
Saturday, April 26, 2008

Refreshing Sleep was so nice to sleep in! My grandson spent the night with his dad, Araya fell asleep upstairs, so I only had Ariel in bed with me last night. Another reason why I probably got more refreshing sleep too LOL

You may have guessed, I didn't get all those scrubbies made yesterday. For one thing, I didn't realize just how much materials I had on hand. For another, I didn't really get started on them until evening time.
I will try to finish them up today, then I want to move on to finishing up a prayer shawl that I started for church.

I get to stay home today, other than taking my mom to JC Penney's to get my son a pair of jeans for his birthday. Woo Hoo! These days of lots of home time just don't happen very often.

Today's ebay listing is another Psychology textbook.

Yesterday I signed up to do 2 online parties in June with Regina. I will have more info on that as the time gets closer. June will also be the Birthday Celebration event at Under The Rainbow as well.

That's all for today...Have a blessed day!


Friday, April 25, 2008

We made it to Another Friday

It's Friday! I do have to work today...1-3 pm for the last session of our Power Panthers at work.
My birthday was pretty nice yesterday despite the fact that I had to run, run, run and run some more and got very little time online.
I came home at one point and found a card up on my monitor from my boyfriend. It's one of those musical ones and he put a $10 bill inside.
My mom gave me a necklace/earring set, some hand lotion and a lip balm from Avon.
My 16 yr old Heather, got me a whole bag of goodies...a candle, a candle holder, some body spray, some hair clips, a heart pillow and a card with a nice note inside from her.
My 22 year old, Elizabeth, and my almost 25 year old, Johnathon got together....Johnathon got me a yellow garden hose. Elizabeth got me a yellow spray nozzle for the hose, yellow gardening gloves and a yellow handled garden shovel. (yellow is my favorite color)

The Lord of the Rings curriculum came in the mail yesterday. Wowser! It's a lot larger than I thought. The student workbook is 620 pages. I am making 2 copies of each page, one for Heather and one for Jasmine. This way, when we are done with it I can resell it blank to someone else. I started making copies last night and finished what I could this morning. I got up to page 130 before I ran out of paper.

I finished my craft order and it's ready to mail. This gal is putting together baskets for gifts for 2 weddings she is attending. I plan to do the same at Christmas time, making each person up a gift basket. They will be varied depending on the person.

I hope to get all of the materials I have for scrubbies made in to scrubbies today.

Today's ebay list is is A Casebook for English teachers. A great teaching resource.

Here's a great start to your weekend!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Yep, today is my birthday. Now isn't it too bad I just can't sit and work on my computer all day? lol.
Time to be at work will be here before I know it. After work I am in hopes of loading up the boxes of clothing my mom wants to take to the Goodwill store. Then I want to grocery shop at Aldi's. I need to go to Hobby Lobby to buy netting to make dish scrubbies for an order I rec'd last night. And, the usual Thursday agenda of getting Heather to her group and my mom to her doctor appointment.

I'm sitting here with 8 month old granddaughter, Willo, on my lap so it's hard to type. Mommy and Daddy had to go return the U-Haul they used yesterday to go to Bazine and pack up the rest of their house there. My mom isn't dressed yet to watch her. She's a sweetie though and seems to be growing up pretty fast right now, doing new things each day.

We had LOTS of rain and severe thunderstorms in our area yesterday. How exciting it was to drive to Wichita in pouring down rain and lightening that seems to be hitting straight down in front of you....not. We made it there and back safely though thank the Lord. It's still looking pretty blah outside this morning.

Today's ebay listing is a textbook, Intermediate Algebra

Have a great day!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

(sigh) Another Busy Day

(sigh)'s another busy day. Even the morning started out with a trip to the store after taking my grandson to school before I could get on here. I have to be at work in 30 minutes. After work I don't get much time before we have to head off to Wichita for Heathers dental checkup. Then, once home it will be worry about supper and head out to take some kids to Awanas, and the rest of us will go to family fun night at our church. (sigh) LOL

The good thing will be that while we drive to Wichita, and while we sit in the office, and on the drive back home I will be working on cross magnets and coasters.

Today's ebay listing is All About Child Care from the Nova University curriculum

I also have gone through this morning and lowered many of the prices of my books at if you would like to check that out.

Until tomorrow, everyone have a nap for me ok?


Tuesday, April 22, 2008


What will Tuesday bring? It's our last night of bowling. The season is over and tonight is fun/awards night. Steve and I do bowl again on Sunday in the Hutchinson News tournament. Hopefully we will bowl at least a few times over the summer before the league season starts again.
Heather will have her group therapy today. We have our one home visitor scheduled this afternoon too. I guess he came last week while we were in Wichita with Heather.

I'm in hopes that the Lord of the Rings curriculum I ordered from Cindy will come in the mail today. I think the girls will really enjoy learning out of it. If you want to check it out, you can find it at
That is what I ordered.

Today's ebay listing is a textbook of Brief Applied Calculus.

Ok, off to get some clicking in before work. Have a glorious day!


Monday, April 21, 2008

Back to work I go....

After a week off, it's back to work I go. Nope, I don't look forward to it, but only 1 more month of school left. Then, I can see what kind of money I can make on this computer over the summer.

Today's plans just include work, getting Jr to school and back, and taking my mom to her doctor appointment. Other than that, working on what crafts I can, cutting and sorting some coupons, doing school work with the girls and getting done what I can here on the computer. All of those last 4 are daily though LOL

Today's ebay listing is a Zig Zigler book entitled Raising Positive Children in a Negative World.

Until tomorrow, have a great day!


Sunday, April 20, 2008

It's a Busy Sunday

Yes, it will be a busy Sunday today. We start out with church. Shortly after church we will head out and Bowl for Kids Sake, benefiting our local Big Brothers/Big Sisters. I hope to then get in some computer time before supper and then we head out to Bible study at church.

I doubt that I accomplish much else today. I am listing my daily ebay listing early. Today's listing is another psychology textbook.

The weather looks good for today! Seems I can't get in to the weather at iwon today, but it is showing a high of 80 for today, then 76 tomorrow and 72 for Tuesday. Sounds great to me.

Have a blessed Sunday,