
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sorrowed Souls by Brenda Youngerman--Book Review

Sorrowed Souls by Brenda Youngerman

ISBN  978-60860-733-4  Published by Eloquent Books

After reading Hidden Truths, I wanted to read all the other books that Brenda Youngerman has
written.  I was fortunate to win a copy of Sorrowed Souls in a blog giveaway.

Brenda didn't disappoint me with Sorrowed Souls and her writing style. 

In Sorrowed Souls Brenda went inside the Missionaries of Charity and really got to know the
homeless and their stories.  With this better understanding, she proceeded to write this book.

In the book we meet Bryan, Amy (Amber), Gus, and others who touched their lives.
The story starts with Bryan who wakes up on the streets, and a loss of memory.  He meets Gus,
who helps him learn the way of the homeless. Bryan does get his memory back slowly, finally
realizing who he is, and being reunited with his family.  Along the way he's learned about Gus'
life and how he ended up on the street, as have we.  It's not a pretty story, but he wants to
see Gus off of the street and with a real life again.

As you read, you find out the history of Bryan's life.  You find out the history of Gus' life.
You find out the history of Amy's life.  How all of their lives intertwine and how all of their
lives are truly miraculous.  The end will make you want to stand up and cheer!

You don't want to stop reading once you start.  You want to know what happened, why it
happened, and just what happened next.   This is the reason I love reading Brenda's books.  You
can laugh and cry with the characters in her book.  You smile and cry with their heartache, and
their triumphs.

I don't want to tell too much of the book.  I do want to say that you will not be sorry if you
pick this book up and start reading.

P.S..   This is my 4th book review for the 52 Books in 52 Weeks Challenge.  You can find out more about the challenge by clicking the link at the top of my blog.

Shop Hop Saturday 2/5/11

Let's Shop Hop with Ruthi and abitosunshine!  Just click the button at the bottom of my post to join in.

This past week I've been working and working on sewing strips on to squares for my next quilt and the table runner I want to try to make.  I'm making up over 60 squares so it does take some time.  And, I sew in between everything else I do.  I've not really worked on anything else craft wise though.

Here are my new etsy listings for this week:

Washcloths and Dish Scrubbies Set in Green

Washcloths and Dish Scrubbies Set in Red

Flowery Fabric Bag

Blue Print Fabric Bag

I have some more things ready to add to my store this next week.  I also hope to have the table runner completed and listed as well.

Shop Hop Saturday with abitosunshine

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Drugstore Bootstrap Challenge Week 1

I have decided to take part in the Drugstore Bootstrap challenge for the month of February.  The challenge is posted by Frugal Follies and you can find the post here.

We only have Walgreen's here.

My Rules:

1.  I can spend no more than $10 out of pocket the whole month.

2.  Sales tax does not count in the $10 total.

3.  I can start with the $5 in register rewards that I have on hand.

4.  I can use any coupons that I can, and they also do not count in the total, as the total is just out of pocket.

So....I made my first trip this week for the month.  I had $5 total is register rewards on hand from my last trip last month.

I did 2 transactions.  I didn't intend to do 2, but it worked out better anyway.  I couldn't find one thing that I wanted so while I waited on the manager to fetch it for me I went ahead and checked out.

Transaction #1:

Arnicare Gel, on sale for $5.99, used $2 coupon, got back $6 in register rewards. (money maker!)
Natrol Melatonin, on sale for $3, got back $3 in register rewards (there was supposed to be a coupon for this, but par for the course, I sure didn't have one in my file box.)
2- Nestle Butterfinger Snackers--regularly .89 each--I used a $1/2 coupon and then gave them the Walgreen's coupon taking off another .81 (money maker!)

I paid just $1.77 (not including sales tax) and got back $9 in register rewards.  I used the $5 in register rewards that I had on hand.

Transaction #2:

Icy Hot Vapor Gel--on sale for $3.99,  I used $3 of my register rewards from transaction #1.

I paid .99 (not including sales tax)

Running total out of pocket for the month:  $2.76 

I feel I am starting out pretty well and should be able to meet the challenge.

Until next week----Happy shopping and saving!!

I went home with $9 total in register rewards to use on my next trip.



Wednesday, February 2, 2011

WIP Wednesday 2/2/11

Please click the banner at the bottom of my post to join with us for WIP Wednesday!

I've been as busy as I can working on sewing on the strips for my quilt and the table runner.
Basically, I feel like I'm still just in a mess, but I am just halfway or a little more from completing the squares.

Other things that I've been working on..........I did make a few dish scrubbies and even a few cross magnets this past week in my "off time".  I completed another fabric bag...probably actually more than just the one, but they all still need to be listed in my etsy store.
We've been on a WIP of finding a house to buy.  We found one that is perfect for us, but got bad news today that the VA is denying, saying he didn't serve enough days.  Now we are trying to go FHA.  I do pray we get it!
I've also been getting things priced and boxed up for the monster garage sale I am doing in March.  I wish I could be packing things to move, but I am holding off on any of that, or any hopes of it, until I know for sure the loan has gone through.

Off I go to pin and sew more of these strips.  Hopefully next weeks photo will show that I have most of the squares sewn together!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Giveaways Linky Tuesday

It's that time!  Time to get your giveaway links listed....and time to check what great giveaways there are out there.

To list your own giveaway, please list the  name of the giveaway with the end date.  Also, please link directly to the giveaway post, not your home page.

This linky will remain active until the following week, so feel free to list all week.

Good luck and have fun!!

****P.S.  This linky is going to paid only next week.  If you know of a free service, please comment with your suggestions.  I'm not of the ability to pay right now.  Thank you!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Mailbox Monday 1/31/2011

Welcome to Mailbox Monday--please click the button at the bottom of my post to join in the fun.

Let's see what we have that came in this past week.
Sports Illustrated
Entertainment Weekly
Bloomsburg Businessweek

Other mail:
5 other pieces of hausernet mail
coupons from a gather member (thanks!)
rebate form for cat litter from a gather member (thanks!)
Book--Lioness Arising (newest book to read and review from blogging for books) is my favorite mail of the Snuggie that I redeemed some of my club bing points for!  Jasmine, as you can see, had pretty much taken it over.

In my email:
An order for 2 fabric bags from my etsy store (thanks!)
$8.00 paypal from beezag
$0.19 paypal from youdata
$1.07 paypal from quickrewards

Frugal Friend