
Saturday, May 24, 2008


Kansas was taken over by storms last night. Thankfully by the time the storm center reached our town the tornadoes has subsided. We still had winds between 80 and 90 miles per hour between 12:30 and 1:00 am.
I've been out this morning with the kids getting all the tree branches in to one pile. There are lots of them! One loose storm window fell on to my garden and broke. I hope if I go out and support the plants that it landed and broke on that they will survive. Sad thing is that storms are in the forecast for the next 5 days.

Today we are taking all the kids to the Kansas Cosmosphere. They are having an all day event today. They are upstairs getting breakfast and getting ready while I do some work on the computer.

Today's ebay listing is a textbook, Health For Life 5th grade.
I have several copies of this textbook if you are interested.

Have a good weekend and stay safe!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Good Friday Morning

I got in to a movie last night so didn't get to bed until after Midnight, and boy did I sleep in this morning! It was a nice change.
My planner is blank today...that means lots of time to get done what I want to get done.

The past couple of days I have been alternating between looking through boxes and doing crafts. I'm getting ready for our neighborhood yard sale June 7. I will be glad when the yard sale is over. None of this stuff will come back in to the house, it will be donated elsewhere. This will free up a whole other section down here in the basement for me to work with.

I have 2 auction listings to annouce today.
First, my listing for today on ebay is a Scott Foresman Reading Street 5 Practice Workbook

Then over on homeschoolbuy I listed a lot of 2 Houghton Mifflin English workbooks. These are teachers editions, therefore can not be listed on ebay. However, they are set up with the student worksheets in the front and the teacher answer sheets in the back of the books. Very nice set!

Have a great day and a blessed start to this long holiday weekend!

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Ok, so technically it's not summer yet, but it is for me. Today, the last day of public school and my last day of work until August. I'm excited to have the time off to concentrate on my online ventures as well as concentrate on getting my mom's house decluttered and fixed up.

I'm heading out soon to go the awards presentation at my grandson's school then bring him home. Later Heather has her group therapy. Jasmine is sick to her stomach today :(

Today's ebay listing is a McGraw Hill 6th grade grammar workbook.

It's dark and gloomy outside, they are calling for rain for the next 3 days. High's still in the 80's.

Have a great rest of the week!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


We've made it to Wednesday and only today and tomorrow left of public school here.
Heather made herself a doctor appt this morning at the same time as I have to be at work...guess that doesn't take much off me, just drop her off and she will walk home when she's done. She will have her weekly math tutoring this afternoon, something we are planning to continue each week thruout the summer as well.

NOthing on the agenda for this evening so that means boomertowne, boomertowne and boomertowne LOL I can get enough points today to cash out for a $25 gift card!
I am having a lot of fun there. My daily routine includes chatting for a bit, then playing a game of sodoku and a game of mah jong. I also play the daily trivia game. Then I go on to my profile and accept any new friend requests, then go to my list of friends and leave some comments to their profiles. I then do a lot of friend requesting. Then, I am off to post in 2 discussions for the day, then off to take a look at and rate some of the recipes. Last but not least I check the news and the weather.
I still do need some referrals to get the 20,000 pt bonus this month if any of you are interested, please email me at with boomertowne in the subject.

Today's ebay listing is a lot of 4 sets of Rocket Readers levels 2 and 3.

Have a great day and let's keep on earning!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Good morning! I was just looking at the 5 day forecast and it looks like its going to be a bit cooler again for the rest of the the 80's. Just about perfect for me.

We have a home visitor this afternoon and Heather has her group therapy. I thought that was a 12 week course but I guess it's 18 weeks so she still has 6 more weeks counting this week.

My garden is still doing well. The lettuce is still growing. The carrots are starting to sprout. There are even flowers on 2 of my tomato plants. We had a bit of rain last night so I don't have to water this morning.
There is something strange growing out there. I think it looks like mom says its just a weed LOL However, the neighbor man and my boyfriend both said rhubarb right away too. How it got there?? Who knows! It's getting larger everyday.

Today's ebay listing is a textbook. Speech for Effective Communications. Heather just finished this book this past week.

Have a great day!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Happy Monday

Looks like the high is in the 90's again today. When it decided to finally get warm it went all out. I don't have anything written in my planner today, so just the usual work, getting Jr to school and back and getting my mom to her Monday dr appt....still enough to keep me more than busy.
This is the last week of public school, but I will still work with the girls here at home through next week as well.

Today's ebay listing is Country Wisdom & Know-How Everything You Need to Know to Live Off the Land. I pulled some great resources and information from this book.

Here's to a productive Monday to all,

Sunday, May 18, 2008


I say wowzer because I didn't seem to be myself yesterday. After not being on the computer most of the day I just didn't really want to be on in the evening. I did a few of my programs then went upstairs and crocheted on the prayer shawl while I watched a movie with my mom.

I'm not sure what I will accomplish today....only time will tell on that one! I started reading in to another great book and know I will be reading more of it today. I also want to try to visit at least most of my regular websites and go through my email accounts, which I didn't even open either one of yesterday.

Today I have listed Abeka Enjoying Good Health plus 2 answer keys 5th grade on ebay.

Have a great end to your weekend!