
Friday, February 19, 2010

Win a Book or Maybe an Avon Product!

My friend is having another giveaway on her blog.

Hop on over and get your entries in. She is giving away 2 books, and if she gets at least 150 entries she will also give away an Avon product to a 3rd winner! Entering is easy.

Who needs to relax, anyone, everyone? ;0) + You could win a free book!

Good Luck to All!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Checking In

Checking in here. I'm enjoying keeping up with what I am accomplishing with gather's Resolutions Journal challenge.
What I see is that I have too many projects all going at one time. I'm working a little each day on each one, so yes, they will eventually be completed. Hoewever, I'm thinking I need to just stick to one until it's done and then move on to another. At least with the larger projects like quilts and the crocheted plarn bags. There are always smaller craft projects I can complete in a day easily like cross magnets, crocheted washcloths, little girl's bracelets and dish scrubbies.

I am wanting to post at least 2 new items in my blujay store each week, which is easily attainable with the smaller crafts.

I'm keeping up pretty well with gather, still there any time I am on the computer. Just short of cashing out again, and got in my latest paypal redemption today.

I've been keeping up well with cutting and sorting my coupons. I didn't include that in my resolutions list, but it needs to be done for maximum savings!

We have the Ash Wednesday service at church tonight. After that, Jasmine will stay for choir practice. I will start my first week of my cleaning while the choir practices. I'm excited to be able to do the cleaning and make a little bit of money.

I've put a savings plan in order...and in order to keep up with it, I need to always have money coming in so that I won't be tempted to dig in to the savings.

I think that's it for let me see if I can possibly get back in the swing of posting my blogs.

Have a great day!