did complete one walker bag and it looks very nice. I have 3 more to make. I'm planning on going to the sit and sew at the local quilt shop from 6-9 Friday evening and take the walker bags to work on.
I generally only work on the scrappy quilt on Sunday's while Jasmine spends the afternoon and part of the evening at her boyfriends house.
Other sewing time goes to the flower quilt---which is taking forever to get done!

Other projects:
Granny square blanket that I am putting together with the Granny A Day challenge that the Hooked! blog has put on for 2012.
Baby blocks that I am making with plastic canvas. I am making 3 sets of 2 and I am almost done filling in the 36 squares needed.
Cross magnets. I have the materials out and do have a couple sets of 3 ready to post into my etsy shop.
Toothbrush rug---I finally have this rug out again after 3 weeks (or maybe more) of not working on it. I have 25 or so more strips to put in and it will be done and listed in my etsy shop.

Projects not started:
TONS of dish scrubbies to make! I had bought a yard of each color of netting and then my daughter gave me several yards of netting in red, green and white. We are talking at least 100 scrubbies worth, if not more.
Two tablerunners. One I actually have the material cut and pinned so it should be on the list above.
3 sets of folded hotpads---I guess these should also be listed above because the material is cut and all ready for sewing.
Another set of the double thick crocheted hotpads and coasters in a burgandy (maroon) color. These are actually sort of started too as I found 2 coasters started in the color.
I'm sure there is even more! Steve has promised to buy me a 9 cubby storage unit to get me a good start at organizing my craft room once the income tax refund comes in. do I find the time I want to craft, and still get the house clean and my other online things done...not to mention all the things that I do outside the home?

Now, here are my photos---the scrappy quilt is moving right along---another row on my flower quilt and day 66 of the granny square blanket:

 I am linking up with the following blogs:

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Homeschool Journal--Wedding Week

Hip Homeschool Hop ButtonLast week was the wedding of my oldest daughter.  They were married February 29th.  They just had to have the odd date.

We did very little school work, and I just didn't let that get to me!  We were busy with final preparations, making decorations, mints, etc.  Buying new clothes was also part of the deal.
We did get math in a couple of days as well as some reading about England.  We also attended Bible study as well as playing bingo for family fun night at church.

Here is a photo of Jasmine serving the punch after the wedding:
 Here is a photo of the wedding party---which includes all 5 of my daughter's children.  Elizabeth chose a burgundy dress and then they went with a blue for their second color.

 I'm late getting this posted this week due to getting schoolwork complete this morning!  No Bible study today due to a funeral of a church member....of which we are now running out the door for.