
Saturday, December 13, 2008

Saturday December 13

I have to say good afternoon today. I slept in late. I didn't get my ride to the store yesterday but he called this morning so I've been hopefully stocking up enough we don't have to shop again until next weekend. The weather is nice out but windy. Still taking advantage of the bit warmer weather as it's supposed to get nasty by Sunday evening.

No other real plans for this day. Yesterday the baby ended up sick to her stomach. My daughter did come get her. Now my mom isn't feeling well at the stomach...I'm sure it will make the rounds to all 8 of us, which is just so pleasant....NOT!!

I didn't quite get the one gals prize package stuff made so I will still be working on that today. If I hurry I can get this last washcloth made and her package ready before the mailman comes.

Today's lens I want to feature on squidoo is my coupon and refund story. I hope you will enjoy it. My Coupon/Refund Story

Until tomorrow, have the best day that you can,

Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday December 12

Good morning. I'm a little late getting my blog written as I've been doing some other things like getting Christmas cards addressed and out for the mailman and the craft order that I finished out in the mail too.
Jasmine was sick to her stomach yesterday so we left her down here alone. I worked on cards and dish scrubbies upstairs yesterday.
I have 4 more scrubbies and 2 washcloths to crochet for a prize to send out from the piepoints Black Friday event. Then, unless more orders come in I can get back to making the rest of my Christmas gifts.

The weather was just gorgeous yesterday. It's supposed to be that way today and tomorrow then take a turn for the worse again with snow and highs in the 20's starting Sunday. I better enjoy the nice while I can.

Since I didn't get much time on the computer at all yesterday I am in hopes of getting a lot done today. Mostly I want to work on catching up with gather email. I will work on crocheting as well.

Today's squidoo lens that I want to feature is one I built called Homeschool helpers. I talk a little about my home schooling, then offer lists that others can add to if they own their own business type website related to homeschooling and another list where they can post good homeschool websites. Whether you homeschool or not, I hope you will check it out. Homeschool Helpers

Until tomorrow,

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thursday December 11

Good morning! It's a crisp chilly morning with no wind.
Yesterday was just son drove over here needing a driver to take him around, I was the only one here. As soon as I got done with him he did get me to my dr. appt. However, no one picked me up and I had to walk that sucked! Thankfully there wasn't much wind, but it was only 30 degrees. I was in a bad mood and my legs felt cold the rest of the evening.
Today Heather has her math tutoring so hopefully my daughter will get her there and home. This evening I have church council meeting but I have a man from church picking me up for that.

I am working on some dish scrubbie orders. I need to have those done by tomorrow evening to be off in Saturday's mail. I still have several hair scrunchies to crochet. Some of the scrunchies I am sending to a lady on the Christmas wishlist group who is collecting little things to make stockings for the needy. I also need to get all my Christmas cards addressed and ready to mail as well. This is always such a busy time of the year for everyone.

Today I am featuring the squidoo lens that I built on the traffic exchanges that I do. I am signed up for more that was is listed, but these are the ones that I enjoy the most. Traffic Galore

I am off now to see what I can earn before it's time to head to work. Have a wonderful day,

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wednesday December 10

Good Morning. I am getting a slow start this morning on the computer so I will have to be at work before I know it. 6 workdays left until I am done there!
Yesterday no sooner than I published my blog it started snowing like crazy. All we are mostly left with this morning are icy streets. It's now supposed to be sunny with highs in the 40's and 50's the remainder of the week.

My only extra post on gather yesterday was about an email I got from mypoints. It was an anniversary email...I've been a member of mypoints for 11 years!! It is one of th best and most reliable sites out there.

Today's squidoo lens to feature is one I built for my 12 year old daughter Jasmine. It's on the anime Death Note and I've recently updated it to make photos larger. Death Note Fans

In other news, still no money order from those books, which leaves me wondering if she really is going to pay. That is a sad thought as I've already borrowed and spent the profit from Steve. Also I have a doctor appointment this afternoon. It's a yearly check up, so get that over and I don't have to worry about it for another year.
I received payout for a 3rd time today from Matrixmails. If you are reading this in blogger, the banner is at the bottom of the page. Another program worth doing.

Until tomorrow, have a glorious day,

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tuesday December 9

Good Morning!
Yesterday it got up to 60 degrees, and wasn't even cold with the wind! Today is a total turn around. It is super windy and really cold out there and they put us in a winter advisory, even talking about it getting bad enough for school closings tomorrow. I will take yesterdays weather!

Today is Heather's math tutoring. I've asked my daughter to take me to Wal Mart to get craft supplies while she is there. Tonight is bowling. With any luck I will also get that gal's money order in the mail and can get these books off in the mail.

Here is a post I did on gather about a rug I crocheted for beside Jasmine's bed. Finished One Rug for Beside Jasmine's Bed (with photo)

Today's squidoo lens to feature is one that I made highlighting online parties. It's an older one and I need to go find a way to spice it up with some graphics or something, but I hope you will go check it out...and add your own site if you own one or frequent one that holds online parties. Online Parties

Until tomorrow, stay safe and stay warm,

Monday, December 8, 2008

Monday December 8

Good Morning. The weather is pleasant today. Looks like the temps drop quite a bit starting tomorrow. Another day to enjoy it while it's here.
8 days of work left...the countdown is still on.

I got a lot of gifts wrapped yesterday until I ran out of paper. I worked more on the yellow Barbie dress and made one more hair scrunchie. I need to make 5 or 6 more to have what I need for gifts.
No real plans today other than a trip to the grocery store, which reminds me that I need to get my list ready with coupons before work since I will have my daughter take me as soon as I get off.

I got the post done with photos of our Christmas tree and gifts and things. I hope you will take a look. Christmas Tree Up and Presents Wrapped

Today's squidoo lens I want to feature is my original lens. The one I thought was going to be the only one I built. Since I have taken a lot of the original stuff off of it and make those things in to different lens, but I have also added to this one. I hope you will check out Gifts Galore and More

I will leave you today and get on to the grocery list (and some yuwie comments) Have a great day,

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sunday December 7

Good afternoon! I chose to stay off here this morning and do some things around the house and get the kids ready for church. Steve took us to church this morning for the Christmas dinner afterwards, it was really nice to go.
Last night Steve took his laundry to the laundry mat, then while it washed we ate at Kentucky Fried Chicken...while it dried we shopped at Dollar General. I got the rest of the little gifts for Allen, Ariel and Araya...and gained 2 more yellow bags towards working on the yellow Barbie dress.

While I am talking about that, I will share the link to my gather post on the blue Barbie dress that is complete. I am crocheting these with plastic bags. Once done with the dresses I am going to work here and there on a shopping bag. It's really interesting and fun, not to mention a great way to use those plastic shopping bags too. One Barbie Dress Complete

I had a suggestion on my Deathnote squidoo lens to make the photos larger to pop more. I did that last night, so I will make that today's featured lens in my blog. Death Note (anime)

Today's plans pretty well include vegging out here in front of the computer. I am going to crochet in these 2 bags on the Barbie dress, wrap some more gifts and crochet on more hair scrunchies while sitting here.

Until tomorrow I hope your Sunday has been blessed,