
Saturday, October 4, 2008

Saturday October 4

Well, the yard sale went...and went as usual too. Lots of work for very little money. We only sold $19 total between all of us. It was nice to get out among other people, just needed to make more than that.
I bought some school texts for .25 each that I will place on homeschoolbuy...hopefully they will sell, this kind has before.

I'm in the Spooky Celebration right now and it's sad that there is barely anyone else in there. I present my website at 3 pm central time today and again at 8 pm Wednesday evening. I hope i can get a few orders.

I'm getting ready to do my freebies post over at gather, but today I will share part 3 of my Cosmosphere photo essay. Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center--Photo Essay 3

I'm going to head out of here now. I have my party time to present, then the activity to do...get a quick bath...I have chicken in the crockpot, but not sure what else we will have with it. We have the gospel singers coming to church this evening to celebrate our 120th I need to see what else I can get done on the computer.
Have a great rest of the day!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Friday October 3

Good Morning!
I forgot I don't get this Friday off as it's my mom's payday so I will be running with her for about 4 hours.
I have some cross magnet materials to work on while taking her around. They will be put with my other crafts in the yard sale tomorrow. I also thought of an idea yesterday of making some magnets and bookmarks to try to sell as well. I will be working on those once home, and worked on them last night too.

I built 2 more squidoo lenses yesterday, so there are now 5 new ones on the list to the left. I hope you will check them out. I am still a long ways from the 50 needed to be a giant squid, but I am happy with what I am getting done.

Today's gather post I am sharing is Part 2 from the Cosmosphere. Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center--Photo Essay 2

I hope you have a great day! The weather here is still nice and hopefully will hold out through the yard sale tomorrow. The mornings are chilly but not too bad.


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thursday October 2

Good morning!
I reached my cashout with winster this morning for a $5 amazon. Now to see how long it takes to get to the next million to see if I want to continue with the fun of playing. I will add the amazon to what I am saving for a laptop.

I have to be to work in 30 minutes...then the usual Thursday after work...taking Heather to math tutoring and then my mom to the doctor.

I built 3 more lenses over at squidoo yesterday but haven't added them to the side bar here yet. I might get to that later today.

I got my 1st photo essay in on the Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center at gather yesterday. Will get the 2nd one in today and the 3rd tomorrow.
Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center--Photo Essay 1

I will be participating in the Under the Rainbow Spooky Celebration this coming Saturday, and then on Wednesday. I will give more information on that tomorrow.
We also are still trying to get a little bit together here and there for the yard sale on Saturday. As cool as the mornings are I really don't look forward to setting up shortly after 6 am, but hopefully we can sell a few things.

Guess I better get ready for work...have a great day!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wednesday October 1

Here is it October 1, and the world didn't end. In case you are wondering, someone, or some church was passing out flyers to the children on the school playgrounds last week stating that September 30 was the last day on earth. I have to day I'm glad I have more time here.
It's a beautiful day out. Work went well. I made a little trip to the grocery store after work. The kids have Awanas this evening. It's also the monthly healing service at our church this evening. I should go while the kids are at Awanas.

The only posts I've mostly been doing on gather lately are my daily Investing for the Future from the calendar by Larry Burkett. I've put in some photos here and there, but mostly I've been concentrating on squidoo. I plan on building some more lenses today. I got an inspiration in a forum post stating about the holidays being around the corner so to build build build.

I hope you will take another look at my lenses over to the left, and as I get more done I will come in and add them to the list.

Have a great day!


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tuesday September 30

Here it is the last day of September...I can't hardly believe it. The weather is cooling off some, I just hope it doesn't cool off too fast.
I will soon enough be off to work. After work is Heather's math tutoring. I also take my mom to the doctor this afternoon. I should plan something for supper now, since it needs to be done when we get home so then I can be off for my bowling league. Tuesday is definitely my full day each and every week.

I need to stop messing with squidoo and get my gather emails caught up! But, I built another lens yesterday, it's listed to the left. My Coupon/Refund Story
I found a link exchange I've known about for awhile but hadn't joined, but you can share squidoo there, unfortunately only 1 url at a time, but it's a start on getting the word out more.

Today's gather post I will share is what I wrote about Angel Food Ministries. Angel Food Ministries

I better hop on over to some other things before work, but I hope you have a great day!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Monday September 29

Good Morning!
I'm typing this in a hurry before I have to get Allen to school. My van is not running well at all...acting like it doesn't want to run! My son couldn't figure out what was causing it.
We have some plans today of insuring my son's car and they are going to let me drive it since they aren't supposed to be driving it.
Nothing else going on today that I know of...I need to be cleaning up this basement.

Today's post to share from gather is Bug Hunting. Bug Hunting--Photo Essay

I am still probably 5 days away from cashing out for the first time with winster....playing there and how many points you can get in a day depends on who you end up playing with. Yesterday I got into a room with only 2 other ppl...both were brand caught on quick to the peice trading, but the other was stingy. I hope I find better luck this morning with it.

Take care all and have the best day you can,

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday September 28

Good Afternoon!
Yesterday went well. We had breakfast and cleaned the church. I picked up my order from the Angel Food Ministry (I will share my post on that from gather another day). We went to the Kansas Cosmophere and Space Center for some free activities. This time we actually walked through the space museum and I got lots of pictures. Once home I cooked supper, which was followed by cake and ice cream for my mom's birthday.
The weather is still just beautiful outside. The kind of weather a person could only wish to have year around.
I did get some affiliate stuff figured out with, was I trying to do it the hard way! Now I just need to build a lot more lenses. I am wanting to still do one about myself and a few on different anime.

Today's post I will share from gather is about my garden. Garden 2008 Final Update--Photo Essay

I think this week is free of any extra appointments. It will be the weekend that will be super busy.
Until tomorrow, have a glorious day!