
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thursday August 20

Good afternoon.
I didn't get to post a blog yesterday, I just got so busy I wasn't hardly even on the computer.
Our refrigerator and deep freeze were delivered in the morning. That prompted me to want to go shopping to fill them. I had my Walgreens list ready. Then we went to Dillon's and then to Aldis where I bought the most. Once home I started putting things together for the deep freeze which took most of the afternoon.
I chose to make ham and scalloped potatoes for supper last night, which takes at least 45 minutes to just put together.

I did get a squidoo lens built yesterday. It was to be my first one for Rocket Moms and it's called Blankets For Christmas (another work in progress as I get blankets done) However, after I built it I read on the website that we have an assigned lens, which this week is Our favorite childhood toy. I didn't know we had assignments, and to graduate as a Rocket Mom we must complete each weeks assignment. I'm going to start working on that lens at some point today.

I didn't get much done on gather yesterday for sure!

Today I started the day off doing laundry and working on my 2nd quilt. I had a problem with my sewing machine which put a delay on how much sewing I got done. I'm also getting serious today about schoolwork with Jasmine. She wants to unschool, but I can't just allow her to do whatever she wants all day, educational or not. I have a problem with that...(even though I am making the unschooling journey lenses)

I will have to take my mom to the dr. this afternoon...that time will sneak up on my quick. I'm doing easy supper tonight...spaghetti!

Have a good day,

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tuesday August 18

Good afternoon from a still rainy Kansas.
I woke up this morning thinking it was Wednesday. I soon realized I skipped Tuesday.
We have our bowling league meeting this evening and then next Tuesday we get to start bowling. I can't wait!

I worked on that other quilt this morning and will have to each day Tuesday through Friday....can't work on it when the gift recipient is home. I have a new squidoo lens in mind...Blankets for Christmas. Speaking of squidoo, I updated my Crafts as Gifts lens this morning. I will be hopefully building a new lens tomorrow, the first of the 8 I will be doing during the 8 weeks of Rocket Moms.

Yesterday Walgreen's photo special was 25 prints for .25. I did that special...I plan on getting more and more photos done, buying an album and that being Christmas for my mother. She used to take tons of photos but hasn't now for years. I cashed out some of my coke rewards points for a $5 Walgreens photo card.
Today's Walgreens special in photos is a free poster using the code FREEPOSTER. I ordered a copy of the 5 Kittens In A Row . I plan on giving that to my 18 yr. old for Christmas.
For now I am out of paypal so I won't be able to take advantage of Walgreen's other photo specials this week. My store doesn't offer pick up for online orders so I have to pay shipping.

I think that's all for my news today.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Monday August 17

Good Morning from rainy and stormy Kansas.

It's been a really good weekend. Saturday was good all the way around. Sunday was great too...we went to church, once home we just pretty much hung out around the house doing whatever we felt like. I like Sunday's like that. In the evening we had my son, his girlfriend and her kids over to swim and bbq. Right after that we headed to Sears for friends and family night. We had to stand in line 2 hours to get checked out but our fridge and deep freeze are ordered and will be delivered on Wednesday :) After that, even though it was late I went to my mom's and packed up the rest of out books.

This morning I updated Our Unschooling Journey 4....a couple days late but it's done. I also finished My First Quilt this morning and updated that lens as well. I'm excited that it's done and I can move on to making the next one.

I have LOTS of stuff to get shared on gather. I did cash out for another $25 paypal at gather yesterday.

Today is my son's payday but I shouldn't have to take him around this time. It's also my middle daughters boyfriend payday too. I'm sure I will have to take them a few places later this afternoon.
I'm planning on making ham and scalloped potatoes for supper...and speaking of that I need to get the ham out of the freezer. Off I go to see what else I can accomplish this day.

Have a good start to your week,