
Saturday, April 18, 2009

Saturday April 18

Good morning! I've been up since early but doing other watching Handy Manny on Playhouse Disney to write a review of a show on gather. Here is the review that I wrote: Handy Manny Arbor Day Episode Review

Today's is the day my son gets out of jail. I will be so relieved, but not as relieved as he is I'm sure. He's already got word that he has his job back. Today is also my boyfriend's birthday. The sad part is that I've not spoken to Steve since Palm Sunday when he gave me and my mom a ride to church. He's not called me and I've not called him. We don't make the best boyfriend/girlfriend. Now I don't know if I should call him and wish him Happy Birthday and see if he has any plans for us, or wait and see if he calls me.

This is to be my first smoke free day. I found I have 5 pieces of the Nicorette gum. I hope it helps me through the day, and maybe, just maybe since I've only been smoking like 4 cigarettes a day I can use only 3 of the pieces and have 2 left for tomorrow.

I did have a productive day yesterday, and today will be the same even though I am skipping around getting things done. No matter what my evening plans end up being, I will be satisfied with what I get done online.

I'm going to close for now and move on to my gather group work.
Have yourself one awesome Saturday!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday April 17

Good Morning!
I was going to do ALL of my cleaning before even getting on the computer but decided I wanted to go ahead and get this blog written. Mom is messing with me already...she's come down and turned off ALL the lights like I'm not even down here, then complaining about the light bill. Oh my gosh mother...I do pay you...and I've replaced all the bulbs down here with the energy saving bulbs anyway.
I am not one that can sit in the makes me tired and it makes me feel depressed.

I got my L'Oreal Revitalift bzz kit in the mail and wrote my initial post about it which includes a photo of the kit as well as a before video of myself. Rec'd My L'Oreal Revitalift Bzz Kit Yesterday

No plans outside of home today. I just plan on getting all the housecleaning done here in the basement. I also plan on getting through all of my websites that I do daily as well as to clear my gmail. I also need to do quite a bit of schoolwork with Jasmine. This week Heather has been a big help with Jasmine and her school work, pulling her in with her and working on things together. It's been great to see. That should keep me busy enough. It's Friday so I can stay up late and sleep in tomorrow!

Please click and nominate me for the Mom Logic contest if you would:

Here's to a great start to your weekend,

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thursday April 16

Good Morning! I actually got out of bed on time this morning but then got busy on a bunch of stuff as usual. I'm waiting for Jasmine to get ready so we can take our weekly walk to the grocery store for shopping. Not much on any good sale this week and I didn't even come close to getting all my coupons cut out yesterday either!

I rec'd my bzz kit in the mail yesterday for the L'Oreal Revitalift campaign. I did my first bzz about it through a gather post, including a photo of the products as well as a before video of myself. Rec'd My L'Oreal Bzz Kit In the Mail Yesterday. I also finally got videos to load again for me, thank goodness!

I feel like today will be a productive day, and that is a nice feeling! I will be smoking my last cigarette today...PERIOD! Therefore send good thoughts on that for me.

I think that's it for this day...until tomorrow, have the best day possible.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wednesday April 14

Good Morning! Oh my goodness, I did it again, I overslept by over an hour. I really can't afford to do that time wise.
No plans outside the house today. Today is laundry day so I am about to get that started. Then, the everyday housework, some of which didn't get done yesterday since when I was home I was exhausted. I haven't filed my son's state taxes for him yet, so I need to get that filled out right away and out on the mailbox. It's also the day to look at the sales ad, make my shopping list and get the matching coupons ready. Before I do that I need to cut out the rest of the pile of coupons that I have. Can we say Marsha will never have her coupons in the order she wants them in?

When I went to work yesterday there weren't any children for me to watch, so Jasmine and I ended up being part of the highway litter crew. The volunteering for yesterday was part of the adopt a highway program. Only 1 parent showed up to help. They are paying me for the 30 minutes to get there and the 30 minutes home. It's all good, part of my vision board is that I want to volunteer more.

Nothing exciting to announce. I did get my last craft order completed and out in yesterday mail. Now I need more orders to work on. In the meantime I'm going to make up the rest of my netting into dish scrubbies and then start working on crocheting another plarn shopping bag. Even without orders I have enough supplies on hand to make things probably for a whole year, so something to always keep my busy.

Until tomorrow, have a great "hump" day!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tuesday April 14

Good morning! OMG! I way over slept this morning. I guess I needed the rest after so many nights of having a hard time getting to sleep.
Bowling is over for the season but I have a church council meeting this evening. I am also working all afternoon at Headstart doing childcare while parents volunteer for highway cleanup. In other words, I won't get much done around the house or on the computer before it's time to go to work.

Sorry for such a rant yesterday...the rest of the day went much better. My daughter's ex husband said he had a car that he wasn't using, so if we wanted to insure it and put a battery in it he would let us use it. My daughter sold her car in the back yard for junk to pay the insurance, and we took the battery out of my van. That didn't last long...already for some reason it won't start. (sigh) Which means either we figure it out fast or we have to find a ride to get the girls to their Headstart class and me to work.

I still couldn't get videos to upload into gather yesterday. When I get off work I will restart the computer and see if that helps anything. I really want to share all the videos I took at Easter time.

I won another prize on mycoolcontests last night, so once again my mycoolcontests lens is updated. I'm very appreciative of whoever it was that signed up under me giving me another entry in for the prizes! MyCoolContests I've not heard anything yet on whether or not I'm approved for giant squid...but then again, not a day goes by where I can actually get through an entire day of email so I have over 6000 emails to catch up on in my gmail.....(sigh again) maybe tomorrow, which is what I always say LOL

I better head out of here and get some other things done. I'm thinking of doing another blogspot...I would title it something like My Frugal Week and share recipes, things that I do to save money, shopping trips etc. What do you think?

Have a great Tuesday!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday April 13

Good Morning! I hope everyone had a nice Easter.
Yesterday was a nice day...despite the weather. Church was great. We had to have the egg hunt for the kids inside the church due to the rain. It was raining when I woke up in the morning and still raining when I went to bed last night. They are calling for rain every day in the forecast through Saturday. I guess it's the April showers to bring those May flowers.
I really am wanting to get my garden area ready and get to planting.

Today is my moderate cleaning day upstairs. I've done some dishes and will head up to sweep and mop the kitchen, then vacuum all the carpets after I am done with my blog. I've already snapped at my mom this morning..she just had to start making comments on how I wash dishes, telling me it didn't look like I was rinsing them very well, then going on to ask me if I was ever taught how to do dishes. I screamed at her asking her if she wanted me to do dishes or not, and I told her that she needed to shut up. I hate myself when I act like that. For one thing is the quitting smoking thing, for another it's just my mother's attitude that if you don't do something the same way she does then you aren't doing it right...that is for everything not just the dishes. Ok...done with that rant! Yes, I do love my mother and I do appreciate her, and I am thankful for her.

I've been doing a lot of posting on gather in regards to our Easter holiday. I got stuck yesterday....I got one video in, which took an hour to load, the 2nd one I tried never did load. I got a lot of crocheting on this last craft order while I waited! I will restart the computer today before I try uploading any more videos today. If interested, you can click my gather button to the left and go check out the photos, posts and videos that I have put in.

No plans outside of the house today other than visiting my son this evening. This is our last week to visit, he gets out on Saturday. For those that don't know, he is spending 90 days in jail for driving on a suspended license. I sure hope he doesn't do this again! I have plenty for him to help with once he's out. I need his help with the van, my tv went out, and yesterday the dryer quit working.
Oh, I do also need to walk to the Dollar store and buy cat litter and trashbags, so hoping it won't be raining this afternoon so I can get that done.

Until tommorrow, he's wishing you a good Monday,