
Saturday, December 27, 2008

Saturday December 27

Good Morning. Yep, it sure was a nice day yesterday. It got up to 65ยบ. Elizabeth and Chris came over and took the kids outside for some good fun. Today it's swooped down to a high in the 30's, but still not as bad as it could be.
No real plans today. I think I will mostly just sit here, click on the computer and work on crafts.

Here is the first photo post of our Christmas that I put on gather. Christmas Eve at My Brothers Part 1 I did 4 photo posts total.

I also built a new squidoo lens yesterday. This one is on REO Speedwagon. I've included 5 videos plus the lyrics to the 5 songs as well. I hope you will check it out. REO Speedwagon Fans

Have an awesome Saturday!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Friday December 26

Good Morning!
We've made it through Christmas. I will be posting a little later each morning than I used to. I've decided since I'm no longer working outside the home I need to change up my routine. From now on I'm going to get the housework done first thing in the morning before I even get on the computer. This will make for better days anyway.
This morning there was just a lot more to do with picking up boxes, wrapping, etc from yesterday.

The weather is pretty great stayed warm enough over night that all the ice melted. However, it's not going to last, a cold front with more snow is to come in this evening. Enjoy it while we can is all we can do.

I took lots of photos the last 2 days. I'm going to get those off the camera and posted on gather today. So, I won't list a post today, will wait until I have those done.

I will feature a squidoo lens today. This is the one that I built for Ariel on Hannah Montana. It's pretty neat, I hope you will take a look. Hannah Montana for Ariel
She got lots of Hannah Montana stuff for Christmas. I should gather it all together and post a photo of it to the lens. I just may do that in the next day or so.

Until tomorrow, have a great day!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day 2008!

Good morning!
Christmas eve at my brothers was great. We had lots of good food, good family time, and fun opening packages. I took lots of photos.
Once home from my brothers we opened a few more packages here.
Chris, Liz and Willo are off to Chris' grandmas house for her traditional Christmas morning breakfast.
Allen, Ariel, and Araya stayed all night with their father last night.
They are all to go to Chris' mom's for Christmas dinner at 2 pm today.
We still have packages from me here to open, so I am hoping before they head to Chris' mom's that we can get that done.
I got the ham out of the freezer to start cooking. I don't know how many will be here to eat, but thought a traditional Christmas dinner would be nice this evening all the same.

I'm feeling bad right now for Jasmine and Heather, they sure are slighted in the gift part. Jasmine has a super attitude about it saying that it's because they are getting older. They each got something from my mom and from my brothers family. From me they each have 5 gifts and their stocking. That's it though.
Whereas the grandkids get from me, my mom, and my brothers family, but also Chris' mom and grandma, and they were adopted by a sorority. The 3 old grandkids are also getting from their father and his girlfriends family. Boy, do they have it made this year?

However, Christmas is not about the gifts. It's about the thoughts and about the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I leave you with this:

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Joanne's Layouts!



Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve Wednesday December 24

Good morning! We woke up this morning to the pilot light out on the furnace...and somehow the front door had come open. Can you say bbbrrrr?? We also woke up to just a dusting of snow outside.
In a couple of hours we are off to my brothers house for Christmas dinner and to open gifts. One gift for everyone goes from me, then we open what is from my mom, and from my brothers family. My daughter will take one gift from her for each of her children.
We are changing up the menu a bit this year for dinner so it should be interesting. We usually have ham, but this year my sister-in-law wants to make 2 different soups instead. We are taking fresh veggies with dip, pistachio pudding salad, and applesauce jello.

When I posted on gather about our family tradition of baking cookies and making other goodies for Christmas there was interest in the butter mint recipe that I use. So, I shared the recipe in a post if you are interested in checking it out. Butter Mints Recipe

Today's featured squidoo lens is a fun one I made about Fat Albert. I hope you will go take a look see and even listen to the youtube videos. Fat Albert

Joanne's Glitter Comments
Joanne's Layouts!

Have a safe holiday!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tuesday December 23

good morning!
I am late getting my blog posted. I decided to be good (so to speak) and do someof the household chores before sitting in front of the computer.
I have to make a grocery store run today yet for tomorrow dinner at my brothers. Then, we have our bowling league tonight. My daughter and I worked on holiday treats last night but she didn't get done with hers. We have to get the goodies she bought and the ones that I bought divided among all the stockings. You know, I didn't make a stocking for myself...hhmmmmm.

Last night I posted photos of some of our goodie making on gather. I hope you will give it a look see. One of our Holiday Traditions--Baking and Goodie Making

Today for my featured squidoo lens I want to share the lens I made on the various point programs that I do. They are neat and a lot of fun too. Point Programs

Joanne's Glitter Comments
Joanne's Layouts!

Have an awesome day!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Monday December 22

Good Morning!
Yesterday was so busy with church and housecleaning that I didn't get online until 8 pm. I didn't take the time to write a blog.
It's cold and I don't like's going to be a long cold winter, with yesterday being the first official day of winter.

My daughter will be over later and we are going to get our Christmas baking and candy making done. I can't wait....yum!

Nothing much else going on, but we do need prayers for a situation with my grandchildren. It's stressful.

Today I will feature the squidoo lens that I built about the online craft mall. If you do crafts to sell, you will definitely want to check this out. If you don't, I still hope you will give the lens a look see. Online Craft Mall

Joanne's Glitter Comments
Joanne's Layouts!

Have a great day and stay warm!