
Saturday, March 7, 2009

Saturday March 7

Good Morning! It's cloudy out and they are calling for rain. That's ok, the high is supposed to be 60...although the weather in my bar above is telling me it's 63 out right now....and it also says the sky is clear. Apparently it's not very accurate LOL

I got really busy yesterday on everything that I do online. In fact, I am really amazed at all that I accomplished on here! I got through all my paid to clicks and game type websites. I did a lot in my own gather group and then did a my work in some of the other groups that I am in. I got my Sample Gal, Under The Rainbow Gifts, and My Cello in a Box squidoo lenses updated for March. (I even updated my online craft mall lens this morning) I also started adding incense to my blujay store. I have several more listings to go to be done but got some of it in last night.
I had a prize to send out and didn't have any of my bookmarks left that I mail out with my orders. I had to redo the file to print them since it was lost in my computer crash. I got those bookmarks made too. This morning I am working on making some dish scrubbies that the gal decided to order to be added in with her prize package.

The prize is what she won from me at the last Under The Rainbow Celebration. It's almost time for the next Celebration!
Under The Rainbow Spring Fling!

I'm going to go for now and see just what I can get done this day too :) Have an awesome Saturday!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday March 6

Good Morning! It did indeed get into the 80's yesterday, it was awesome. I know it will be a bit cooler today but still in the 70's. My computer it showing it to be 57 right now.
I'm so glad that Friday is here...and even happier that next week is Spring break week! That means a week of being able to stay up later if I'm not quite finished on here, and not having to have the alarm set in the mornings!

Yesterday was a full day. We found out that Elizabeth is having a boy, which is what we were all hoping for. We did some shopping at Wal Mart after the appointment. I talked my mom into going to the dr. this morning instead of yesterday. We ran so behind by the time we got done running it was time to pick the kids up from school. The van really just needed a rest. I have to hurry and finish typing this and get her to her appt.

I want to share 2 gather posts with you today since I didn't manage to get around to doing any work at squidoo.
The first one is the start of my gift stash with photos. Items for My Gift Stash

The next one is a great Christian Devotion if you are interested. TGIF Christian Devotion

Ta Ta for's to a great start to your weekend!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thursday March 5

Good Morning! High today is to be in the 80's...record high! It's 50 now so I do believe it will make it.
We didn't end up leaving the van at the shop yesterday. The mechanic said with the rod going out I would just be wasting my money replacing the bearing as in 2-3 months the rod will misshape and wear it out again. We are opting now for buying another motor to put in it.
The mechanic said I'm not going to hurt it anymore than it already is by continuing to drive it. It will eventually go all the way out, but hopefully not before we get the motor replaced. Please continue to pray that we get this whole thing worked out.

I will be taking Elizabeth, my oldest daughter, for a sonogram today. That will tell us a due date closer to being correct as well as maybe the sex of the child. She is hoping for another boy. Allen is hoping mom has a boy too.

This is a video that I put on gather a few days ago. It's of Willo with my cat Ichygo. It's really cute, I hope you will take a peek :) Willo and Ichygo Video

Yesterday I updated my mycoolcontests squidoo lens. I hope you will check it out. For each referral I get another daily entry, which will help me have more chances to win prizes. It's a neat website. free prizes!

I seem to be on a pretty good start on my internet stuff this morning, so I am going to keep working at it. I also need to get some more coupons cut and sorted while I work on here as well.

Have a great Thursday!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wednesday March 4

Good Morning! I'm running behind, which is pretty much par for the course. However, I've got my grocery shopping done, and the daily housework is done. I'm getting ready to take the girls to school then take the van in to the shop. Now we are thinking it's the fuel regulator that might be out as well as the bearings. I'm just praying that they are able to fix those things, and that with selling my other van for junk I am able to pay for the repairs. As well as that it solves the problem and I will have a reliable vehicle. Say some prayers with me.

I had a great time shopping at Walgreens last night just getting a few things. I did a post on it on gather. You might check it out as the deals are still good! Good Deal Alerts at Walgreens

I need to get into squidoo today and update my lenses that have monthly specials that change. It should have already been done since today is the 4th! I did update my lensography yesterday to add my newest lenses. Marsha's Lensography I need to update the photos there at another time.

I also did get some coupons cut and sorted yesterday. I hope to work on that more today here and there. The store is having the buy 10 items get $5 off special again, however, they only have a few of the items listed in the flyer. I did the one on the pints of ice cream this morning. I bought 30 for a total of $14.70...yum!

Better run, almost time to get the girls to school and the van to the shop.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tuesday March 3

Good Morning!
Strange morning. It's my mom's social security payday and yet another month she is having to find rides from several others as I have no way to take her around town. I called the guy I bought the van from yesterday. I'm to take the van in to the shop tomorrow for them to check out. However, he is no longer offering to refund my money (of which I wouldn't expect a full refund after driving it for 3 weeks), but if they can fix the o rings I do have to pay him. Say a little prayer over it for me please. I'm upset over once again not having transportation. It was great to drive again and be able to participate at church again and things.

I did more catching up in my gmail all day yesterday but now I have to not work on that today since it's bowling night.
I did, however, get my 50th lens built on squidoo! I put my email request in to apply for giant squid. I won't hear back on it until sometime in April. It's another book review lens. Sidetracked Home Executives Book Review

I've really lapsed in the 2 weeks on working on cutting and organizing my coupons. I'm sitting here this morning cutting and filing what I can. I'm rather frustrated with all that needs to be done and finding the time to do all that I want and need to do.

I'm going to try to get most of my internet stuff done this morning so I better get a move on. Have a great Tuesday!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Monday March 2's Monday again. Those darn sleep alarms kept going off and off again until finally I realized Allen only had 15 minutes to get dressed and off to school for breakfast. Next week is spring break but I can't wait for summer to not have to worry about this getting up so early!
It's supposed to warm up a bit more today than yesterday, but right now it's 15ยบ out is all.

I got really busy going through my gmail yesterday but I still have over 4500 emails to clear it out and then with any good fortune figure out how to keep up with it each day. I also got really busy with gather, I posted 9 videos, 1 photo essay and 2 posts! I got to work it as much as I can each day and get that laptop earned!

Here is the photo essay I did. It's Nymphadora as she had the kittens. Nymphadora Had Her Kitten Photo Essay

I updated 2 squidoo lenses as well yesterday. One was our unschooling journey. When I get 10 weeks in I will start a new lens for the next 10 weeks. Our Unschooling Journey

I've done some dishes this morning but haven't done any of the other daily housework. I'm off to get that done before continuing on with my internet stuff.

Have a great start to your week!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunday March 1

March is here...come on and march in spring! It's no spring weather here today in Kansas. Current temp is 20 then says it feels like 9. I believe it!
Our cat, Nymphadora is in the process of having her kittens. I am taking photos as each is born, which I will share in a photo essay.
I took quite a few photos and videos at the bowling banquet last night. That was fun.
It's been a pretty lazy day all the way around. I am doing more messing than anything else.

I'm going to be busy putting in all the videos and photos that I can in to gather. I also still have to update the unschooling journey squidoo lens and choose another lens to update as well.

On that note, since it's late in the afternoon, I will close today's posting for now. Have a great Sunday :)
