
Saturday, July 19, 2008

Saturday July 19

Here it is, the weekend. I'm not sure what the plans are for this evening, swimming I am sure.

I'm busy putting in a lot of photos over at gather. I didn't write anything yesterday but I will share a picture of our new kitten.
Yummy Apple Oreo Ice Cream

I'm going to head over now and check to see if I've won anything at mycoolcontests. Then, I'm going to work away at boomertowne. I will be able to cash out today for another $25 Target gift card bringing my total to $150 there!

Thanks to all my friends who read my blogs each day :)


Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday July 18

Good morning! They are having 2 blocks of yard sales starting in the block next to mine today and tomorrow. Of course I had to go check them out. I am excited, I found a fairly large bag of netting to make scrubbies with! I seen a twin size bed I would loved to have bought for when I can make up the 2nd bedroom here in the basement. Ah, I held off not knowing when this plumbing will be fixed for me to be able to make the other room.

I finally won at! I wrote up about my win with pictures of what I won at gather if you would like to take a look. I still have no referrals there, which each referral will give me an additional entry into the drawing. Maybe reconsider and join and help me out? You just have to put in that marsha32 sent you on the line that asks.
My First mycoolcontest Wins!

The program I would like to tell you about today is another traffic exchange. It's been around since 2003 and is a really good one. You earn money while your sites are being seen, 30 cents for each 1000 sites you see with a low minimum payout of $3. I've been paid several times over the years and the traffic is great. You also earn 10 cents once your referral has surfed 100 pages, plus 10% of the credits they earn.

Here is wishing everyone a great start to their weekend!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thursday July 17

Whew! I've been out taking myself, my mom, and my oldest daughter to pick up commodities. Once home I did my walking for the day. It is already hot and sticky outside. Once I am done writing this I am going to jump in the tub before getting to into my online ventures.

I wrote up an article at gather on commodities if you would like to know more and see the list of foods we got.
Commodities July 17,2008

I sent in my samples to sample gal just over a week ago, so I will be in the upcoming campaign. If you don't know what sample gal is, it is a great way to support those who work at home. It's also a great way to get the word out about your work at home business by sending in samples to be put in the boxes. They have lowered the price to $9.99 a box plus shipping and are putting in more samples! You can check it out by clicking the banner.

p.s. They also offer a consultant program of their own.

May you all count your blessing this day,

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wednesday July 16

Wow, yesterday was a lot busier than I thought. I've been taxi to my mom for over a year, but now I am taxi to my son and oldest daughter as well. I need to get their schedules now too. I felt like all I did was run here, drop off here, pick up here all afternoon and evening yesterday.
I have to make a run and turn in paperwork at the SRS office today. I think other than maybe a short swim there is no other places I need to be, or that I have to take anyone else to.

Yesterday I wrote an article at gather yesterday on re-using tv dinner trays. These articles are for the frugal living and recycling groups that I belong to.
Re-Use Those TV Dinner Trays

Here is a nice traffic exchange if you need your sites seen. I use the built in rotator here to get my sites seen in other traffic exchanges as well. I am having a lot of fun with it and the traffic is good.

Until tomorrow, take care and stay safe,

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tuesday-July 15

A bit of a late start on my internet ventures this morning. We had our home visit this morning. All the grandkids spent the night, even the baby, so it was a chore getting them all breakfast and dressed.

No real plans for today. Heather will have her group. Other than that the plan is to swim for a bit at Steve's this evening.

I wrote some things at gather, but nothing of real interest to the general public, so I will put in an image today. It's Heather blowing out her candles for her 17th birthday.
Heather's 17th You will see Willo looking in the background from her playpen.

I stayed up past midnight last night, I am working to cash out for another $25 Target with boomertowne by the end of this week. I'm waiting for lunch to be ready then I am going to lay down for a bit...I have a killer toothache that hasn't let up much for over 3 weeks :(

Have a good day!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday--July 14

Good morning! It's Monday and let's all start the week off well.
No real plans for me outside the house other than taking my mom to her Monday Dr.appt.
I'm going to get started putting together Ariel's birthday present this week as well as getting some cleaning and organizing done down here in my living area.

Yesterday I wrote a book review on gather that I hope you will take a look at.
Living Beyond the Limits--Book Review

Short and sweet today, see you tomorrow. Until then, have a glorious day!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday Morning

It's Sunday morning. I am getting this written now because as far as I know we are taking all the kids to swim at Steve's again after church.
It ended up raining until evening yesterday. The sun decided to come out for a bit after we started up the grill. The kids got in the pool, but none of us adults LOL
It never got over 64ยบ yesterday so I was quite chilly.
After we ate we watched the movie Cars. I had never seen it until last night. It sure is a really cute movie.

I did get 90 points yesterday at gather, but has to be more than that each day if I am to reach the 3000 by the end of this month. I wrote 4 articles yesterday, one which was Freebies--Week of July 6

I think that is all for today. Have a blessed day!