
Saturday, November 15, 2008

Saturday November 15

Good morning!
Not much going on today. I would like to go shop at Walgreens as they are offering the coupon for $5 off $20 purchase. However, my rebate money isn't on my gift card from last month, and I am just not happy with what they are offering in this month's rebate booklet.
I have to wait for my son to come over some time today and check out the van. The hood latch broke so that is the first thing is the get the hood open. Then, something is whacko with the thermostat and it bounces all around and I am getting no heat. After one trip out yesterday it was smoking and smelling like antifreeze bad.

I don't have a gather post to share today. You can go to My Gather Profile Page if you would like and check out some of my photos and videos. I'm in the process once again of trying to put in a video with no luck. I've tried the Willo in the leaves one a couple more times with no luck either, and it's the cutest.

I think I will concentrate today on using up my 1200 spins on winster and see how many points I can get. I am wondering though if I shouldn't cancel my paid membership and just play as a free member when I have time. It will renew again on the 18th. I sure like the 4 times the points for being a member, and also that you can log in and collect your spins and not lose them if you don't use them. It just takes so long to play and I can't do anything else on the computer at the same time due to the lag.

Well, I will quit boring you for today and say to have a great day!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday November 14

It's Friday, and it's my payday. I plan to cash my check, pay the cable bill, fill up the gas tank, then come home and pay my mom her rent money. From there I will see what is left and see what I can do with it. It doesn't go far for sure.

I plan to work and work on my email today, although I know the only way to really catch up is to delete and start over. I just get more email in in a day than I can do, even if I did nothing but sit here in my email all day and did nothing else.

Today I am going to share a post of gather that I did showing what I made for my sister-in-law for Christmas. Christmas for my Sister-In-Law

Here's wishing you a great start to the weekend,

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thursday November 13

Good morning. A bit warmer this morning as there was no frost or ice on the windshield.
I am getting my gather posts in and my blogs before heading out to take my mom to get her commodity food. Right after that I have to go to work. After work I have to take Heather to her math tutoring. A little later I take my mom to the doctor. And, this evening I have council meeting at church. It means another short day to get things done on the computer.
Tomorrow is my payday, which is good, but also shortens the computer day as I need to get a few bills paid and do a little shopping.

I got the 2 orders of scrubbies made, and got the materials bought to finish the order for 12 scrubbies. So, in between my other stuff and clicking on here I will be working on making scrubbies. In fact, I will take the materials with me while I am running others around.

Here is the book review of WWJD for Kidz that I did on gather. WWJD for Kidz Book Review

Until tomorrow, have a great day, stay safe, and take care,

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wednesday November 12

Good chilly morning to all. It's freezing here right now, but supposed to get up to a high of 55. I don't like scraping ice in the morning. And, it appears the thermostat has now gone out in the van, and it jumps to 200 degrees within driving a block and the heater or defroster never does get warm. It shouldn't be the heater core, as we replaced that this past February.

I don't have any real plans other than work today. Well, after work I need to go to the bank and cash my Jerky Direct check and head to Wal-Mart to buy netting. I do also need to get this poster of mom's that I sold wrapped and taken to the post office to mail.

Today I will share my The Vision Board book review on gather. The Vision Board Book Review Any views help me to earn more points on gather. I am currently just under 500 pts away from my next $50 in Amazon.

Have a great day...I'm off to use up some of my winster spins.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tuesday November 11

Good Morning to my friends.
I am not at work. Jasmine complained of a sore throat and headache yesterday, then cried all night. I took her to the doctor this morning and she has strep. I'm waiting now for the girls to go to school so I can go back to bed for a bit before taking Heather to her math tutoring.

We shopped at Aldi's on the way home. I have chicken in the crockpot. Once cooked I will separate it into 3 meals. Freeze 2 portions and then add carrots and chicken gravy for tonight and serve is over some seasoned potatoes that we bought.

Gosh darn it...tried to go to the bank today and found it closed...well Happy Verteran's Day then! It also means no mail, and I just tried to call the Health dept. to change an appt and they are also closed. Hhhmmm you think that also means that the probation office is closed? That is where I take Heather for math tutoring. Nope, just called and they are closed. woo hoo! take that out of today's schedule.
I do still have to take my mom to her dr appt and then I have my bowling league tonight.

Ok, what I am sharing from gather today is my photo post on Jump Rope for Heart. It was fun. Jump Rope for Heart 2008 Photos

Have a good day,

Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday November 10

Good morning. Looks like the chilly weather is here to stay. No wind today, which is good, it's the wind that chills me to the bone.
My son got over and would you believe all that was wrong with the van was the lug nuts on that one tire were so loose it was about to fall off?? Well, there is something wrong with a bracket to the chasse, but he says that shouldn't fall apart soon, so I can keep praying and keep saving to get something else to drive. I'm so thankful that's all it was and I have transportation again for the time being.

Today starts a busy week. There are extra dr. appts. this week starting with my mom's foot dr appt today. All I can do is "grin and bear it" and get done what I can on the computer when I can.

I built a new squidoo lens yesterday. This one is a book review of WWJD for Kidz. I hope you will take a look. WWJD For Kidz Book Review

Today I am sharing a photo essay I did on gather of the fall trees in the morning sunlight. I hope you will take a peek at it as well. Fall Trees Photo Essay

Until tomorrow, have a glorious day!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday November 9

Good Morning to all.
My daughter got Allen to church for his communion class, that made me breathe a sigh of relief as he is almost done with the class. We will all try to figure out someway to get to church for next week.

I guess today's plan mostly consist of doing what I can on the computer and working on this order of 10 dish scrubbies. When I get these made I got another order for 12 of them.

I finally updated my list of squidoo lens on the left here. (if you are reading this in my yuwie blog, they are on my profile page under interests) I built another book review lens yesterday on The Vision Board. I hope you will check it out as it's an awesome book and in my opinion a must read for all. The Vision Board book review

Here is a photo post to share on gather. It's late pumpkin carving that the kids did. Late Pumpkin Carving Photos

Have a blessed Sunday,