
Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday September 26

It's noon. I am trying, trying, trying to figure out this affiliate stuff and squidoo.
It's been a good morning, I played my 300 spins at winster, a couple more days and I can cash out for $5 amazon. I just got back from taking my mom to the doctor and doing some grocery shopping.
I doubt that I will find time to post tomorrow. It's my mom's birthday for one. The morning starts out being at church by 8:30 am for breakfast and cleaning. Right after that I get to pick up the food I ordered from the Angel Food Ministries. From 3-7 pm, the Cosmosphere is having free things for national museum day. They are calling it a Night at the Museum. Mom wants to go for her birthday, which is great, it will be both educational and fun. I'm not sure what the evening will bring.

Today I will share the Teddy Grahams review that I did on gather. Teddy Grahams Review with Photos

I hope that everyone has a great day!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thursday September 25

Here I am after 2 days of not posting. Imagine this...I walked in to work only to find the gal I've been subbing for was back, and they didn't need me on my regular job. Although my boss said I was entitled to my 3 hours whether they needed or wanted me there, I am choosing to stay home and see if I can do some catching up here on the computer.
I will still ended up with about 3 1/2 hours or so more than I would have this week.
I will have to take Heather to her math tutoring today and my mom to her doctor appointment.

I did get busy on here yesterday afternoon putting in the pics and such from my camera and I got my Teddy Grahams review done on gather. I also got 3 more listings on blujay of some of my mothers items and then got them posted on my Gifts Squidoo lens too.

Here is the video that was to go into my review but for some reason the coding didn't work :( I will post the link to my review with pictures tomorrow.

Have a great day and we will see what the day brings and what tomorrow brings.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday September 22

Today I have to say good evening...that's what kind of a day I am having.
I got a call early this morning to go in to work for a gal with a family emergency. I will be working for her all week. It means a LOT less time available on the computer. That makes me upset, but I know that in the long run I will appreciate the extra hours on my paycheck as I need to buy a battery for the van as well as pay the tags and taxes on it too.

I will not be posting tomorrow. I am working 2 1/2 hours longer than usual. After work I have to get Heather to her math tutoring. My mother's quack of a doctor changed his office hours and I can no longer take her on Monday, it has to be Tuesday(which is already my busiest day), so I will have to take her to the doctor. Once home from there it's eat supper and head out for our league bowling.
I am putting a roast and veggies in the crockpot for tomorrow's supper so all we will have to do is come home and eat.

I forgot to list my gather article yesterday on my Mail Call...I hope you will take a look at it. Mail Call! Week of September 14

Have a good evening and a good tomorrow. I need to head out and see what other things I can get done on this thing.


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday September 21

Good late afternoon. It seems it's been such a long day.
I started out this morning putting my daily post on gather, then I loaded 3 photos. I worked on my squidoo pages a bit. It was time to head off to church. After church I did a little grocery shopping, then came home and took a nap.
Once up from my nap I played my spins on Once done there I went upstairs and baked cinnamon rolls and cut carrots and celery. It's my turn to bring the snacke for Bible study so I am taking those things along with ranch dressing for the carrots and peanut butter for the celery.
When I came back down I played my 4 daily games at msn live games. you can tell, I am just now getting a start on most of my money making things here on the computer...but I did just reach the $10 payout with wordlinx again...and the great thing is they usually pay within 24 hours.

I noticed yesterday that I actually have a bid on a book at homeschoolbuy. Boy, that sure doesn't happen often enough for sure. I haven't checked in on any of those things yet today.
It will soon enough be time for supper, then off to Bible study. Once home from there I will have a couple more hours to work on the computer before bed. I really need to get some laundry done today too!

I will stop boring you and just say that I hope the rest of your day is awesome!