
Saturday, May 9, 2009

Saturday May 9

Good Morning! It ended up being a nice day after all, and didn't rain anymore. The temps were great.
Jasmine and I are heading out to do some volunteer work with an agency called Interfaith Housing. We, along with a few others from our church and some from a couple other churches are going to help work on someone's house. It's part of Global Youth Service Day, which was really April 24-26, we are just a little late.
One thing on my vision board is to volunteer more.

We still will be spending the evening at my boyfriends. Part of the evening will be spent buying the food for tomorrow's bbq. He called to say his sister got really sick last night and was taken to the ER but he didn't know anymore than that. I hope she is better now!

I won again on mycoolcontests! I'm heading next to get my squidoo lens updated. Here is the banner if you would like to join. They really are making it can even follow them on twitter now and they are doing a lot of bingo type games.

Off we go....have a great day!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Friday May 8

Good Morning. It indeed was a great day weather wise. Hot enough that the kids played in the sprinkler and the hose. Woke up this morning to find it had rained all night and the driveway is flooded half way up.
Tonight is the carnival at Allen's school. They have loads of outdoor activities so I hope the rain stops until late tonight again so they can have a nice time.
I am working this evening at Headstart doing child care while they have a huge parent activity so I can't go to the carnival this year.

Nope, didn't get the books listed on homeschoolbuy. If I don't stop and just take the time to get it done it won't get done until at least Monday now. Tomorrow morning Jasmine and I are going for a youth day of helping a local agency work on someone's house (same agency that is working on my mom's house). Evening will be spent at Steve's again. Then comes Sunday, which is Mother's Day. Right after church we are spending the afternoon at Steve's with our whole family for a bbq. Can we say busy??

I won another prize at mycoolcontests yesterday but didn't get my squidoo lens updated until this morning. mycoolcontests
I really have a lot of updating to get done on squidoo too.

There isn't that much on sale at the store this week so I am just pulling out any coupon I think I might use. Shopping is just another thing I have to get done today. Allen gets out of school at 1 pm so I plan to have all my coupons ready by that time. I will have to nap after shopping to get ready to go deal with children at work. Last I heard there were 56 children signed up and only 5 child care workers, which is not enough by law. We will end up with other employees coming in to help us.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thursday May 7

Good Morning. Looks like it's going to be a gorgeous day outside. High today is 83...however it then drops back in to the 70's for days after that and looks like more rain.
We got some flower seeds planted yesterday in front of the house. I found out the people next door have put their house on the market so we need to do what we can to clean up our yard to make it look better. I sure wish I could buy the house! My mom lived in an apartment there as a child while my grandpa built this house. Then my other grandma lived in another apartment there while I was growing up. When I was first married I lived in yet another apartment in the house. It's been years now since it was bought and turned into a one family home. Maybe it's just sentimental, or maybe it's because it's a HUGE house. They are only asking $83,000 which is an awesome price.

I didn't get to listing those items again on homeschoolbuy...will I get it done today? Stay tuned tomorrow to find out LOL
I need to, as I said, they won't sell if they aren't listed. I need to make some money to at least pay up the cable bill. I'm going to try to sell my old van for junk today to pay a fraction of what my bill is.

Steve called yesterday and I guess they want to do a big bbq at their place Sunday for Mother's Day. That will work, and also give everyone a chance to see the new house they bought. I will get with him more on it later today. I have a dr. appt. this afternoon and will call him to let him know how it went.

Someone posted on gather yesterday about a child excited that his father had finally bought him a gaming system but they had no games to go with it. An Atari 2600!! Well, we still have our old school Atari and boxes of games. I pulled out all the games and came up with 30 we have doubles of to send him. I hope he enjoys them and in the 30 are games like frogger, pac man and ms pacman, as well at some driving games, shooting games, word games, and bowling. My kids still have a blast playing the old Atari games from my childhood!

I better head out to get some other things done (like adding those books for sale) Have a great Thursday!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wednesday May 6

Good Morning! It's supposed to hit a high of 80 here today. As of this morning it's still really wet from rain and the sky is no where near close to clear.
Today's plans outside the home include dr. appts. for Heather and Jasmine for their yearly check ups. It's sad that Awanas is over. I think Jasmine will end up starting to go to the youth group at that church soon though on Saturday evenings.
I'm sending in registration for her camp times at the Kansas Bible camp today. She just told me she wants to go to the first session which starts on May 31. I'm also getting us registered for family camp at the end of June.

I didn't get those books listed at homeschoolbuy yet...ggrrr I am so addicted to this dimensions mahjong game at need help!! LOL Honestly I played nothing but the game for about 5 hours of the day yesterday. That's not going to help me pay any bills...I don't think I would ever be lucky enough to win the jackpot for playing the game anyway.

I did update a squidoo lens My Coupon/Refund Story I was trying to put in the box but I guess it's not a code that can be put in to squidoo. Instead I updated my module titles and changed up some of the ebay. I did get the here on my blog, so if you want to print coupons from here, I would appreciate it.

Right now I need to head upstairs and see if I can sneak in my bath quick. Getting a bath is no easy task when there are 11 people in the house and only ONE bathroom! Then it's my laundry day too so I need to jump right in and get that started.

Until tomorrow, have a great day!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tuesday May 5

Happy Cinco De Mayo Day to all. When Jasmine was in Headstart she took part in the festivities with a great dress and dancing downtown.
The weather today is still not good...too chilly for me. Anything under 76 and I am cold! It's looking better the next 2 days but then temps drop again. Why can't it just stay in the 80's?

No plans outside the house again today. I didn't get the books listed on homeschoolbuy again, but will today! I got my Walgreens shopping post up on gather. Walgreens Shopping 5/3/09.
I got Our Unschooling Journey 2 squidoo lens updated a couple of days late. I also updated my Under The Rainbow Gifts lens as well. Today I need to get Sample Gal and Cello In A Box updated.
I didn't make giant squid and I'm pretty heartsick over that...and I don't understand why my stuff isn't good enough, but I guess I will keep updating and apply again at the end of June and see what happens.

For some reason I can cut and paste most everywhere fine, however I can't cut and paste from gather posts and put it in a post or anywhere else. I can't restart this computer. The last time it was off I got scared to wouldn't boot up telling me that there was a missing or corrupt windows file. I tried and tried again and it did come back on, but I would be lost if I shut it down and it did NOT come back on!!

On that note, I better move on to other things. The cloudy, chilly weather is already making me want to just crawl back in to bed.

Have a good Tuesday,

Monday, May 4, 2009

Monday May 4

Good Morning!
Here we are to Monday. It looks like it's going to be a nicer day today. Today is my weekly cleaning upstairs day. All I've gotten done so far are some dishes and some decluttering of stuff that doesn't belong in the kitchen.
I sure hope I can get my mother motivated to get a bunch of stuff ready to try to sell at the neighborhood yard sale that is coming up!

I didn't get those books listed on homeschoolbuy like I wanted. I ended up spending a lot of time there editing to make sure my listings stay in. I am in hopes of getting the books listed today. I can't sell them if they aren't listed!

I was "test driving" this 1986 Ford LTD over the weekend that the guy that sold me the van wants me to take in place of the van. It's not a bad looking car....from a distance LOL Up close it's not so great. It has some problems though with the brakes, the windows, the doors, the power steering and the ignition. He has the car now supposely going to fix the problems for me this week. It's also really dirty as they've had a window down during all this rain, he's supposed to clean it out too. I still want to keep the van. He is willing to give me a motor if I have someone to pull that one then pull the one in the van.....just not really finding anyone willing to do that much work for me. The never ending battle to have my own transportation lives on.

I drove up and did my Walgreen's shopping yesterday. This was my best trip moneywise so far. I didn't get that post on gather yet, but will put it up in a bit. I did post my April Earning Stats and my weekly mail call, Mail Call! Week of April 26 if you are interested.

No plans outside the house today so it will be all the housework and computer time I can get in. The grandkids have made a real mess down here! It's far past time to get rid of the majority of these toys so they can't do this to me. I'm off to get my housework done upstairs.
Here's wishing you a great start to your week!