
Saturday, January 15, 2011

If God Is Good by Randy Alcorn Book Review

If God is Good by Randy Alcorn

ISBN  978-1-60142-132-6

If God is Good --Faith in the Midst of Suffering and Evil.

I chose this book to be my first book to review for

I'm sure that I am among many Christians who can't help but wonder why God allows so much evil
and suffering in the world.

Randy Alcorn goes into depth on the subject.  512 pages in depth in fact!!

This is not a book to be taken lightly.  This is not a book you can sit down and read in a day
or two....not even in a week or two.  It's a book that you need to read when you have peace and
quiet and can really allow what you are reading to sink in.  Praying for understanding before reading would be good.

The author has spent a very long time researching this subject to put this book together.  At
the end of each chapter he cites all resources used in that chapter.  Throughout the books you
will find many quotes. You will find an extreme amount of Bible passages as well as Bible passages to look up. You will find the beliefs of Christians, as well as non-Christians throughout each chapter. Another thing you find are testimonies from those who have suffered but found the good in God amidst their suffering.

Based on my own church teachings, I've been taught exactly what he is pointing to in this book
(as a Christian)   I can highly recommend this read to all--Christian or not!  In today's time,
the timing of the printing of this book is all important.  I can not do the book it's proper justice in a book review.

Buy your copy here:   If God Is Good: Faith in the Midst of Suffering and Evil

Disclosure:  Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for review purposes.  I was not compensated for my review in any other way.  All opinions of the book are my own.

Shop Hop Saturday!! 1/15/11

Business wise I didn't get a lot accomplished this week.

I did get some more updating done with my homeschoolbuy auctions.  This is a slow going process as I've let over half of them end and now have to wade through to re list the books.  I will get there!

Otherwise, I started ironing material and cutting strips for my next quilt.  I had to find a day that I had time to finish up the quilt I had previously been working on.  I found that time yesterday and stayed up until after 1 am last night to finish it up.  It's pictured below and is now listed in my etsy store!

Please join me in abitosunshines Shop Hop Saturdays by clicking the button below.  Let's help support each other and our shops.
Shop Hop Saturday with abitosunshine 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

WIP Wednesday 1/12/11

Good Morning!  Welcome to WIP Wednesday  in conjunction with Every Day Crochet.  Please click the button at the bottom of my post to join in the fun, or to see what others have been working on.

I spent a couple of days just working on dish scrubbies, so my jar is getting fuller:

I finished sewing together the top of the quilt I've been working on.  My next step is to find the time to set up the tables upstairs and get it laid out and pinned.  Finding that time is hard for me since that does take awhile.  It won't be today like it could have been because I'm heading to the dentist soon to have these 4 teeth pulled.

Sewing club ended up being cancelled yesterday due to the weather, so I cut out the squares and got them cut down ready to be sewn.  This won't happen until club meets again as one of the gals wants to show me a different way to put them together.

I'm anxious to start on my own next strip quilt.  I was sick in bed over the weekend, but I had my daughter bring in my ironing board and material and I started ironing what I have to make the quilt.  I still have about as much to get done, as what I got ironed and cut that you see below.  I'm pretty well planning on staying in bed after the dentist so plan on trying to iron the rest of the material this afternoon.  I don't want to start the actual squares until all of the material is cut.  I like to try to alternate evenly putting on the strips by all the material that I have.

I'm still reading If God Is Good.  I plan on the book review for it on Saturday.  I will need to be reading all I can in it between now and then.

Until next week....hop on over and check out what others are up to.  We would love to have you join us each week as well with your own WIP's.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Giveaways Linky Tuesday

Time to share those giveaways!

Please post the name of the prize and the end date.   Link directly to the giveaway, not your blog home page.

Thank you!  Good luck, and have fun!!

Linky remains active until Next Tuesday, so add your giveaway any day.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Mailbox Monday 1/10/2011

Good Morning and welcome to my Mailbox Monday post.  Please click the button at the end of my post to join along in the fun with  It's neat to see what others are getting in each week free.

Not much to speak of for mail this week other than a lot of magazines.

magazines: (all free subscriptions)
Sports Illustrated
Good Housekeeping
Car & Driver
Bloomberg Business Week
Entertainment Weekly

Otherwise I just got in one other piece of hausernet mail and some Marlboro coupons.

Hard to believe isn't it?  Really means I need to start paying attention to the freebies that others are sharing.

I did forget to mention last week that in my church mailbox was my check for $50 for cleaning in December.
Frugal Friend