
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Squidoo Hopping 3/31/11

Happy Thursday and welcome to this week's squidoo blog hop! I hope to see many join...keep me busy with squidoo.

Just add the link, or links, to your squidoo blogposts to the linky. The linky remains active all week.

It looks like Our Unschooling Journey 3 is on the bottom of my list today. I hope you will click over and help move it up some for me.

And...ta da!! I actually built a new lens last night. Our Homeschool Journey 2010/2011 Part 4 It should have been started a few weeks ago, but it's started now. I will add more to it as the week's go by. I must get busy and get some photos of Jasmine doing different things too.

I went through my blog and put my reviews on my reviews/giveaways page here. This will give me easy access to make those reviews in to lenses. Lenses are so fun to build, I just have to make myself take the time to do it!

Have a great week!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Auction Hunters Season 2 on Spike TV

Every year in America, 50,000 storage facilities hold auctions for abandoned storage units and, at these auctions, over $1 billion worth of goods changes hands.  Each unit has the potential to be a goldmine or a bust for those who make their living hunting unclaimed property.  “Auction Hunters” cuts the lock and opens the door into the high stakes, financial risks and potential rewards where the right purchase can bring in serious cash.  The series follows Haff and Jones in their quest to win auctions, dig for abandoned historical treasure and sell them for a profit.  This season they uncover high-valued items including a Winchester model 1912 shotgun valued at $1,500 and the exact scale remote control replica of a $3,000,000 luxury Viper Fan Jet plane valued at $11,500.     
Allowed only a brief glimpse inside the unit before each fast-paced auction begins, skill and strategy are paramount as Haff and Jones have only seconds to estimate the value and determine how high they’re willing to bid to beat out the completion.  Each episode will also feature “the dig,” a process by which our hunters literally dig into the contents of the unit and assess every item within as well as “the sell” where they consult experts, establish value and negotiate a sale with collectors and dealers.

The second season of hit series Auction Hunters premiering next Tuesday, April 5 at 10PM/9c.  

Auction Hunters Returns!
Tags: Auction Hunters Returns!

Win an Alarm Clock that Shakes You Awake - without waking others!

The shrill sound of the morning alarm can be a cruel punishment – especially for your significant other, sibling or roommate who don’t have to rise and shine as early as you.  Now you can brush up your bedside manners with the most considerate of wake-up devices – the AMPLICOM TCL 200 (  This digital alarm clock comes with a wireless shaker pad that is placed under your pillow and set to vibrate – not ring – at the appointed time.

If you happen to sleep solo, you have the option to choose one of several ringtones with or without the shaker.  The clock even has a dual alarm time setting so you program different alarm times simultaneously, and can be programmed to sound/vibrate only on weekdays, only on weekends, or every day.  The TCL 200 retails for $124.95.

1. Visit and fill out the information
2. Like Amplicom USA on Facebook

The drawing is on April 15, 2011

WIP Wednesday 3/30/11

We are still getting settled in here at the craft room is getting closer to being unpacked and organized...although that may be a never ending process.  I'm sharing my progress video below.
I'm also sharing a photo of my current project which is making 3 bags for an order, then I have materials to make 5 more bags as well.

My daughter wants to have a garage sale here this Friday and Saturday.  Yep...major WIP going on today as we sort through the totes and boxes that got moved in to the garage.  As far as my own yard sale items, no problem, as they are all boxed up in one place in the garage.  The hardest work is just to get the tables up and such.

Please click the button below and join us for WIP Wednesday.  Thanks to Every Day Crochet for hosting the linky each week.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

diSanto The Beginning Album Review

Taken from my promo sheet:(excerpts)
diSanto commands attention everywhere he goes.  All eyes are captivated by him and everyone wants to know who he is.  diSantos voice is filled with a passion we have not heard from young male singers in years.

diSanto was born in a small town in Puerto Rico and from a young age he knew he wanted to be an entertainer.  He attended Castholic school and sang in the church choir at the age of 8.  He became the lead singer of the choir.

At the age of 17 diSanto received a dance scholarship at Broadway Dance Center and moved to New York City.  After attending Berklee College of Music, he moved to Miami.  diSanto has been cast in musicals like "Rent" and "Footloose".

diSanto's current album is The Beginning.  The album is fueled by heavy dance tracks and popping electronic beats.  The Beginning draws you into a world of flirtation, pleasure and carnality.  The songs blend both English and sexy Spanish lyrics to tell a store of a man who  is ready to share his innermost feelings and desires.

You can find a list of his current tour dates at

My review:
Right away I enjoyed the beat of the music!  It's upbeat and enjoyable.  Easy to groove to this music and lighten your mood.

Track 1 in just 34 seconds long and acts as an introduction.  It goes straight in to track 2 with no pauses.

It's hard for me to pick what would be my favorite song on the CD as I enjoy the beat of all of them.  If I have to choose then I choose track 6: Sanctified.

I hope you enjoy this youtube video of Sanctified.

You can also find the album available on itunes!

Disclaimer:  I received a copy of this CD from LaFamos PR & Branding for the purpose of this review.  I was not compensated for my opinions in any other way.  LaFamos provided me with the promo sheet for information.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Mailbox Monday 3/28/2011

Good week here.
Entertainment Weekly
Sports Illustrated
Good Housekeeping

Other mail
Several pieces of hausernet mail
coupon train
Purina Pro Plan Roasted Slices sample bag and coupons, including free can coupon
Organize in Style coupon booklet
Healthident dog treat and $1 off coupon (notice only the package is in the photo as Jasmine couldn't wait to give it to Malakai)
Book-Life Without Limits to read and review from Blogging4Books
Book-Sanctuary of the Soul Sacred Heart Offering (poetry) to read and review from Outskirts Press.
Signed movie poster of Dear Lemon Lima movie--part of a prize pack won on gather.
Postcard from Hawaii
window decal from ASPCA

In my email:
paypal for a fabric bag order
$10 paypal from gather
.09 paypal from youdata

Frugal Friend