
Saturday, March 21, 2009

Saturday March 21

Good Morning! It felt so good to sleep in this morning. It smells like rain outside and they are calling for chances of thunderstorms over the next 3 days. Highs at just about 70 each day.

Below is a photo of the plarn gift bags that I've completed. When I said I was going to work on crafts 2 days ago I guess I meant it, I finished the 2nd bag. Yesterday I worked on sorting bags to use to make my next plarn shopping tote. These gift bags will be listed on blujay later today.

I did a lot of posting on gather yesterday. I hope to do the same today and keep those points coming in to make my goal by April 1. I posted Grocery Shopping 3/19/09 and Budget Supper March 19. 2009

I listed Rich Kid Smart Kid on blujay yesterday, so I also updated my squidoo lens book review as well. Rich Kid Smart Kid Book Review

No other real news. I wanted to go help clean the basement at my church this morning. I decided against it as the van is sounding worse and worse. We've driven it just over 300 miles already with that rod going out. I have no prospects of coming close to earning the $300 needed to buy another engine to put in it. I want to be as careful as I can in hopes we can drive it as long as possible.

Have a great Saturday!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday March 20

Good Morning! Happy first day of Spring. I hope it's bringing nice weather to all...although someone shared a video on gather this morning and they were having big snow this morning.

I've been busily cleaning this morning over being on the computer too much. I was already cleaning when the mailman knocked on the door and brought me my newest bzz campaign. It's for Johnson's nature's source cleaners. I got toilet bowl cleaner, window cleaner, all purpose cleaner and bathroom cleaner. I am excited! I also received free coupons to hand out to other for them to try the product and let me know what they think. I am giving 5 coupons away through gather. I will be drawing those 5 from those who comment to say they are willing to try it and write a review. Check out the post at I Need Product Testers for my Bzz Campaign

Yesterday I updated my squidoo book review lens on WWJD For Kidz Book Review
11 of my 51 lenses are book reviews, of which I will continue to build as I read books.

I did really well yesterday with the card file from the Sidetracked Home Executives book. I made it through almost all of my cards for the day. I have Friday as one of my moderate cleaning days but already have most of that cleaning done for the day. Give me a few weeks and I will no longer have to be a nervous wreck whenever someone knocks on the door!

I better get back to my work here and around the house for the day. Here's wishing you a great start to the weekend!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thursday March 19

Good Morning!
Man, I spent a lot of hours cooking yesterday to get those soups ready for supper last night at church. They were a hit for sure so I must have done alright LOL I don't think there was one person that didn't come back for seconds, and most 2nds on both the ham and beans and the ham and potato soup. I definitely should have cooked 3 lbs of beans instead of just 2. There were no leftovers for us for lunch today.

I've been busily working through my cards today. One card that I've been passing by since I started putting together the file box is the daily one that says work on crafts. No more, I have my crocheting on my lap now and I'm working on it while I'm on here. I'm getting the 2nd plarn gift bag made.

I still didn't get anything extra posted on gather yesterday. I have plenty of photos and videos that I can put on.

I did update one squidoo page yesterday and that was my Betty Boop lens. It's dedicated to my 23 yr old (although now she is much more in to Tinkerbell so looks like I could build another lens he he) Betty Boop for Liz
I have my own little plan on how I am getting my lenses updated. I have a few things I can add to each but really only doing one thing at a time. I'm thinking that will keep them fresher and more seen.

As far as plans away from home today...I have to take my mother to her Thursday dr. appt. I also plan on a trip to the grocery store as well. They are still offering the sale on the buy 10 items get $5 off your bill but I don't have hardly any matching coupons left. Not sure if I will mess with that or not. I'm mostly intested in the bags of frozen boneless skinless chicken breasts and wish we had a deep freeze so I could buy more than just 2 bags while they are on such a good sale.

Well, I'm off to get some other things completed for the day. Have one awesome Thursday!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wednesday March 18

Good Morning! We went from 70's on Monday, to 80's yesterday and dropped to the 60's today and over the next several days. I can't really complain though...60's sure beats the 30's we had last week on spring break!

It's my turn to cook for the soup supper and Lenten service at church tonight. I have the ham and beans in the crockpot. Later I am making ham and potato soup. I am also making 2 batched of corn bread. It's going to be a cooking day for sure!

I am still working on the filing system from the Sidetracked Home Executives book. I ran out of index cards working on the addresses so have to dig around in my desk and hope to find some more.

I didn't get any extra posts done on gather yesterday and probably won't today either. I am getting the paper again so I have the store ad ready to match up what I can on the sales and shop tomorrow.

I only got just one squidoo lens updated yesterday and expect to do the same today. The one I updated yesterday is the one I built for Araya on Dora the Explorer. Dora the Explorer for Araya

Onward I go working on completing the cards in the file the best I can. I made up daily cards for my 12 yr old, Jasmine. She did ok with them just one day and now I am having trouble with her.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St Patricks Day My Friends!

I've been busily working on here today to hurry and get a lot of my things done on here this morning. I want to have most of my things done by noon.
I got a lot of the file box done from the Sidetracked Home Executives book. I'm pretty well done except for the birthdays, anniversaries etc and the address cards, but those in themselves are going to take a few days.

I didn't get any extra posting done on gather yesterday other than a post about a bill collector calling. I did post 3 photos, and I made my goal of 100 points of the day with 101. I am in hopes of cashing out of April 1 for both a $50 and a $25 amazon.

I updated a book review squidoo lens as well as my pets lens. I added photos on the pets including of the new kittens. I hope you will take a look. Meet Our Pets

I got my daughter to drive herself to pick her kids up from school so that gave me more time at home. Today's plans include taking my mom to her dr. appt. and bowling this evening. I will take my address file and address print outs to both places to work on.

I'm off now...don't forget to wear your green today!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday March 16

Good Morning! I managed to get out of bed this morning, but only because my mom gave the 7 am wake up phone call. Allen managed to get up and get ready and off to school. I just couldn't seem to sleep last night, and when I did I was having weird dreams. Go figure.

I started yesterday getting my filing system started from the Sidetracked Home Executives book. I am improvising since I can't afford to go buy a file box and different colored file cards. I've been working at it all morning too and from I can see it will take me the whole week to get the cards in place.

I will have to take the girls to Headstart at noon, but we just got a phone call saying Ariel can't go because of not having one of her shots. Sheesh, how stupid, it's the chicken pox shot. I will also have to pick the kids up from school when it's out.

This evening my mother and I will go and visit my son. Then, I will sit upstairs to watch The Secret Life of the American Teenager. I will work on coupons while I watch the show.

I got 2 posts done on gather (other than my daily two posts). Budget Supper March 15, 2009 and Grocery Shopping Again--3/14/09

I got 2 of my squidoo lenses updated yesterday. Hannah Montana and Tweety Bird Both are fun ones.

Off to get more work done. Have a great day!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday March 15

Good Morning! I actually crawled out of bed this morning so that I could get some of my internet things done before church. Do you believe it?? All of last week since the time change I would have still been in bed for another hour or so!

Today's plans include church. Past that, I would like to get a good start on putting together my cleaning and organizing file system. After yesterday I just need to do a few simple household chores. I plan on putting chicken in the crockpot for supper. Other than than, just all of the things I do on the computer every day.

I upgraded my account with yesterday. Once I get through all the extra clicks I get for being upgraded I will be able to cash out there today. It's a nice little site. You can check it out with the banner at the bottom if you would like. All clicks are worth 1 cent.

I did my weekly mail call post on gather. I sure didn't get much in this past week, but I've not been doing well in the area of sending off for the freebies like I have in the past. Mail Call! Week of March 8
I also did another budget supper post. Budget Supper March 14, 2009

Oh yes, I got a new squidoo lens built yesterday. It's part 2 of our unschooling journey. I also updated the original to include links to all of our other homeschool related lenses. Our Unschooling Journey Part 2

It's that time....time for me to get everyone else in the house awake and motivated and to finish getting myself ready.

I wish you all a blessed Sunday!