
Saturday, October 11, 2008

Saturday October 11

No Good Morning from me today. I decided to sleep in this morning for the first time in forever and woke up to my van being stolen!! You can read the details if you would like about it and my van in the gather post I just did. My Van Was Stolen This Morning!!

I did get another lens built last night, this one is on the points programs that I do. I hope you will click and check it out from my list to the left. That makes 16 lenses so far on my trek to build 50.

Nothing else happening...I will just do the best I can today to get through my click programs...better get serious about reaching payout to get another vehicle. I was trying to start saving for one anyway.

Have a great day gang!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday October 10

Thank God It's Friday...and I mean that!
Yesterday was a long exhausting day celebrating Jasmine's 12th birthday. I worked for 3 hours, then spent 3 hours cooking her meal for her, then 3 more hours of shopping with her birthday money, opening gifts and having cake and ice cream. Afterwords we came downstairs and watch Rose Red, which didn't end until midnight so we stayed up a lot later than we should have.

I am about to take my mom to the doctor this morning. We changed her appt from yesterday to not interupt Jasmine's day. Once done there, my daughter and I are going to the Mennonite church to order our food from Angel Food Ministries. After that I have no other plans except to do a couple loads of laundry and get done what I can here on the computer.

I got another lens built yesterday, this one on the online craft mall at Under The Rainbow. Please click over on the left and check it out. I won a free space at the party, so I am going to use my lens, in conjunction with gather and have a contest to give that party spot away.

I did put in photos of Jasmine's day at gather too. Jasmine's 12th Birthday--October 9, 2008 with photos

I got the rest of my photos resized and ready to share and make photo essays with this morning too. Better run for now, need to get mom for her fasting lab.

A wonderful day to all,

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thursday October 9

Happy birthday to my Jasmine today! She is now 12 years old and hasn't been my baby anymore for some time.
We got to the store last night and bought her ice cream. We got hamburger patties and hot dogs, the buns, and the fixings for the bbq she wants to have. We still have to get her cake today. I have a potato salad recipe that I printed from a gather post that I want to try out too.

I made it to work and back yesterday with the help of Steve. Later in the day the other guys came and got the donut spare put on my van to find that it was pretty flat. They got air in it and this morning it's still up thank goodness. I hope I can get by driving on it until payday next week. Jasmine and I walked to the store and shopped while they were working on it then they came to pick us and the groceries up.

The party went well for me last night even though very few were there. I got 2 orders for Jerky and a total of 12 dish scrubbies ordered. with making the scrubbies and the hotpads and coasters that I gave as a prize I will be busy this next week. Want to check out the Jerky for yourself? It's the best around. As of the 1st of this month I am doing the Jerky only with my business. Jerky Direct
I also won another prize last night bringing me to a total of 6 for the event! And....I also was drawn to win the grand prize. The 4 days of partying ended up being a real blessing for me and will sure be a great help as I am gathering items to give for Christmas.

I am off to see if I can get in some spins over at winster. The last few days I've only been there about long enough to log in and gather up my spins for the day. I was very impressed with winster! When I cashed out for my $5 amazon, within minutes I had the code.

Take care all and wish Jasmine a Happy Birthday today.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wednesday October 8

Good Morning...well I guess...
I got off work yesterday, took Heather right to her math tutoring. Then I went to pick up Allen from school to get to his dentist appt. On the way there I had to pick up my son and get him to work. Allen ended up having 2 teeth pulled instead of one. We got done at the dentist just in time to find out that my daughter was still working out of town and I had to go and pick up my granddaughters from school. I got home from that, and went to just run into the house for a few minutes before having to leave to get my mom to her doctor appt. when we hear "ssssssssssss" It was the front tire of the van going flat. So much for taking her to the dr, she had to quickly call a friend and get a ride.
Today is Steve's day off work and he is going to get me to work and back, but I also must do some grocery shopping. I have no idea how we are going to fix the tire as there is no money. I've had to spend my emergency savings this past week to buy milk, eggs, bread and margarine. Nothing left! I don't get paid until the 15th. ggggrrrr to money!

On a brighter note, I did manage to quickly build another squidoo lens yesterday morning. This one is on I hope you will click from the left and read more details on it as it's lots of fun and I really enjoy winning the prizes. I will edit the lens at some point to include pics of what I have won, might get to that today, not sure. Here is the banner just to click on over to the site.

I am also presenting at Under the Rainbow's Spooky Celebration this evening, so if you are reading this, maybe you can stop in for some of the fun!

Guess I better figure out some things here and will give another update tomorrow.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tuesday October 7

Well, it ended raining from morning until bedtime last night. I guess that's what happens when it doesn't rain for 3 weeks. It's a bit chilly out today because of the wind.
It's going to be a busy day. I'm off to work in 30 minutes. Immediately followed by taking Heather to math tutoring. My daughter took an out of town painting job so that leaves me taking Allen to the dentist this afternoon too. Then, mom's usual trip to the doctor and bowling this evening. I really begin to despise Tuesdays! I love bowling, it's the rest of it that I don't like.

I didn't do much with gather yesterday...uploaded some photos since my video wouldn't go through.
I did however do another squidoo lens. At the Spooky celebration Ralyn announced she is now taking founding consultants for Under The Rainbow Gifts. I ask you to please click on the Under The Rainbow link under my lens to the left and check it out. She's got a good program going with lots of gifts to choose from.

I also won 2 more prizes in the Spooky Celebration! A shelf sitter doll and a set of Infant hair clips. With my order I placed with Bonnie for the scissors and holders, these 2 prizes, the play foam, and pillow that I won earlier these will all be great help with my Christmas gifts. There is still tomorrow for the celebration, of which I am presenting my website again from 8-9 pm, right before the last drawing and grand prize draw! Watch for links in tomorrow's blog.

Have a good day everyone,

Monday, October 6, 2008

Monday October 6

Good Morning! After so many days of just about perfect weather, it's raining this morning. I'm sure we need it, it's been almost a month since it's rained.
I don't believe there is a thing on my planner outside of work today! I may get to take Heather to math tutoring today instead of tomorrow because Allen has a dentist appt. tomorrow afternoon.

I went ahead last night and added another lens at squidoo. I'm on my trek now of putting in the book reviews to build with. I've added it to the side bar on the left.

For my gather post to share today I have this--- My Mom's 62nd Birthday with Photos
I have videos and photos from our church's 120th anniversary that I will get off of my camera today and on to my computer. I have lots of misc. photos as well. Isn't this fun? I have $150 in amazon collected from gather so far towards my goal of buying the laptop!

I better daughter showing up to take Allen to school and I am having trouble getting him woke up to get dressed and off to school.

Have a glorious day!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sunday October 5

Good Sunday Morning!
The concert at our church last night was nice. I took some photos and videos. I will do more today. I will post the videos on gather as well as do a photo essay.
I look forward to the dinner after church today.
Once home I want to concentrate of getting my house back in to order. With being busy and worrying about getting things looked through for the yard sale I've let other things slide.

I tried to play some winster this morning but the site is down for maintenance. All I got to do yesterday was log in and get my 300 spins. The good thing is as a paid member you don't lose the spins that you don't use each day so when I log in later today I should have 600 spins. At least that is what another member told me.

Today I have my weekly Mail Call post to share with you from gather. I did pretty well this week including getting in another $50 amazon card from gather! Mail Call! Week of September 28

Guess I better start waking up kids for church to make sure we are there early enough to get our back pews.

Have a blessed day,