
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Saturday April 4

Good Morning! Typing in my blog real quick before we head out to the library book sale. Man, finding a ride was tough. Actually we have a ride to the library then my mom has to work to find us a ride home. This sucks (for lack of a better word) not having my own transportation. I must make enough money to get the van running again.
Yesterday my brother called pretty much at the last minute saying he did have to drive the school bus and couldn't take us to the funeral. We did find another ride, getting there right after it started.

I'm very disappointed...hardly anyone showed up for the Spring Fling yesterday. I've been blogging about it for a couple weeks and getting the word out. The last day is Monday, at which time I present my crafts in the evening. I'm including the button again in hopes some of you will read this and consider coming in Monday.
If you have any ideas of other places I can get the word out, please let me know!
Under The Rainbow Spring Fling!

I'm heading out to the library now, and once home I will be busy scanning, looking up and listing books.

The weather is to be awesome today here in Kansas. Tomorrow is a different story. Have a great Saturday!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Friday April 3

Good Morning! In weather news it says today's high is 63, tomorrows high 72, then Sunday it drops to 40 with rain. I just want warm and for it to stay warm.

In other is my cousins funeral. It was nice to see the relatives yesterday that we haven't seen for years, but very hard to watch them cry over the death of their father and grandfather.
I went ahead last night and did all my cleaning (sweeping, vacuuming etc) that I have set myself to do on Friday's. I know today is going to be busy.

It's the 2nd day of the Spring Fling at Under The Rainbow. I won't be able to go in there until after the funeral and such.
Tomorrow is the library book sale. I had a ride set up but now she tells me her boyfriend wants her to go out of town with him. I need to find a ride! This is something I can't afford to miss as I need more books to add to my selling inventory.

I didn't get a squidoo lens updated yesterday, although I need to get in and get my Under the Rainbow Gifts, Cello In a Box, and Sample Gal lenses updated with the April specials. Here it is the 3rd and that's not done.
I only just did one extra post on gather yesterday and that was sharing my savings plan.

I'm not sure if I've mentioned that I am working on quitting smoking. I've been smoking 1 less cigarette per day. Today I get to smoke only 4. I am getting to the end. I will be relieved, but at the same time I am nervous as I've counted on smoking as a relaxer for almost 30 years! Say some prayers of strength for me.

That's it for today. Here is wishing you a great start to the weekend.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thursday April 2

Good Morning. It's cold and windy out and they are saying chance of snow before noon. Oh boy. This is shopping day, but we aren't in dire need of anything so I don't think Jasmine and I will be walking today. I don't have my list and coupons ready anyway.

I felt so unproductive yesterday. I know that I got things done, it just didn't seem like I did. I hope to feel productive today. I've already gotten a lot of the housework done and out of the way this morning, but still need to clean under the furniture according to my cards.

I guess I am obligated to make a funeral home visit this afternoon, we have a cousin that passed away. We've found a ride to get there. The service is tomorrow. I do want to see the relatives that live out of state and we haven't seen for years. That's a sad thing to say in the matter of a death isn't it? Sometimes that's the only time you see relatives.

The Spring Fling day that was cancelled has been rescheduled to Monday the 6th. That is when I will present. Here is the link to my vendor table. My specials are good through Monday of 10% discount. And, don't forget, my craft pricing includes shipping. Gifts Galore and More Vendor Table
Tomorrow the Spring Fling also continues and I hear rumor that the Easter Bunny will be there to do the live prize drawings on camera. Speaking of which, I won a prize yesterday...a years membership to Send Out Cards.

I also updated my Sample Gal squidoo lens yesterday. She has an awesome special going until April 5. It's at the top in a black box, you can't miss it. Sample Gal

I think that is all of my news today. My mom just told me it is snowing outside. She also just turned off my lights down here like I'm not down here or something....mothers!
Have a great Thursday!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wednesday April 1

Good Morning...April Fool's Day, the kids will be full of it all day today LOL

I surpassed my goal with gather and just cashed out for a total of $75 in amazon! That laptop is getting closer to being mine.
Here is one of the posts I did yesterday...a photo essay. It's snow creatures Heather and Jasmine made. Snowman Photos

Do you have those days when you wake up knowing you just aren't going to accomplish much for the day? I'm having one of those days. I have several posts I need to do on gather including my Walgreens shopping, a myfaves survey, my March earnings, and my usual 2 posts. However, I need to be in the Spring Fling...I'm not presenting, but I need to be in to support those that are, and it's not unlikely for me to get orders when it's not my day too. And, here I sit, haven't hardly started anything online. It's laundry day and I don't have that going yet either. The grankids have really made a mess of my basement, so that need to be straightened up before it literally drives me insane. You know what? That means I better get myself in gear and just get to work...and be happy with what I do accomplish compared to what I don't!

Have the best day you can :)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tuesday March 31

Good Morning!
Amazingly, almost all the snow from the snowstorm over the weekend is now melted...all 18 inches! Jasmine and I walked to the store yesterday.
I was really disappointed when I went in to the Spring Fling yesterday to find out that it was cancelled....I had worked so hard preparing for it and advertising it, and well, was really in hopes of making some money selling things to work towards getting the van running again. But, the owners son was in an accident and family does have to come first. I've not heard anything yet on how her son is, or if yesterday will be rescheduled to another day. The Spring Fling is set for day 2 tomorrow, however, yesterday was the only time I was scheduled to present my crafts.

Tonight is bowling....just 2 more weeks after this week. I will miss my weekly night out, but at the same time appreciate the break over the summer months. Just so much I am trying to do.

I didn't really get anything done...a couple extra posts on gather, one to say I was going to have a busy day, then another one telling about the Spring Fling being cancelled. I didn't do anything on squidoo other than rate and comment on a few lenses of others. Can we say non-productive? I did finish the plarn shopping bag, and will get it listed in my blujay store today. I'm going to cut all my netting while working on here today to get as many dish scrubbies made as I can.

I guess that's about all my news for today folks. Have a great Tuesday!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday March 30

Today is the day! I hope to see some of you pop in to check out our online party. I present from 7-8 pm CST.
Under The Rainbow Spring Fling!

This will be short. No school today due to the danger of too much snow on the roofs and I way overslept when I have so much to get done today. I need to do all I can on here plus complete crocheting this plarn shopping bag to get it up for sale before my party time. I've done my Monday cleaning upstairs...that took me a couple of hours.

I won another prize on mycoolcontests yesterday. I really want to thank whoever it was that signed up under me. That gave me one more chance each day at winning. Here is the banner if you want to check it out outside of my squidoo lens.

Have a great day all, and I hope to see you in the Spring Fling ;)


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sunday March 29

Good Morning!
Our church services were cancelled this morning due to the amount of snow we got. Unfortunately, we weren't going anyway due to the van being down. I sold 2 plarn shopping bags yesterday in blujay! All online sales profits are being saved to get the van running again. I about have all the plastic bags cut and made into plarn to crochet my next plarn bag.

I'm pretty much going to take it easy today. It is supposed to be my free day after all. I've done my dishes "share", made my bed and the other little few things that are done daily around the house.

Today's high is supposed to be 53, which should melt some of the snow, however with the amount we got there isn't any way to melt it all in one day. I think tomorrow high is a little better, but Tuesday's forecast is calling for a drop again, but rain instead of snow. Oh pleasant spring LOL

Don't forget, the Under the Rainbow Spring Fling starts tomorrow. Tomorrow is also the day that I present as well. It's always a good time.
Under The Rainbow Spring Fling!

I updated our Unschooling Journey squidoo lens. Our Unschooling Journey Part 2 I also updated my Gifts Galore and More lens.

I did lots of posting on gather too! I do believe I can make my goal of cashing out for $75 on the 1st. I did 6 posts and 2 videos yesterday.

I better scoot along, and quit boring you. Have a very blessed Sunday!