
Saturday, May 17, 2008

Fun Saturday

The morning started with going to a string of garage sales. I got some pretty good deals.
After that I took my mom to the Farmer's Market. We didn't find much there at all except signs hung up apologizing because of the late Spring weather this year.
Once home I started making ice cream in maker that I bought at one of the sales.

Before the ice cream was done it was time to head to the Kansas Splashdown. This place is awesome fun! It's our indoor water park. I love the waterslides the most. We rarely go because of the cost to get in, but today we went with the Headstart group. We did volunteer work of some sort each month of the school year and this was our end of the year party for the volunteers.

Please click on the button on the top for information on the Under The Rainbow Birthday Celebration coming up soon! We need both vendors as well as customers to help us celebrate 5 years!

Today'e ebay listing is another product by JD Premium Products. Burst of Radiance Green Tea Bar soap--2 bars. These retail for $14.99

Thanks gang,

Friday, May 16, 2008


Again we have made it to Friday. Nothing really in today's plans except school work with the girls and doing what I can online, and cleaning up a bit around here. I already did one load of laundry but have all the bedding to wash yet.

I got busy yesterday working on the prayer shawl that I am making for church. I only have 4 more colors to put in and put the fringe on and I should be able to complete that today.

Today I listed a bottle of Radiance Intensive Therapy Hand & Body Lotion from JD Premium Products on ebay. This retails for $15.95 and you can start the bid for a low .99! Great stuff!

You also might want to look at all the awesome products that JD Premium Products offers. The business opportunity is great. Where else can you get a real business for as low as $13.97 a month. That price includes your monthly autoship and your storefront website!
You can check it out at

Have an awesome weekend!

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Good Morning! Looks like they have taken the rain out of the forecast and are just calling for clouds. That will be great if it doesn't least not until after lunch, after the big cookout at work.

I got busy last night and cut more least until my box was so full I couldn't fit anymore in. I took all the expireds out of my notebook and got the letters a-c done. At least I am getting somewhere on it.
Now I sit working on my paperwork. I've been bad and just let it pile up on my desk instead of getting it written and put away right away.

Today's ebay item in Abeka Matter & Motion in God's Universe 8 with answer key. I hope ebay lets me list it with the answer key. I searched and others had it listed that way.

Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Here it is Wednesday. I got Allen off to school, only 6 school days left after today.
I went out to water the garden and see that the lettuce is sprouting....maybe in a few weeks we can eat some garden fresh lettuce.

I'm disappointed in netwinner. They have chosen to refund everyone's points instead of fulfilling cash outs we've already been waiting 6 months for. Now all we can do with our points is enter raffles. I've never been too fortunate in this area, but I used some of my points that way. I probably will continue to play at netwinner just because it's habit...and it plays in the background while I do several other sites.

Looks like todays high is 70. They are still calling for rain tomorrow and a high of only 65 for our cookout day at work. well over 600 people to feed will make for a crowded inside the school if it rains.

todays ebay listing is Homemaking for teen-agers. Published in 1966...I love this textbook!

Almost time for work....have a great day!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Tuesday!

Good Morning to my online friends. Today should be a good day. We have an extra appointment this afternoon, and Heathers Tuesday group, but I think thats it for today.
I am in hopes of working on more coupons today. I'm closer to getting them cut out and in to my box, then I have the work of organizing them in to my notebook. I didn't make my goal of having them done by Sunday evening, but at least I am progressing with them.

Today's ebay listing is the Readers Digest book free money free stuff.
Great resource book, that in today's economy everyone should read and follow.

I'm over half way to the points I need at boomertowne to get my first $25 gift card. I'm going to head there now before work for more points. I can still use referrals this month. If you are interested in getting in on the fun just send me an email to with boomertowne in the subject line and I will email you a referral email.

Have a glorious day!

Monday, May 12, 2008


The week starts again. I got Allen Jr, off to school, a few minutes late due to getting stopped by a long train, but lots of other parents got stopped by the same train.

Today's plans include a dentist appointment for Heather and my mom's usual Monday doctor appointment. That's it as far as I know other than the usual daily stuff. I only have 2 more weeks of work, then I can really concentrate on my computer things as well as getting more done around the house too. I'm really looking forward to the available time.

I'm back to thinking its never going to be really warm. They say today's high will be 77, then it drops back down to 69 and storms tomorrow. Not to get out of the 60's for highs the rest of the week. I don't know if its really the weather or if it's
me just being cold because of being in a basement. I know I've rarely not worn a jacket constantly.

Anyway, today's ebay listing is a computer dvd/cd rom game...Arthur and the Invisibles.

Have a great day!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mothers Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all!
It's been a good day, just getting on here late with other more pressing things going on :)
We went to church where all the lady's got carnations. After church Steve (my boyfriend) took his mother, me, and my mother out for dinner. That was good.
He also gave my mom a dozen red roses and a box of chocolates. Wowie, he went all out.
My 16 yr old, Heather, is to be fixing dinner for us this evening.

We will have Bible study this evening. I can't wait since we missed last Sunday's study. It's me and Heathers turn to take the snacks for the evening.

Today's ebay listing is Pilates DVD and Book

Once again, a Happy Mothers Day to all,