
Saturday, September 13, 2008

Saturday September 13

Good Morning. I wasn't going to type this until this afternoon, but decided to get it done now.
It's rained and rained. As of right now it's not raining, but still looks like it.
Steve called me last night and asked me to go to the State fair with him this evening so hopefully it will clear off. Tomorrow is the last day of the fair. I'm sure profits are way down this year at the fair due to all the rain!
I will be heading off to sewing club at church in about 30 minutes. One lady is bringing chili to share for our lunch. I am taking a package of sweet rolls, some shredded cheese and crackers to share. I am also taking that quilt top with me and the one gal is going to tell me how much she will charge me to finish it for my mom for Christmas.
I will stop at the farmers market on the way and spend the last $4 we have.

Today I will share a photo essay I did on the petting zoo at the Kansas State Fair. Petting Zoo at the Kansas State Fair 2008--Photo Essay
I've been putting in 1 video each day too at gather of rides I took at the fair.

Have a good day,

Friday, September 12, 2008

Friday September 12

It started raining about 4 pm yesterday and it's never stopped. Almost 24 hours now of non-stop rain means a lot of water.
I made it through yesterday's busy schedule and I made it through work today.
It's not a good day, and I am feeling depressed and disappointed. Mom wasn't apporoved for the loan on the van at the credit union. Knowing how much we needed it and I wanted it she tried another loan place but was also denied.
I guess I have to be happy with what we have with the exhaust system being held up with coat hangers, the radiator fan that doesn't work, the battery that must be replaced and the doors that won't open from the outside. I know there is something to be said to be happy with what you have as it's better than nothing, but that's hard.
I will get back to clicking all I can and attempting to save to get something else.

Today I will share a recipe with you that I posted on gather. We had it for supper the other night and it's one of our family favorites. Chicken with Carrots and Gravy--Quick, Easy and Cheap

Please don't forget to check out my squidoo daily. I am still trying to figure out a banner for that site as well as how to add a few things more to it...but the hardest is getting the traffic to the page, which is how you earn money from them. Marsha's Gifts Galore and More Squidoo lens

Tomorrow morning is sewing club at church, so it will be the afternoon also tomorrow before I get a chance to write.
Until then, take care!


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wednesday September 10

So much for my non-busy day. I've already had to take my mom to pay the van payment, then to pay the water bill, then to pay the car insurance, and then to the store.
I went a little crazy at the store as they are offering on the Box Top and Label for Education items when you buy 15 you get an additional $3 off your grocery bill. You can do the offer up to 3 times in one transaction. I did it twice as I happened to have coupons with me for 30 items. Most items were also on sale. Along with my other groceries, sales, and coupons I spent $89 which was a savings of 42% so I don't think that I did bad at all.

I still have to take Jasmine to her dentist appointment in 1 1/2 hours.
We won't hear about approval or non-approval on the loan on that other van until sometime tomorrow. If you are reading this, pray for the best for us on this. I will really be disappointed if it doesn't go through. The people selling it lowered the price to $1000 so that we would have the other $200 to pay the taxes, tags and insurance.

Today I am going to share the photo essay I did on gather about the rugs that I crochet. I hope you enjoy. Crocheted Rag Rugs with Photos

I am trying to find out if there is a squidoo banner to use. I am also running some ideas for other lens through my mind.

I am not sure if I will get a chance to post tomorrow. The morning starts out taking my mom to get her commodity food, then I am off to work. Right after work I have to take Heather to her math tutoring. Then, my mom has her dr. appt. which right after that we have to get supper, then I am off to the church council meeting.
Friday isn't much better working 8-4. I will have to see what happens.

Until I write again, take care!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tuesday September 9

I was right...we came home from the fair last night and I just took my bath and pretty much went to bed. I was exhausted! It was a good day for the time I got to spend with Jasmine but a bad day due to the weather. It was only 50 degrees and windy! I was so cold that my feet were cramping up and my hands were numb. I took lots of pictures as well as videos of the rides that the kids rode.
Today is another busy day. In less than 2 hours I have to be at work. Right after work Heather has her math tutoring and I will have to take my mom grocery shopping. This evening is bowling.
Thankfully they give the kids a day off of school tomorrow for the fair and the only appointment we have is Jasmine for the dentist. I plan on just relaxing on the computer tomorrow!

I will go ahead and share my latest mail call post on gather today. Mail Call! Week of August 31

I also added a huge list of different articles I have put on gather to my squidoo lens as well. Marsha's Gifts Galore and More Squidoo Lens

Here's to the most relaxing day you can have today,

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sunday September 7

I'm late getting to my blog today. I got home from church and started in on trying to do all my paid to clicks and to post on gather.
After church I was taking my mom to deliver some Avon orders. At one house we seen a Silhouette van like what I have now except 3 years newer for $1200. A couple other people are trying to buy it but mom is going to check with the credit union tomorrow on a new loan and if she can get it and if it's not sold already by the time we find out, we plan on getting it. It's in so much nicer shape than what I am driving now.

Remember my squidoo page? If you can think to click on it daily, I would appreciate it, I need the page views to help my ranking and to help me earn money. Marsha's Gifts Galore and More Squidoo Lens

Today I will share a photo essay I put together after Jasmine and I took a walk around the neighborhood. It was my last summer hoorah for bonus points for the photos. Last Summer Hoorah Photos

It hasn't rained yet today and the sun is peeking out of the clouds. THe forecast called for 30% chance today and a 40% chance for tomorrow. I hoping for no rain on our say trip to the state fair tomorrow. I won't be posting my blog tomorrow as I will be busy for over 12 hours with work and the fair. Once we get home I probably will just get a bath and fall in to bed.

Until Tuesday, have an awesome day!