
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Saturday July 18

Good Morning!
Yesterday I started out the morning leaving to take my son to court. I then got the title to my car finally. I wasn't home long when my mom called wanting to go back to the dr. Again, not home long before it was time to take my son to an appt. then to work. By that time I realized I hadn't written my blog but it was later in the afternoon.

I got an order for 10 more dish scrubbies yesterday. This is in addition to the 10 I need to get done for my friend here in town. I will need to make a trip to Wal-Mart for materials. The first order has been done for days but so far there is still no invoice in my craft mall account so that I know where to send it to. I'm feeling bad...I like to be prompt with sending out orders.
Speaking of that...I also got an order on blujay yesterday too. It's for something that's in a box I haven't gotten moved over here yet. That means that while I am out today a trip to my mom's and bring more things is also in order.

Gathers pages are loading so slow since the upgrade Thursday evening. I would think it's the wireless connection except that all other pages are loading fine. I did get my 2 posts done yesterday as well as put in another video from our Bible school. I did a lot of commenting despite the slow loading pages.

I updated 2 lens on squidoo yesterday.. My Coupon/Refund Story and Kansas--Our First Lapbook.

We've not been able to swim since Tuesday because of the rains. I'm hoping it stays clear today so we can get in. I started doing exercises in the water and I think they were doing me some good.

Guess I better grab my shower and get my own running done before someone calls for me to take them places. I also want to get the sewing machine out and work a little on my quilt.

Have yourself one great Saturday!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Thursday July 16

Good Morning.
It's almost afternoon. My day started off early because it's my mom's commodity food day. Then she needed to go to the grocery store and dollar store too.

I will have to take my mom to the dr. later today, otherwise I've not heard from my son on their work schedules. They should let me know them ahead though instead of calling me 30 minutes before their work time to pick them up.

I got a little busy yesterday on here. I posted Allen's 8th Birthday Photos on gather.
I updated My First Quilt Lens with text update and photos. I also added a photo to Our Unschooling Journey 3 lens.

I am to be cleaning out the storage cabinets down here in the basement today so that we can take them out for the waterproofing. I guess I better stop my online stuff for a moment and get that done.

Have a good Thursday!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wednesday July 15

Good Morning!
Sewing club yesterday was great as usual. I need to have all my squares sewn together before next month's meeting so they can show me how to pin and tie it.
I had massive running around to do for a couple hours in the heat after sewing club. The evening was good...swimming,leftovers for supper, then to Bogey's for shakes, then we watched a movie before bed.

I didn't get much at done online yesterday. I will get more done today. I have photos I took yesterday to get in to a couple squidoo lenses to update those.

For now I am off and running to take my son to an appointment. I'm going to take my crocheted quilt blanket to work on while I am there. And....I did it again...didn't finish this before I left.

I have these days every day LOL
Have a good one,

Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday July 13

Good Morning!
I slept in later than I wanted but have been busy ever since between house work and computer work. Oops, started writing this then ended up going back to hanging up all the clothes.

I did some Walgreens shopping again finally and posted it to gather Walgreens Shopping 7/12/09
This morning I also got in my Cover Girl Lipstain Review as well.
If you follow me on twitter you noticed that yesterday I also got a few of my lenses updated. I hope to stay busy on squidoo and really need to get my other 2 book review lenses done.

So far it's a good Monday of getting things done. All that I know that I have to do today is get my mom's water bill paid for her, pick up my son's girlfriend and take her to work, and pick up my son and take him home from work.
Tomorrow is a busy day and I doubt I will be posting here. It's sewing club at church from 10-3 followed by getting my son from work and taking my mom to the dr.

See how my days are? I stopped typing on this again and went up and washed dishes and put supper in the crockpot. Sheesh LOL

Guess that means I better close this for the day and actually post it this time!

Stay cool!