
Saturday, July 26, 2008

Saturday July 26

I am behind! After 3 pm and I am just now blogging.
Yesterday ended up hot and not, off and on. It rained off and on, and during the rain it would drop to about 80 and be pleasant, then it would end and the humidity was terrible. It's pretty much doing the same today. The problem is that humidity is staying down here in the basement!

Last night when it started pouring rain I hurried so fast to roll the windows up on the van that I forgot to turn the ignition off. You guessed it, battery is now dead. I walked to the store and back a few minutes about hot! I haven't found anyone to give me a jumpstart yet.

I formed my own group over on gather. That way I can approve and comment on all posts that come through giving myself and others extra points! Should have done that a long time ago. Today's post that I want to share is the one I wrote about the flag that I won on gather. Received My Flag from the Paralyzed Veterans of America

Now I am going back to my 7 pages of gather email notifications. I don't think I will ever get them caught up, but I am trying!

Have a great day!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Friday July 25

The weekend is almost here. Looks like it's going to be a hot one. I am seeing the 5 day forecast still showing a high today of 100 then 99 and 98 the other days. I'm not going to believe it. The heat is unbearable out there! Yesterday when I went to pick Heather up one time and temp thing at a business was showing 108 at almost 7 pm!

I don't have any away from home plans today so I am hoping for a really good day on the internet. I'm getting ready to do my workout, then take a bath right now before I get going too much.

Yesterday I worked all morning looking at the sales ad at the store and going through my coupons. I wrote an article about my deals on gather. See What I got at the Grocery Store for $18.32 if you are interested. I wish I could shop and save that much all the time! I will have to work harder at that.

I am off. Stay cool and safe!


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thursday July 24

Good Morning!
Looks like a little break in the weather, today and tomorrow high is 100º LOL
Then it goes down to 99º and 98º.
I noticed yesterday that gas is down to $3.66, I'm in hopes it continues to go down. I put in 4 gallons on Monday at $3.77 a gallon. The time before that I only put in 3 gallons at $3.86 a gallon.

I finished sewing my table runner while Heather was at her dentist appointment. I did a post about it with a picture on gather. Table Runner

I am off today to work on my traffic exchanges to get my gather articles seen more. I'm still in hopes of reaching the 3,000 pts by the end of this month but still need 2,000 pts! I can't wait until Saturday to post my weekly freebies article as I've had a good week so far and still 3 mail days left!

Until tomorrow, stay safe and stay cool!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Wednesday July 23

Wow, after noon already and I am just now getting to my blog post. I've been working on some pictures for gather and an article. Also in the meantime working on some necessary cleaning and sorting here in the basement. Found some things that were lost that I wasn't looking for, but didn't find what I was looking for.....go figure.
Steve is supposed to be on his way over here to help me get this roll top desk out of the basement. It's been down here for over 50 years and is water logged among many other things and just plain not good for our health to be in here. Once it's gone I will bleach clean the whole area real well.

I finally got myself the lamp I wanted for behind my desk. It was marked down at Wal Mart from $9 to $7.50. Now I can actually see to do my crafts here at my desk!

Here is an article I wrote on gather about my little garden. My Little Garden Update

Won't share anything today, but I am off now to see if I've won anything at mycoolcontests and to get some more points and entries at spotwinner. See yesterday's post on spotwinner if you didn't already. Really cool site that is lots of fun too.

Stay cool!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tuesday July 22

OMG! The heat is about unbearable this week. Still in the triple digits and going to stay that way.
My son called me yesterday early afternoon to run him some places. I barely got his running done when it was time to take my mom to the doctor. Then after her appt. we put gas in the van and went to 3 stores. It was hot! I was out in it for 5 1/2 hours.

Today's plans include a dentist appointment for Heather,as well as this is her graduation day from her group therapy. Finally one less thing in the planner.

Here is my freebies article for the week at Gather. I'm already doing better on freebies this week in just one mail day! Freebies--Week of July 13

Today I would like to introduce you to spotwinner! This is a really neat and fun website. You watch commercials, answer a question and earn points and entries in for prizes. Even if you don't win any prizes you are still earning points that can be redeemed for a wide choice of gift cards! I hope you will check it out and join me in the fun that I am having.
BrandPort Sweeps

Until tomorrow, take care and do the best you can to stay cool!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday July 21

I was so busy yesterday that I didn't end up doing a blog post! I woke up, went out and got the Sunday paper. The Office Max ad called my name with several great deals on school supplies ranging from 1 cent to 50 cents. I headed out to Office Max right after church. While already out that way I knew I better make my trip to Wal Mart as well.
Once home I was exhausted, it was already 103º before noon. I laid down and took a nap. Once up, we headed to Steve's to swim. Home from Steve's it was time to get supper. Basically my only time online was after supper....but not until after I got everyone down here to the basement to help clean!
I did actually write 2 articles at gather yesterday as well as get my points to cash in for the other $25 Target with boomertowne.

I wrote up at article on my school supply shopping. School Supply Deals

I still plan on shopping at Walgreens for their deals when I take mom up that way to the doctor this afternoon.

It's going to be in the triple digits all week here! Stay cool!