
Saturday, October 18, 2008

Saturday October 18

Good morning! I slept in again this fine Saturday. Then I let my grandson play on the computer and I got a bath and things before getting on here.
Mom is wanting me to head down to the farmer's market to spend the last $4 of her government checks there. I will go, they are to reveal a new mural that was painted today and next week is the last week of the season anyway.

I did get 2 more squidoo lenses built yesterday. One is a book review of Summer Sisters by Judy Blume and the other is on the Power Rangers....this one is for Allen Jr. I hope you will check both out from the left in my list here.

Today I am going to share part 3 of my Rod Run photos on gather. I still have 2 more parts to post. Neat looking cars though that take a lot of money to own. Rod Run Octover 3-5, 2008 Photos Part 3

I need to finish up these dish scrubbie orders and get Bonnie's coasters and hot pads completed today...hopefully before the mail man comes. Guess I better make that run to the farmer's market so I can get those done while I click on here.

Have a very blessed day,

Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday October 17

aaaahhhhh Good Morning! I had a great night's sleep last night. My daughter actually took all 4 of her children to her place for the night. It was such a wonderful quiet evening! I did stay up later finishing the book I was reading, I will try to write a book review on it later. I let the alarms go off this morning and got out of bed at 8 am.
I didn't get that tire fixed yesterday and the man wasn't at his shop. I will call today and hopefully be able to get in. My mom has also informed me that she needs to go to a couple of stores and deliver some Avon today. Such is life, just another day with running around.

Today I am going share the photos in part 2 of the Rod Run that I posted on gather. I have 3 more parts at least with 10 photos in each one. Rod Run October 3-5, 2008 Photos Part 2

Oh good, my mom is bringing down some laundry. That means soon the dryer will be running to warm up this basement soon. We haven't turned the furnace on yet, but even when she does, there is just the one vent down here so it remains cold. I am hoping it will be better this winter since I have put more rugs on the floors and have hung more blankets against the concrete walls.

Have a glorious day!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thursday October 16

Good Morning!
Yesterday was a pretty long day. I didn't get back on the computer until 5 pm with all my running (most of the time spent at the laundry mat) Then, I ended up staying at Awanas with the girls. For some reason they kept crying when I tried to leave.
I didn't get the tire done yesterday so need to fit that in today around Heather's math tutoring and my mom's doctor appt.
They cancelled Jasmine's dental appt for tomorrow moving it clear to Nov. 20. I keep thinking there is something I need to do away from home, but for the most part that could be my day to finally really work on my email.
I also still have 7 or 8 squidoo lenses I want to get built. I also need to finish up a couple more dish scrubbies and 3 more coasters and get these 2 craft orders in the mail.

Yesterday I got part 1 of the photos from the Rod Run in at gather. We took quite a few photos so it will probably take 5 parts to get them all in. I love the classic cars. Rod Run October 3-5, 2008 Photos Part 1

My mom and my daughter are about to be off to pick up their commodity foods. Next week I get to pick up mine. It sure is a help!

Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wednesday October 15

Good morning!
The rain hasn't stopped yet. Now they say by tomorrow then a little warming trend. Mom is thinking of turning on the furnace as it's reading 60ยบ on the thermostat.
Today is my payday so I will end up out and about all afternoon today paying bills and such. I am finally going to get these rugs and my tennis shoes to the laundry mat.
The kids will have Awanas this evening.

Today I am sharing day 2 of our 120th anniversary at church. Zion Lutheran 120th Anniversary October 5

Short and sweet today as I am getting a little bit of a late start. I'm off to play my spins and then play some spelling bee at msn live games.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tuesday October 14

Let's start the morning out by my daughter not showing up to take Allen to school and the battery in my van dead. (sigh)
Thankfully I remembered Steve is on vacation this week so he just took Allen to school and will come back to jump start my van.

This is my busy, take Heather to math tutoring, take my mom to the dr, have supper and head to the bowling alley. We are short one bowler on our team because one man quit, and another man on our team broke his ankle this week so we have to find him a sub. (sigh again)

I didn't do anymore squidoo lenses yesterday but will try to build a couple more tomorrow.

I would like to share the photo Essay I did on our church celebration today in gather. Zion Lutheran Church 120th Anniversary October 4th

Now I better stop typing and go get the van ready to be jump started. It's still raining today. The rain is supposed to stop today and the days warm up a bit more the rest of the week.

Have a good day!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Monday October 13

Happy Monday. Happy Columbus Day. No holiday for the schools today, but banks and the post office are closed. I don't like no mail days.
I've had major lower back pain since Friday evening so I'm not sure how work will go. I'm actually hoping that while bending to set my table I will bend just right to put it back in to place.

It's raining and a bit cooler here today, and is supposed to be the same tomorrow.
No real plans today other than whatever I can get done on the computer.

I built 2 more squidoo lenses last night and listed them to the left. One on Fat Albert and the other on Hannah Montana.

Today's I will share my weekly mail call post from gather. Mail Call! Week of October 5

I think that is all for this day. I hope you have a very blessed day!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sunday October 12

Good afternoon.
The good news for today that my van was recovered, the man that stole it was arrested, and it's home where it belongs.
Please check out the post I wrote on it's return. My Van is Home Woo HOO!

Ariel woke up sick to her stomach this morning so I just made sure that Allen made it to his communion class and the rest of us stayed home. I made that trip to the store for sprite, popsicles, apple juice etc for sick stomachs. Unfortunately it's that time of year. Heather and I will go to Bible study this evening though.

I think today I need to mostly concentrate on attempting to catch up on my gmail with over 12,000 emails in my inbox. I will also click on my paid to clicks while I am at it since it's that money that I am attempting to save to buy another vehicle.

I will try to start building more of my squidoo lenses tomorrow and then Wednesday and on.

Until tomorrow, have a great rest of the day,