
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Let's Get Caught Up!!

Life has gotten so busy for me.  It's time for me to post here....let you know what is up....and work on getting my blog going again!

The busy busy time started the week of Bible school.  The week after that we were at family Bible camp for the week.

The following week I got into a little accident in the parking lot at the grocery store.  So, the lady's insurance company was fast to get to me and cut me a check for the damage.  After that was history....we spent days looking for a different car I could buy.  A week ago today my kids drove to a town 60 miles away and bought me a 1994 Lincoln Town Car.  It's looks good....but stalls on idle some.  I'm hoping and praying that will be a simple fix.
If you are interested in seeing the car, visit this post on gather:   My New "Baby" (Car)

We also were finally able to get a kitten.  He's going to be expensive to keep, but well worth it.  I've so missed having a cat over the past year.  You can see photos in my gather article here:
Meet the New Member of Our Family :)

This past week we've had my boyfriend's nephews staying with us.  My grandson also stayed the week to give them someone else to "play" with.

I've still been doing my Walgreen's shopping each week, but the deals seem so few now.  I am hearing rumors of a new rewards program to earn gift cards.  I don't think I will like it because I've so loved having the instant "cash" with the register rewards.   I am just reading about it here and there, can't find anything on the Walgreen's website itself.

I've also been able to do some coupon grocery shopping as well, which is always fun for me.  On one trip I had to have my daughter drive me in between cars.  She was amazed when the total after coupons was less than half of what it was before.  That made me feel good.

I am finishing up some crafts for my next giveaway here on my blog.  Be on the look out for that  coming soon.

I am in hopes in the near future to also have the opportunity to get some sponsored giveaways going.

I am also hoping starting this week to get back into my regular "groove" both online and around the house.

Until next time,