
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saturday August 23

That cool morning didn't last long yesterday as we got in to the triple digits. Looks like another hot day too.
My son was able to jump start my van, but I will need a new battery as soon as I can save up to get it.
I did work through a lot of my programs yesterday, including some of my traffic exchanges to get some of my other websites seen.

I am up to a total of 179 photos posted on gather so far which is past my goal and I still have more to post. This is such a wonderful point promotion they are doing. Today I will share the 1st photo essay of 2 on our local zoo. Hutchinson Zoo--Aug. 20--Photo Essay 1

I just got back from the farmers market where we had hoped to get some broccoli, cantaloupe and watermelon. Still I seen no broccoli, must be a bad season for it. The cantaloupes were all sold out, but I did get a watermelon and then 5 cucumbers. My mom still has $14 of her government vouchers to spend at the farmers market.

I guess I am off to see what I can get done on this computer. I'm sure there will be some sort of plans this evening whether it be swimming, or watching a movie.

Have a great day!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Friday August 22

I was going to head to work in 20 minutes but when Elizabeth went out to take Allen to school this morning she found the battery dead on my van. The guys we found to help jump it say the battery is totally gone. It wouldn't even spark. I don't know what I am going to do now as we are struggling to keep food in our stomachs right now so sure don't have money to replace a battery.
I will get to clicking in every program I can today, maybe I can reach payout in a couple of them.

In the meantime, over at gather I have put in 100 photos for a total of 1,000 bonus points. I will direct you to 1 of the zoo photo essays today, and if you click from there to view all the images from the post and click on some of the pictures too that way, it will really help me out. Hutchinson Zoo--August 20--Photo Essay

Have a great day! It's supposed to be hot today around 100 but right now it's damp and chilly and looking like rain.


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thursday August 21

Oh my goodness! I didn't mean to get to my blog so late.
We had a really good time at the park and zoo yesterday. The kids really loved it. I started out this morning by getting the pics on to the computer and re-sizing them. Then out of 60 pics I took, I used 36 of them in 3 different photo essays. So,360 bonus points will be coming my way tomorrow.
I will share one of those photo essays today of the kids in the park area. Fun at the Park--August 20--Photo Essay

I so exhausted. My running today started at 12:45 and just ended. I am so hungry that I am weak but supper will be done soon. Hopefully that will help my energy level as well. I don't have any evening plans other than making what money I can here on the computer.
Tomorrow morning I do have to work getting my bus aide training. Then later in the afternoon they are having a water fun and watermelon feed at Headstart. That should be both fun and relaxing.

Have a great evening!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Wednesday August 20

Good Morning!
The day has started well. Although, I should head on in to work and get all my tables set up and my dishes put away etc. and get that over with. Then I need to make a short shopping trip to the grocery store.

I am still busy putting in summer photos over at gather. But, today I put in a photo essay after a trip to the pet store to go with the Rainbow Connections color of the week, which is lime. Rainbow Connections-A Trip to the Pet Store in Lime--Photo Essay

There isn't much else going on to tell about. The bowling meeting went well last night and I can't wait to start bowling next week! We may go bowling Sunday afternoon to practice. I will have to start out with my 157 average and not have bowled since last season.

I plan to take the kids to the local zoo after Allen gets out of school this afternoon. That is if the weather cooperates. If we don't make it then we will try again on Friday.

Take care all and have a glorious day!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tuesday August 19

It's a beautiful day! A little busy today with Heather having her math tutoring and then this evening Steve and I go to the bowling meeting. Next Tuesday we start bowling again and I am excited to get back to it. An evening out really does me good.

I didn't come close to clearing out my gmail yesterday. It seems that the email comes in just as fast as I can delete it. I still have almost 6,000 emails in my inbox this morning. I will work on what I can of it today.

I'm really excited! Gather just started a point promotion. We receive 10 points for each summer themed photo that we post. We are allowed to repost any photos already in! I will be busy gift cards here I come!
This morning I put in the 15 photos that I took at our church swimming party and picnic. If you would like to take a look, you can start at the first picture then click next to move on to the next one.
Marsha's Photos on Gather

Have a great day and I will chat with you again tomorrow.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Monday August 18

Here we are, another Monday. It should be a great one! The only thing that I am aware of having to do today is to take my mom to her usual Monday dr. appt. I am working on getting through the over 7,000 email in my gmail right now and feel like I am moving right along with that.

The church swimming party and picnic was loads of fun last night. Steve paid my $1 to get in to the pool, so despite the cold water, I did get in. The weather cooperated nicely with us. It wasn't until we were all almost done eating that these storm clouds rolled in and it got windy and chilly. We made it through the clean up before any rain fell. It was really nice to get out and about and have some fun with family and friends.

Today's article I will share on gather is my weekly Freebies post. Freebies--Week of August 10
For some reason my cut and paste isn't working so I sure hope I typed that in right!

I think that is it for today. Wish me luck on my goal of clearing out and catching up on my gmail!


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sunday August 17

Good Sunday Morning! I am getting my blog written before church because it's going to be a busy Sunday. We have church, then a dinner following church. Once home I will do what I can on the computer while getting a cake baked. This evening is our swimming party and picnic for church. It's in a little town about 30 minutes away. Not sure if the weather is going to totally cooperate with the picnic plans, but I pray it does.

Today for my gather article to share, I would like to share what I posted to share what I made Willo for her birthday. Willo's Birthday Present Or a Use for Those Mismatched Socks

This week I will only work 2 days, Wednesday and Friday, then the following week I work each day. I'm sort of looking forward to it, but only for the paycheck part. I've made a savings goal and can't wait to see if I can stick to it and achieve my goals.

Have a great day!